Hair loss has become a common grievance of every individual. The reasons are enormous, but the disorders vary person to person. Persistent stress, excessive intake of medicines, severe diseases, fever, cancer, etc. found liable for the hair loss; family history partially found responsible for the hair loss. An excessive hair loss indicates a form of some severe disease. A complete hair loss alleged as a key symptom of cancer; especially a breast cancer in women. However, an excessive use of hair products, hairstyles, misbehaving with the hair, etc. alleged as a secondary factor of hair loss. Hair loss is a history of various deeds comprising hair products to the health disorders. Hair fall has become a huge headache for the human being. People around the world run various sources of treatments to beat the dilemma of hair fall in which some works well and some works inefficiently. According to the study report, falling of 150-200 hairs daily found to be normal; since, the hair gets replaced probably after 3 years in which a weak hair gets fall and the new hair gets generated. Well, the new hair formation takes 6 months to initiate, which enhances an inch every month. The stage of pregnancy still delivery makes women face a huge amount of hair loss, which further gets recovered in some months. But, there are certain hair disorders, which fails to get recovered; alopecia found one amongst them.

About Alopecia

Alopecia areata comprises a hair loss issue in a particular round shape form. The causes of such hair loss seem to be unknown, but experts alleged that autoimmune condition perhaps found liable for this. The studies admitted alopecia areata a genetic issue; it almost comprises the family history. Alopecia areata generally occupies the area of head in small round shape; it could get form anywhere around the head, which appears very embarrassing. It also occupies the front head area, which appears to be half bald and could probably lead to complete baldness. Such sort of dilemma is mainly found in men than in women; men are more likely to face the snag of Alopecia areata. The studies admitted that when an immune system erroneously hit and demolish vigorous body cell the impediment of alopecia areata occurs. This may attack any age group people, even children too, but the condition varies. Well, the condition found 1 man affected amongst 6. Most of the history comprises psychological and emotional health to cause alopecia. The condition found allied with autoimmune diseases known as vitiligo, thyroid and rheumatoid arthritis. In such condition person holding excessive stress turns the disorder of alopecia more complicated. In severe conditions, alopecia leads to whole body hair loss. Its appearance seems to be very embarrassing for the person suffering from. However, the shape of the patches varies, but generally found in round or oval type. The disorder alleged as non-contagious; thus, one must feel free in contacting with such people. However,  the category of alopecia areata differs; it is classified into three classes:

Alopecia areata- a small section of hair loss

Alopecia totalis- complete hair loss appears like bald.

Alopecia universal- complete loss of hair; comprising head to the entire body.

Symptoms of alopecia areata

Most of the time people fail to recognize the symptoms; since, it holds a gradual process. Initially a person may get the sensation of itching and burning, which further turns the scalp in dry form. This gradually leads to hair fall of a particular area. A persistent itching gradually turns the area bald; the sensation initiates from a particular area further get spread to the adjacent area, if not treated early. Its ignorance may turn the whole skull into a bald form. One can get the disorder of alopecia over the eyebrow, beard and almost over all the body. Well, there is no certain appearance of pus, redness or inflammation seen, but the scalp seems to be rough due to persistent itching. Once the hair starts falling the particular affected area get turned into clean surface.  One can see the symptoms of hair loss within the duration of 6 months. You can notice an excessive hair fall from one particular area. The disorder may go long lasting or could proceed with alternative way. The issue may go permanent or could run temporarily. It varies according to the condition of the autoimmune system.

Diagnosis of alopecia areata

One needs to go under diagnosing process to know the exact history. The diagnosing process also comprises the health and family history of the sufferer. One needs to go under several blood tests to know the condition of the immune system. This partially aids, to know the cause of hair fall. When the immune system found over-reactive the risk of alopecia occurs. Further, the process of biopsy includes in diagnosing the problem. A small tiny stuff is eliminated out and placed for a check up. The biopsy works efficiently to know the status clearly. Once the disorder of alopecia cleared the process of treatments begins, but one need to go under early diagnosis; since, if the condition goes worse the disease becomes more complicated to treat.

Treatment of alopecia areata

If, the condition of hair fall seems in limit and doesn’t spread a wide, then it may possible to mend the condition soon. The treatment procedure includes medication, therapy, ointment, lotion, etc. Initially, One need to go under medication treatment; however, the result seems to be very gradual; hence, people tend to take steroid injections, which works efficiently to treat the hair loss issue. An excessive steroid intake may find harmful for the health. One needs to seek a doctor’s help for the perfect treatment. The treatment procedure may run for a long time.

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