A Balanced Diet Is Essential To Earn Better Health

Our diet plays a very important role and it greatly affects our body. Therefore it is essential to keep a close track on what we eat. This habit will decide the general condition of your body and mind. in order to keep yourself healthy and energetic it is important for us to intake right amount of nutrients that our body requires. It is a a proven fact that a balanced diet will give you a healthy life.

A healthy balanced diet means eating a proportionate diet containing all the essential components in right amount. Essential elements such as Carbohydrates, fiber, fats, vitamins, mineral, and proteins right amount of these components to your diet make a healthy balanced diet. One may consume all these components in the form of fruits, vegetables, cereals, minerals and water, missing any of these will unbalance and disturb your healthy lifestyle.

Let’s find how these essential components benefit us by giving us a better health;

Carbohydrates: It is vital because it provides energy to our body. It is obvious that one may not be able to work both physically and mentally if he/she lacks for energy. Furthermore if you are not taking adequate amount of carbohydrates then exhaustion or tiredness will kick into your life. Ideally your daily diet must contain 40-60% of carbohydrates.

Fiber: Fiber is another essential component that too shows certain significant importance in maintaining right amount of fitness in our body.

Fats: There is a huge misconception among people that fats are unhealthy and bad for our health. Well the fact is, it is as important as other components but strictly needs to be taken in the right amount. Other important of fats is that it protects our certain life sustaining organs such as heart, liver, kidney, etc.

Vitamins: we all know the deficiency of any vitamin can bring n various health complications. Green vegetable, fruits, grains, milk, etc are great sources for vitamins for our body. To provide enough amounts of vitamins to your body it is essential for you to add right amount of fruits and vegetables to live healthily.

Minerals: There are certain mineral such as iron, sodium, potassium, etc. that are necessary for the right function of various organs of our body. It is important to consume an adequate amount of all these minerals daily because our body is unable to produce them.

Proteins: protein is an important component that plays a important role that enable our body to perform certain important functions. Intake of right amount of protein even enables us to fight again certain illnesses and infectious diseases.

Water: 70% Human body is made up of water hence, it is necessary for us to maintain the right amount of water in our body. Without water it is impossible for us to digest the food. There are various health complications that you might face or suffer from if you are not consuming adequate amount of water. Ideally a person must consume minimum 7-8 glass of water in a day.

Let’s all understand that eating a balanced diet means eating the right food at the right time and right quantity. After all it’s a very well said that “Healthy is our greatest wealth”. And to safe this wealth we do not need a locker but a healthy routine and take it as a part of our lifestyle.

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