Ajwain belong to the family of Apiacean (umbelliferae) and it is botanically term as Trachyspermum copticum. The seeds of ajwain are used for culinary as well as medicinal purposes to treat the various health ailments. Strongly pungent and aromatic ajwain seeds are olive green or brown in color. They look similarly like cumin or caraway seeds and have vertical stripes on their outer surface. The seed, oil, flowers and extract are utilized as a medicine in order to treat various diseases. In fact, ajwain seed oil contains rich source of thymol. It is believed to be originated in Indian subcontinent. The plant grows up to 2-3 feet in height and it is cool season annual herbs. This herb consists of tiny white-petal flowers and ready for harvest by the end of the winter or sometimes early spring. This popular herb is loaded with essential nutrients and it keeps several disorders at bay. Hence, the miraculous health benefits of this herb are mentioned below which will help you to overcome various diseases.


1)   Relieve stomachache:-

It is one of well known benefits of carom seeds. Take few carom seeds and pinch of salt and then sip with warm water. It is quite popular and effective home remedy to get rid of indigestion and stomach pain. People with indigestion or anorexia should take 1 tbsp ajwain seed along with food.

2)   Improves sex life:-

Simply mix carom seeds with tamrind, honey, ghee and milk then take this mixture to reduce sexual disability. Daily intake of this mixture may help you to increase vitality and libido.

 3)   Reduces acidity:-

Carom seeds play a crucial role in reducing acidity. Take a mixture of 1 tbsp of carom seeds with 1 tbsp of cumin seeds daily with some ginger powder. If you follow this natural remedy you may get relief from acidity and acid reflux problems.

4)   Cures Asthma:-

Carom seeds acts a bronchodilator and it makes breathing pattern easier. The person affected with asthma should take the paste of carom seeds with jiggery twice in a day to get relief from asthma.

5)   Helps to get rid of alcohol addiction:-

Due to the excessive consumption of alcohol people often experience the problem of acute stomach pain. Excessive alcohol consumption badly affects the overall health of person as well. Hence, take the extraction of carom seeds in the dose of 30 ml at night for at least 50 days. This remedy may beneficial you to get rid of the habit of alcohol addiction.

 6)   Effective for losing weight:-

Carom seeds are known to have appetite stimulating properties. Daily intake of soaked carom seeds with half glass of water on an empty stomach is one of the best way to lose excess weight. Since this remedy dissolve the fats. Another option is simply consume raw 1 tbsp of carom seeds on an empty stomach in every morning as it loses around 4-5 kg weight in a month at some extent.

7)   Helps to overcome piles:-

Take pomegranate flowers, poppy seeds and dried neem leaves. Then mix all these ingredients and take that mixture with milk twice in a day to overcome piles. It is considered to be one of the great remedy during bleeding piles. Besides that, Drink buttermilk along with carom seeds powder and rock salt after lunch or dinner to minimize the piles problem at some extent.

 8)   Helps to alleviate rheumatic and arthritic pain:-

Carom seeds are known to have anti-inflammatory and anaesthetic properties. Carom seeds are a good way to alleviate pain causes due to rheumatism and arthritis. Keep soaking your aching joints in a basin of warm water with a few seeds of carom seeds. Otherwise you just crush the seed and apply the paste on the affected area to get the instant relief.

 9)   Reduces pain cause due to migraine:-

Take a smell of carom seeds wrap in the tissue paper. This is one of the easiest ways to reduce migraine headache. Apart from that this remedy is quite beneficial to burn and inhaled other problems that are associated with head at some extent.

 10)                      Promotes healthy heart:-

Carom seeds contain an excellent source of niacin, thymol and other essential vitamins. Hence, plays a key role in maintaining overall heart health. In addition it has anti-inflammatory properties that enhance nerve impulses and overall circulation within the heart. So, daily take carom seeds boiled in hot water on an empty stomach for proper functioning of heart. This remedy keeps several heart diseases at bay. Otherwise you just mix 1 tbsp of jiggery with carom seeds in order to keep heart healthy and to prevent several cardiac diseases.

11)                      Cures hiccups:-

Due to anti-inflammatory properties of carom seeds, it reduces inflammation and soothes irritated nerves. In fact carom seeds are known to stop hiccups instantly. Simply have raw carom seeds with a few sips of water to abolish hiccups instantly.

12)                      Gives relief from earache:-

Carom seeds are known to have antiseptic properties. Mix carom seeds with garlic and sesame oil as it provides instant relief from earache. If you are suffering from earaches which causes due to congestion, you can stir up carom seeds with milk. Then put few drops of that mixture in the ear to get rid of pain and discomfort.

13)                      Prevent diabetes:-

Take 1 tbsp carom seeds, 4 tbsp of bael leaves juice and mix both together. Then have that mixture 2-3 times in a day. This remedy has proven beneficial in polyuria, which is commonly found in the condition of diabetes.

14)                      Reduces mouth problems:-

Carom seeds are proven beneficial to cure tooth pain. Simply floss your mouth with the help of clove oil, carom oil and water in order to treat tooth decay, bad breath and decay. It is said to one of the great remedy to maintain overall oral hygiene.

15)                      Other health benefits

  • Effective for common cold, cough and fever
  • Improves digestive ability and reduces constipation problems
  • Reduces menstrual cramps
  • Reduce kidney disorders
  • Removes pimples and stops graying of hair


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