Bimatoprost is a globally accepted medication utilized for the treatment of eye disease called Glaucoma. This disease is very serious because if remain uncured result in blindness by inducing harm to the optic nerves of your eyes. Bimatoprost is thought to be extremely potent in healing glaucoma and carries vast relief to your eyes. Such eye disorder is also referred as angle glaucoma. Bimatoprost not only offers great result to the glaucoma but also proven effective for hypotrichosis. In hypotrichosis, you may noticed an unusual drop of eyelashes to a greater extent. With help of this medicine you will observe long, dark and thick growth of eyelashes. The medication is suggested to be utilized only with suggestion of expert eye specialist. The best benefit is Bimatoprost is a very simple to use. Bimatoprost has FDA sanction and is extensively utilized for two eye ailments. For both the issues only once Bimatoprost should be utilized. People all over the globe admitted the potency and benefits of the medication.

This medication is highly recommended for two eye conditions that are Hypotrichosis and Glaucoma. And, hence dosing method of both the condition is completely different. Glaucoma takes place either in one or in both the eyes. People with glaucoma should put simply one drop in affected eyes to cure the condition. Make sure you are putting one single drop and only one time in a day. More than single drop and twice use result in overdose and give rise to number of complications. You can apply it any time but it would useful if prefer evening time.

      If utilizing Bimatoprost for improvement of eyelash then take one drop of it and apply it over the upper skin of eyelash. Similar to glaucoma, use Bimatoprost for improvement of eyelash only one time in a day. No need to fix one specific timing for using and understand that single drop is sufficient. Possibilities are high that over usage may give an open invitation to some kind of side effects. Apply it on a daily basis till suggested without fail for experiencing the desired results. Bimatoprost must be dealt with extra caution and while handling the medication your hands must be clean and tidy. Never do the mistake of touching the mouth of the medication with hands as it can be infectious and destroy the medication quicker and ultimately cause harm to your eyes. Keep eye lenses aside (if used) before applying Bimatoprost.  Keep eyes close for 2 minutes after applying the medication to your eyes and avert blinking or rubbing eyes.

The side effects occur because of Bimatoprost are both minor as well as chronic relying on the individual health. Some of the commonly confronted or experienced ill-effects of Bimatoprost include difficulty while breathing, thick eyelashes, sensitivity to light, eyes pain, itching, inappropriate growth of hair if applied improperly. Stimulate lasting darkening of the iris to brown, eye irritation, watery or dry eyes, slight giddiness, eye discomfort, eyelid redness, darkening of the eyelid or the area below the eye expel from eyes, red eyes and so on. If you notice any of these ill effects stay in your body for a longer duration then you must rush to your doctor. Too much utilization of Bimatoprost may contribute to damage of optic nerve and may result in poor vision or potential cause blindness. Following all the recommendations and precautionary measures is the only way to keep all Bimatoprost related side effects at bay.

Precautions are indispensable to follow as they aid keeping threats away. Plus, they provides guarantee that you are offered the accurate treatment for eyes to keep them secure and free from all dangers. If medications are taken without following precautions possibilities of taking place of ill effects enhances significantly. In reality, taking medication without precautions is worthless. First and most important precautionary step is take doctor’s advice before starting with Bimatoprost treatment. Using this medication without physician’s consent leads to some health issues. Another crucial step is apply this medication in the same manner and in same quantity recommended by your physician. People who are affected with other eye diseases, excepting glaucoma, like iritis, lens extraction, macular edema, uveitis and any other eye allergies are suggested to inform about them to expert eye specialist before beginning treatment of Bimatoprost. It is extremely vital precautionary step.

If you need to undergo any kind of eye surgery, prior take approval from your physician about making use of bimatoprost. For ensuing safe treatment, it is your responsibility to inform your health care profession if going through any other eye issues before you beginning with Bimatoprost treatment. You must go for usual checkups during the treatment also to make sure that treatment is going fine. Avoid wearing or using lenses before using Bimatoprost. Firstly remove the lenses and then make use of drop after 10-15 minutes. Make sure that you are not utilizing two different eye drops at the same time. If you are doing same then maintain a gap of 10-15 minutes.  Bimatoprost is designed for use of breastfeeding mother and pregnant women.

Right room temperature is its leading necessity for the proper strong of the medication. Room temperature exceeding 30 degree Celsius is not good for storing this medicine. Storing the medication in acute temperature can be risky and will spoil it shortly. Storing the medication in a dry and cool place can be wonderful solution. Keep in mind this medication will spoil promptly if comes in contact with heat, light and moist. Accurate storage is an integral part of any medication because most of time the potency of the medication relies on how they are stored.

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