Erectile dysfunction is a difficulty that destroys the sex life of a person so much that he has no energy left with him to carry out any other activity in his life. It is a problem that is a majorly related to the man’s erectile ability. Due to erectile dysfunction it becomes very difficult for an individual to attain penile erection and maintain it for the desired period of time. It is one of the most annoying and frustrating situation that kills the romance between the couples. At times, when a man is expected to give his partner the required satisfaction, but he are unable due to erectile dysfunction and eventually affect the overall growth of his relationship.
There are several causes of this disorder that generally are psychological or physical. Some of the commonly included physical causes of impotency are diabetes, heart disease, blood pressure problem, injury to the sex organ or spinal cord, pancreatitis, etc. All these physical disorders may lead to serious problem affecting the sexual capabilities of the person.
There are several psychological reasons also that may lead to erectile dysfunction. Male impotence is such a disorder that may lead to the various chaos taking place in our everyday life. Some of the most devastating psychological consequences of erectile dysfunction can be as follows.
Depression- This one can be the most serious cause of impotency in men which may even lead to the permanent loss of interest in sex or separation. It is important to understand the cause of the depression in the person so that and immediate cure can be found. It can be really unsafe if it is not treated instantly or left untreated.
Stress- Stress is one of the most common problems faced by men in the modern times. Our day-to-day stress can be of various types such as relationship problem, work related, money related, personal issue, etc. Usually, even stress lead to lots of pressure on your mind and has a detrimental effect on your body if happen on a large quantity.
Anxiety- the moment the person starts to suffer from ED, he becomes excessively conscious that he might face it again and lead to a new problem named anxiety of the performance. This is basically the fear of sexual failure.
Guilt- Guilt comes into the picture when a man starts feeling that he is unable to satisfy his partner needs. This feeling of being guilty is constantly kills by making him feel that he is not doing his bit to strengthen the relationship. The fact that he is unable to satisfy his partner makes him helpless and impotent.
Though there are several medicines that can help you make this problem go away forever. Medicines such as, Generic Viagra, Silagra, Kamagra, Caverta, Kamagra Oral Jelly, Suhagra, Penegra, Kamagra Soft Tab, etc. are highly safe and successful brands of Generic anti-ED drugs. Enjoy a healthy and a safe sex life with all these Sildenafil Citrate based drugs.