The Banana is one of the universally highest consuming fruits. People mostly, prefer to eat a banana in the breakfast; since it boosts the health and improve the immune system. It is beneficial for the pregnant women; since it contains many of the vitamins and nutrients. It acts, as a best medicine, to maintain the health. Banana includes vitamin A, B6, C, E; it also contains the nutrients and mineral like zinc, iron, magnesium, calcium, riboflavin, potassium, carbohydrates, etc. it is loaded with natural sugars called glucose, fructose and sucrose.

Some of the 18 health benefits, of eating banana daily that develops better health, are listed below.

1.   Assist to minimize the cholesterol level

The researcher has admitted that the presence of water soluble fiber called pectin in bananas assist, to minimize the cholesterol level. It eradicates unwanted cholesterol from the body, and prevent from many heart diseases.

2.   Assist to increase the weight

One of the most beneficial effects of eating a banana is weight gain. Eating 4-6 bananas daily with milk and eggs surely will increase the weight; since it is rich in iron. It’s a suggestion for the people of weight loss problem, to undergo such process to gain the weight. Try this for at least 30 days and see the result.

3.   Assist to maintain healthy bones

An existence of calcium, iron and zinc in the banana assist, to maintain healthy bones. Daily consumption of banana increases the density of bones, and makes it stronger.

4.   Assist to minimize some cancers

The presence of antioxidants and dietary fiber in bananas, assist to reduce the initial stage risk, of various cancers. It especially minimizes the ability of colon cancers that are also known as bowel cancers or rectal cancer.

5.   Maintain the appropriate digestive system

The presence of FOS (fructooligosaccharide) that is also known as oligofructose; work as probiotic bacteria, which defeats the unfriendly bacteria and improve appropriate digestive system.

6.   Prevent from diarrhea and stomach ulcers

Diarrhea is nothing, but a loose motion. Some of the studies on banana have examined that; the presence of various substances in the banana assists, to get prevented from stomach ulcers and diarrhea. It develops and stabilizes better flow of fluid.

7.   Prevent from piles and anemia

Since the banana assist, to revolve the colon functions properly; it minimizes the possibility of piles and helps to cure it. Existence of iron in banana stabilizes the hemoglobin level, and reduces the effect of anemia.

8.   Prevent from allergies and withdraw smoking

Allergies are commonly found in the people. Existence of amino acid in banana assists, to fight with various allergies. However, the presence of potassium, magnesium and vitamin B6-B12 assist, to lower the addiction of nicotine. This would be one of the options for the smokers, to recover from nicotine habit.

9.   It minimizes the effect of insomnia

In short insomnia means lack of sleeping or sleeping disorders. Insomnia is commonly found in each human being. The presence of tryptophan also called amino acid in banana generates melatonins, which persuade sleeping. Prefer to eat banana, before going to bed, might minimize the effect of insomnia.

10. Assist to control the blood pressure level

A higher intake of cholesterol results high blood pressure. Many of the researchers had examined that the presence of magnesium, potassium, and calcium assist, to control the blood pressure level. One must improve the habit of eating banana since it minimizes the problem, of high blood pressure.

11. It develops the formation of kidney

The presence of potassium and riboflavin in the banana, enhance the proper renal function. Banana is antioxidants, and it is a good source, to cure and to reduce many of the renal related cancers.

12. It enhances the brain and nerve function           

Existence of vitamin B in banana assists, to enhance the nerve function, and the presence of potassium in banana, improves the brain functions. It boosts the thinking power of the brain and makes it sharper.

13. Assist to minimize the chances of strokes

A stroke occurs, when the oxygen fails to reach the brain, and makes the brain cells deactivate or sometimes die. The various studies have examined that consumption of banana daily may assist, to minimize the possibility of strokes since it is rich in potassium and iron.

14. It heals the heartburn, and reduces the pain of menstrual cycle

Person suffering from heartburn may intake banana, to get relief from it. However, the presence of vitamin B6 in the banana assists, to reduce the pain of menstrual cycle that every female face, after the age of 13 or 14. It is suggested especially to the ladies, to eat banana during the menstrual cycle.

15. It improves the mind and reduce the depression

It has been noticed that eating banana daily, perhaps improves the mood, and reduces the level of depression since it admits tryptophan. The presence of sugar called glucose, fructose and sucrose maintain a healthy mind and admit relax.

16. Benefits for the skin

Banana is used, to treat various skin issues and stated as one of the best natural remedy, to get cured from skin disorders. The presence of vitamin C, vitamin B6, antioxidants and manganese helps to prevent from skin problem. It makes the skin, smooth and glamorous. Banana holds 73% of water in it, hence it assists to hydrate the skin, and protect it from roughness and dryness. It can be used to make natural beauty remedies like face pack, face massage, scrubber, and many other products that assist, to remove the dead skin and make it shiny and smooth. You can also use banana to reduce the swelling of the eyes and to remove dark circles around the eyes.

17. It prevents from acidity and build muscles

Some of the benefits, of eating banana are reduction in acidity problem, and to cure the pain of the muscles. Banana also assists to build the muscles.

18. It enhances the sexual life

The presence of nutrients in banana generates sexual hormones, and increases the male sexual desires, which is also known as libido.

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