Joint pain can take place in any part of the body but it is most common in knees, shoulders and hips. Stiffness, swelling and redness of the joint are the most common symptoms which are accompanied by this pain. This condition is commonly linked with aging, which occurs due to degeneration of the joint. There are various causes which are related with joint pain includes  osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, bursitis, strain or sprain, bursae, gout, overuse of particular joint, some old injury that left untreated, and obesity. Even pregnant women may also suffer from this condition particularly in the third trimester. The severity of pain can be range from mild to severe. When severe joint pain occurs due to degenerative conditions like arthritis, it needs proper diagnosis and treatment. If the joint pain is accompanied by redness or tenderness, swelling and if it remain more than 3-4 days then immediately consult to your physician. However, below listed home remedies may also help you to overcome mild joint pain.


Take bath with Epsom salt:-

Taking bath with adding some Epsom salt in warm water is considered as most effective home remedy. Magnesium is the key component of Epsom salt, which is known to have anti-inflammatory properties. Thus, simply mix around 2 cups of Epsom salt in the warm water in your bathtub and take a bath with this water for 30 minutes. Follow this remedy to get relief from mild joint pain.


Massage therapy is another effective remedy that relieves joint pain by improving circulation and soothing inflammation. Several studies have disclosed that massage can improve stiffness, pain and range of motion in the affected joint. Hence massage with several warm oil like olive, mustard, castor, coconut or garlic oil to the affected area gently in order to get relief from the inflammation. Besides that, massaging with warm oil can also show desired results. In addition, stretching exercises are also beneficial as they help to make your joints supple and flexible. These exercises play a significant role in strengthening the muscles of the joint areas.

Make use of hot and cold compresses:-

Alternating use of hot and cold compresses may help you in alleviating joint pain. Heat therapy is particularly believed to be effective in reducing pain, enhancing blood flow and helps to relax sore muscles and joints. On the other hand, cold therapy is known for reducing inflammation and numbs in the affected area. Always wrap both compresses in separate towel before using and do not apply directly without wrapping to the skin. Initially place the hot compress on the affected area for almost 3 minutes. Then remove first compress and immediately place a cold compress for 1 minute. Follow this process daily around 15-20 minutes until you get complete relief. There is one precaution which you must not ignore that, never use heat therapy if the affected area is red, hot and irritated. Whereas do not make use of cold therapy if you are suffering from circulatory problem.

Apple cider vinegar:-

Apple cider vinegar is considered beneficial since it eradicates accumulated toxins from the joints and connective tissues, which in turn reduces joint pain. It contains an excellent source of mineral such as calcium, potassium, phosphorus and magnesium. This is because mix 1-3 tbsp of organic apple cider vinegar and a teaspoon of honey in a cup of warm water. Drink this mixture twice or thrice in a day before meals. Follow this simple remedy on daily basis as it not only cures joint pain but also well for overall health. Besides that, mix 1 tbsp of each apple cider vinegar and olive oil and massage the affected area, follow it until you get relief.


It holds an abundant source of sulfur and selenium. Hence, it is said to be most beneficial for people affected with arthritis and joint pain. Sulfur helps to ease out joint pain and inflammation. Research indicates that, the selenium content present in garlic is known to have an antirheumatic effect. Include raw or cooked garlic in your regimen and if you don’t like the taste of garlic then give preference to other garlic supplements.

Stinging nettle:-

This herb is said to be effective in order to treat joint pain. Since it is known to have active compound which plays a crucial role in reducing inflammation and it holds rich source of boron as well. It is one kind of mineral which promotes healthy bones and joints. As a result, steep 2-3 tbsp of dried nettle leaves in a cup of hot water for 10-15 minutes and then drink like a tea. Follow this method thrice in a day until you get the desire results. Apart from that you can simply place leaves of this herb on the affected area for 30 minutes. Follow this process until a week or more to get rid of joint pain. Consider one fact that this herb can interfere with blood thinners, blood pressure, heart and diabetes medications.


The anti-inflammatory properties present in ginger have made it an excellent natural remedy particularly to treat muscle and joint pain. Hence, simply drink ginger tea otherwise you can include ginger root or dried ginger powder in your daily diet. Besides that, you can mix equal amount of fenugreek, ginger and turmeric powder. After that, start taking daily 1 tbsp of that mixture once in the morning and evening to get the positive results.


It acts as a pain reliever and contains a compound called capsaicin. Simply take heat 1 ½ cup of coconut oil and mix 2 tbsp of cayenne powder in it. Finally apply on the affected area then leave for 20-30 minutes and wash it off. Follow it until you get complete relief from pain. Otherwise simply use a capsaicin cream gently on the affected area.


Take little honey, 1 tbsp of turmeric powder and mix both ingredients in a glass of warm milk. Drink this mixture daily in order to get relief from joint pain. There is another option that you can consume 250 to 500 mg turmeric tablets daily 3 times in a day. But take doctor consultation first before following both remedies. Since turmeric can interfere with medication like blood thinner and can even make worse the problem of gallbladder.

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