Advantages and Disadvantages of Air Conditioners

Air conditioners are the best way of beating the scorching summer heat. They can be helpful in making the hot summer days bearable and also improve the indoor air quality. By changing the temperature of the air conditioner according to your needs, you can feel comfortable in all seasons. However, air conditioners can also increase the risk of certain health problems, especially when you fail to clean and maintain them properly. This article explains some of the major advantages and disadvantages of using air conditioners.

Advantages of using an Air Conditioner

Prevents Dehydration and Heat strokes

Being exposed to excessive heat for long periods can cause dehydration. This is because high temperature leads to profuse sweating and makes your body lose water. If you fail to replenish this lost water, the result will be dehydration. Since air conditioners reduce sweating, they can minimize the risk of water loss and dehydration.

Heat strokes are another problem that excessive heat can cause. This is because too much heat can make it difficult for the body to regulate its temperature. Failing to treat this problem early enough can cause damage to the brain and other organs of the body. Since air conditioners reduce the temperature of the air, they can be helpful in preventing heat strokes.

Improves the Quality of Air

Air conditioners can significantly improve indoor air quality and create a much healthier atmosphere. This is because they are capable of flittering out pollen, dust, and other allergens present in the environment. By reducing humidity, air conditioners can check the growth of mildew and mold.

Helps to Reduce Asthma and Allergies

Air conditions can help to filter as well as disinfect the air that we breathe. This can help to reduce the risk of asthma attacks and allergies by removing pollen and dust, and also preventing the growth of mildew and mold. Being exposed to mold is one of the main factors that increase the risk of asthma attacks, allergic reactions, and other respiratory issues. The fact that we close our windows while using air conditioners helps to prevent the entry of environmental allergens, bacteria, and dust.

Disadvantages of using an Air Conditioner

Skin Dryness

Spending increased amount of time in an air-conditioned room can make your skin lose its moisture, thereby becoming sensitive and dry. It can also cause irritation and dryness of the mucous membrane.

Aggravation of Respiratory Problems

A sudden change in temperature has shown to exacerbate the symptoms of various respiratory diseases. Fortunately, you can significantly reduce the risk of this problem by setting a higher temperature and decreasing it gradually.

Respiratory Tract Infections and Allergies

Not cleaning the air conditioner can cause the buildup of dust, bacteria, and pollen in the air filters. This will significantly increase the risk of asthma attacks and respiratory tract infections.

Being exposed to the cool air conditioner air for too long can lead to a runny nose, sinus problems, sore throat, and other similar symptoms. Some air conditions don’t have the ability of humidify the air, thereby making the air very dry. Dry air can result in irritation of the lining of the nose and the mouth.

The best way of reducing the risks associated with the use of air conditioners is to have them cleaned on a regular basis. A clean and well-maintained air conditioner will have more health advantages and very few disadvantages.

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