Kegel exercises are also known as pelvic floor exercises and are usually perform to make the pelvic floor muscles stronger. These exercises were described in 1948 by Amold Kegel. There are many reasons that are responsible for weakened pelvic muscles, but if kegel exercises are perform regularly then several health problems can be reduced. Kegel exercises are use in order to treat several problems linked with pubococcygeus or PC muscle. This muscle acts as a support for the organs in pelvic region. Kegel exercises play a key role in controlling, toning and strengthening this muscle with other pelvic floor muscles. These exercises effectively help in strengthening the muscles that support the uterus, bladder, bowels and vaginal muscles. This exercise is beneficial during pregnancy as well as it ensures an easier birth. Doctor often recommends these exercises after pregnancy as well to promote perineal healing, regain bladder control and to strengthen pelvic floor muscles. The most beneficial thing about these exercises that; you can perform these exercises anywhere without bothering. Performing these exercises during pregnancy develops the ability to control your muscles during labor and delivery. Toning of muscles may reduce two common problems which often gives troubles to every pregnant woman such as bladder control and hemorrhoids during pregnancy. The action of slowing or stopping the flow of urine can be observed to understand the correct pelvic floor exercise technique. Kegel exercises are quite easy to perform as compared with other exercises. But while performing these exercises you need to first identify the right muscles to exercise. Otherwise negative impact may also occur. These exercises are different for both genders. As soon as the PC muscle is identified you can perform it at any place and any time without disturbing others. For those people who don’t have any idea about the exercises then simply consult a physician only to explain the method. One fact also considers that you can get the benefits in order to treat various health problems, and is possible only if exercises are done regularly and correctly. However, the benefits that are related with regular practice of these exercises to both genders are mentioned below.


  • Kegels raises men’s capacity of longer and harder erections by gives their women more pleasure as well. Men with erectile dysfunction, faces difficulty in reaching organism. Research has proved that these exercises even helps effectively in restoring erectile function among men with erectile dysfunction.

  • These exercises ensure sexual pleasure since they improve the flow of blood and sensitivity to the genital area.

  • Helps to get rid of premature ejaculation problem by having more muscular control of the pelvis. PC muscle plays a crucial role in achieving organism and obtains a good control over it. Hence make easier the life of men suffering from premature ejaculation.

  • As like women, men also experience the problem of urinary incontinence. Hence, you can overcome this problem by performing kegel exercises for at least 5 minutes 2-3 in a day.

  • Medical condition associated with prostate gland such as inflammation, benign prostatic hyperplasia and prostatitis increases the chances of severe pain and inflammation. Kegel exercises are one of the great options to overcome these problems.

  • The chances of increase in blood flow to the penis assist to form a healthier prostate and ensure all your sexual organs running smoothly. In addition, studies have found that men who are performing PC exercises have improved sexual control and satisfaction.

  • Studies indicated that these exercises not only increases the angle of erection but also increases ejaculation volume.


  • Various factors such as pregnancy, childbirth, being highly obese, aging and abdominal surgery such as cesarean section are responsible for weakening to the pelvic muscles. However, this can be measured by digital examination of vaginal pressure or with the help of a kegel perineometer. Hence, kegel exercises play a crucial role in recovering pelvic floor muscles strength in such cases.

  • Many women often face the problem of urinary incontinence after childbirth. As childbirth weakens the pelvic floor muscles and the PC muscle, due to which many women unable to control the flow of urine. When kegel exercises are executed, pelvic floor muscles or the muscles which are used in order to stop the flow of urine are toned and strengthened. Hence, with the help of these exercises women can get relief from the problem of urinary incontinence.

  • Daily practice of kegel exercises in right manner improves the sexual health of women. These exercises also strengthened pelvic floor and vaginal muscles, which in turn assists in achieving strong organism without any difficulty.

  • Due to daily practice of kegel exercises, women can get benefits during pregnancy. Since vaginal muscles become loose after childbirth due to stretching. Besides that, these exercises can be done after delivery as well so as to retrieve muscle tightness.

  • Doctors often recommend to pregnant women to keep doing these exercises every day in order to prepare for the pelvic floor muscles for pregnancy. These exercises are proved beneficial during pregnancy as toning muscles maintain strength during childbirth and also prevent them from weakening.

  • Studies have found that kegel exercises often prevent pelvic prolapse by strengthening the PC muscle which acts as a hammock. It also keeps the organ in the right position.

  • Research indicate that women who perform kegel exercises before childbirth had chances of short labor. Apart from that, the second phase of labor involves ‘pushing’, continued for lesser time. It was also mentioned that, the need of fulfilling C-section was also reduced among these women.



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