Bipolar disease is one kind of a psychological disorder and comes under category of chronic illness. One can overcome this mental health condition only with help of medication, lifestyle changes and therapy. But, sticking to only one treatment may not prove beneficial. This disorder involves major changes in mood and energy. This disorder is responsible for spoiling all areas of person’s life including relationships, work and daily functioning. Most of doctors say that, bipolar disorder becomes worse, if proper care is not taken. As a result, early detection and proper care is considered to be a key to treat this mental health condition. People generally go through first experience of bipolar disorder during teenage years or early adulthood. But, diagnosing this disease at initial stage is quite difficult. Manic depression is believed to be a one serious disorder. The exact cause that leads to this disorder is still not recognized. Generally people believe that, imbalance in the neurotransmitters is leading reason behind occurrence of this disease. Studies indicate that, this disease can be inherited, if a close family member has affected by it. Besides, use of certain medication, excessive stress and certain diseases are also responsible behind occurrence of maniac depression. Totally curing bipolar disorder is impossible because it involves so many behaviors. But, with therapy and lifestyle changes at least one can keep it in control. For people suffering from bipolar disorder, highly recommended medicines include lithium, anticonvulsants and atypical antipsychotic medicines. These medicines are proven useful but carry some side effects too. To obviate the same problem, it would be better if person opt some natural remedies in order to deal with bipolar disorder.

Limit caffeine and nicotine:-

Caffeine and nicotine both components works as a stimulants and also responsible for aggravating symptoms. Excess consumption of caffeine brings obstacle in sleeping habits.

Balanced diet:-

Bipolar disorder can be treated easily by eating right foods and in appropriate proportion. The diet of people suffering from this disorder must be filled with fresh vegetables, legumes, low-fat dairy products, eggs, fruits, nuts, whole-grains and so on. Including fish in diet is also considered helpful because fish contains omega-3 fatty acids in rich concentration. But, it is not much capable to control manic disorder. In addition, a person need to obviate meals comprising of red meat, high fats, alcohol and sugar.


A daily exercise is must to stay fit and to stay away from diseases. Everyday exercise helps to enhance the mood of person, which in turn help substantially for person affected with bipolar disorder. Yoga works more wonder than simple exercises like jogging and walking. Yoga is one such exercise which helps to relax the body and mind. One can also choose the option of meditation. Meditation helps a lot to a person suffering from excessive stress and tension. In fact, it helps a person to obtain calmness and inner peace.

Calming herbs:-

Some of herbs naturally support a lot in controlling maniac depression. Among several, lavender is one, which aids in soothing the person and declines the possibilities of any emotional triggers. Passiflora incarnata, is another herb which gives same calming effect. These soothing herbs are well known for balancing the neurotransmitters in the brain. As you know, without proper functioning of neurotransmitters, there is no meaning to treat bipolar disorder.


Some of recent studies have disclosed that, acupuncture is best treatment to get rid of bipolar disease. In treatment of acupuncture, needles are inserted at pressure point of body. So, consequently aids in balancing the central nervous system. Besides, also controls body temperature, sleep patterns and heart rate.

Ayurveda and homeopathic remedies:-

Homeopathy is also one effective solution for naturally treating bipolar disorder.  It provides you best herbs such as hyoscyamus and tarantula, which support in diminishing the spells of maniac depression. There are numerous best herbs and therapies in Ayurveda as well, which also proven helpful in controlling maniac depression.

Reduce stress:-

Try your level best to reduce stress at work by keeping regular hours. As you know, stress is one of biggest culprit of bipolar disorder. It gives rise to develop many unhealthy habits like addiction of smoking, alcohol and illegal drugs, which consequently result in several mental disorders. As a result, say no to stress by taking counseling help. If possible, indulge in stress relief techniques like yoga, meditation and give time for personal pleasure activities to avoid stress. Stress is one such enemy, which triggers a manic or depressive episode. Therefore, it is vital to pan some recreation in a day, even though it may for a short span.

Get adequate sleep:-

Sufficient sleep is necessary not only to keep mood stable but also to reduce irritability. If you notice trouble while sleeping, limit caffeine and plan exercise for early morning. If this formula does not work, seek for medical help. Your physician may guide you properly and may help you to stay away from sleep disorder. Remember, adequate sleep is must to keep mind relax and for overall well being of health.

Void unhealthy relationships:-

There are some relationships that promote unhealthy behaviors, which are responsible for triggering depression or mania. In fact, this kind of relationship aggravates bipolar disorder. Therefore, try your best to keep contact with people with positive influences.

Kick unhealthy habits:-

Addiction of alcohol and other harmful substances is most common among people suffering from bipolar disorder. Keep in mind, this give rise to enhance risk of depression or risk taking behavior. If you find difficulty to quit this habit on your own, then take professional help.


Massage therapy is another effective option to manage bipolar disorder. Along with meditation and yoga, massage therapy works wonder in reducing stress and anxiety.


There are numerous supplements are available in market, which are especially intended for treating bipolar disorder. But, it is necessary to take doctors advice before taking any of such supplements because they carry some side effects too.

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