Carrot is a vegetable that is used, to decorate salads, to cook cuisines, vegetable food, etc. Carrot carries enormous benefits, to the health; since it is rich in essential properties called, minerals, vitamins and nutrients. It comes in different colors red, purple, white, orange and yellow. Almost, all the countries cultivate carrots, but Asian countries are found high in cultivation range. Carrot carries essential minerals called calcium, iron, magnesium, manganese, potassium, phosphorous, sodium, zinc and fluoride. It is rich in vitamin A, B, C and E. It also holds the component of protein, dietary fiber and carbohydrates. Carrot is rich in vitamin A; since it holds 75% of Beta-carotene. In India people use cuisine of carrot on the occasion of marriage ceremony.  It contains 5% of thiamine, riboflavin and folate. People prefer to eat raw carrot mostly since it carries more vitamins than the cooked one. The advantages of carrot are listed below in detail.

1.       It prevents from asthma

An antioxidant of carrot prevents the respiratory system, from various abnormal cells. Antioxidant fights with the bacteria, and protect the occurrence, of respiratory disorders.

2.       Balance the cholesterol level

The component called pectin in carrot helps, to minimize the cholesterol level and balance its formation. Cholesterol increases when we consume a high fatted or oily food, which increases the chances, of heart attacks. Hence, carrot plays a very important role, to reduce the possibility of heart attacks by balancing cholesterol level. As the cholesterol minimizes, the chances of heart attack minimizes.

3.       Boost immune system

Since the carrot is rich in essential minerals and vitamins it helps, to boost the healthy immune system. It enhances the formation of white blood cells, which is highly required, to fight with various infections.

4.       Best for feeding breast milk to the baby

It may be beneficial for the women with just delivered a baby, to feed the breast milk. Since the carrot consumption increases the quality and quantity, of the breast milk. This indirectly helps, to develop a healthy baby. Further, consuming carrot during the pregnancy, avoid the occurrences of jaundice in the baby.

5.       It prevents from cancer formation

The studies have admitted that one carrot a day minimizes, the possibility of cancer’s formation. Further, the properties called antioxidant in carrot defeat the free radicals, and protect the normal cells, to become abnormal one. Moreover, consuming carrot may reduce the chances of getting ill.

6.       Promotes a healthy eye.

As carrot is rich in vitamin A, and holds a higher amount of beta-carotene, which helps to develop healthy eyesight. Consuming carrot daily enhances the vision ability of the eyes, and prevents from various eye disorders. People can use carrot juice, to get rid of eye irritation and sore eyes. According, to the research carrot is a good source, to maintain the eye vision faultless and healthy.

7.       Eradicates the thread worms

Thread worm also known as, seat worm. It is parasites, which develops in the intestine, and are found mostly in children. Hence, prefer to consume the juice of carrot, to eradicate the thread worm, from the intestine. Carrot juice reduces the chance of stomach disorders; since it contains vitamin C and soluble water. Further, carrot is a good source, to improve the digestion system. In India people prefer, to eat a plate of carrot salad; since it enhances the appetite level by digesting food easily. However, the ulcer is the main problem that a person faces; the carrot is seen more beneficial, to reduce the formation of ulcers, in the stomach.

8.       Promotes healthy skin

Existence of vitamin C and other essential nutrients in carrot minimizes the disorder of the skin. Its consumption promotes a healthy skin, and prevent from pimple formation. Carrots are found to be best detoxifier, which assists to wash out the waste products from the body, and save the liver from getting spoiled. However, clearance of stomach indicates purification in the blood, which indirectly minimizes the formation, of acne. Drinking carrot juice daily in the morning, improves the look of the skin, and reduces the pattern of wrinkles. Carrot carries a high range of skin benefit that reduces many, of the skin complaints. The presence of fiber in carrot minimizes the red rashes, and acne development of the skin.

9.       Promotes healthy teeth and bones

Carrot carries 5 % of calcium, 4% of iron, 7% of manganese and 4% of magnesium. So, overall carrot holds these rich minerals, which assist to develop healthy bones, and healthy teeth. Its daily consumption may improve the density, and strength of the bones. Calcium is beneficial to the strong teeth. So, consuming carrot may be helpful to improve the strength, of the teeth and the bones.

10.   Maintain blood sugar and weight

The carrot holds the component of dietary fiber, which balances the blood sugar level by absorbing it. Further, its intake may reduce the chances of gall bladder, and kidney stone formation.

11.   Reduces stroke attack

The researcher admitted; that consuming fiber daily in the diet; may reduce the chances of strokes by 7%. However, carrot holds the properties of dietary fiber, which will be helpful, to get rid of such problems. However, it has been assumed that consuming a high amount of dietary fiber, minimizes the possibility of hemorrhoids.

12.   It promotes healthy hair

However, carrot is seen to be rich in minerals, vitamins and nutrients, which help to promote healthy hair. Drinking carrot juice daily enhances the growth of the hair, and prevents it from damages.



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