People affected with skin disease called rosacea are mostly confronting redness of face. Redness and patchy flushing on face is main features of rosacea. People from 30-60 age groups are highly prone to this skin disorder. This skin condition generally grows gradually. If the condition is left untreated or unchecked for long period, then condition aggravates and redness and swelling around nose becomes permanent. Prolonged exposure to sun, emotional disturbances like anger, excessive stress, and excess intake of alcohol are some biggest culprits responsible behind occurrence of facial redness. In case, if you get affected with this condition then firstly contact your physician to know the root causes that result in red face. If you notice that red face is because of eczema, an allergy and insect bite then follow treatment accordingly. Treatment differs from person to person depending on the underlying cause and severity of warning signs.


  • Eczema:-

     Eczema is one most common type of skin disorder which simulates dry and red skin. It mostly affects face and induces rashes (development of blisters) which is responsible for skin itching. Eczema results in excessive scratching, which take place because of exposure to allergens like pet dander, mold and dust. Even application of unsuitable soaps and shampoos also lead to develop eczema and induces dry skin patches and itchiness on the face.

  • Medication:-

Highly prescribed medicines utilized in order to treat patient suffering from high blood pressure also cause facial redness. For example, calcium channel blockers and vasodilators that are frequently utilized to deal with hypertension give open invitation to countless problems like skin rashes, flushed face, dizziness, headache, swollen ankles, and fatigue.

  • Rosacea:-

Red facial skin is most ordinary sign of rosacea. People suffering from rosacea experience unusual redness on nose and cheeks. In this type of skin disorder blood vessels function inappropriately and it clearly appears on face. Rosacea is responsible for damaging the facial blood vessels, which in turn further enhances the flow of blood in the affected area. This frequently comes along patches of redness on face. If not treated, it may contribute to inflammation of skin and the eyes also get damaged. People with fair skin are highly susceptible to rosacea in the age group of 30-60 years.

  • Hyperthyroidism:-

Hyperthyroidism is a thyroid disorder also leads to abnormal redness on face. Surplus production of thyroid hormones in hyperthyroidism is responsible for changing the looks of skin. For acquiring healthy skin thyroid level should be in normal range. Since if there is excess presence of thyroid hormones, the skin becomes dry and face seems red and swollen. People with Hashimoto’s diseases (another thyroid disorder) also stimulate red face and is come with burning sensation. Other signs link with this thyroid condition involves constipation, diarrhea, extreme fatigue, thinning hair, unexpected changes in weight and increase in appetite.

  • Diabetes:-

People suffering from uncontrolled diabetes means constant elevated level of blood sugar experience facial flushing. Skin problems are usual among people affected with this sugar imbalance disease. Frequent urination, is one leading risk factor linked with diabetes which induces fluid loss. Due to this, the skin becomes dehydrated and result in skin discoloration. Skin discoloration is nothing but visible in form of rubeosis, which is a skin disorders noticeable by abnormal redness on the face. Among some people, the skin color finds different like abnormal yellowish tint. Rosacea is also common in people suffering from this serious health disorder.

  • Cold weather:-

Cold climatic condition that is common in months of winter also responsible behind occurrence of red facial skin. The flushing is highly observable on the cheeks. In extreme climatic condition, where temperature is below zero degree Celsius red blotches starts appearing on skin and this may came after development of rash.

  • Excessive alcohol consumption:-

Excess intake of alcohol is one of the prevalent risk factor that triggers facial redness. It has been observed that most of alcohol addicts go through facial flushing (red facial skin). Excess use of alcohol is responsible for expansion of blood vessels. This in turn raises circulation of blood in that region. Due to this unusual redness on face appears. Several recent researches have disclosed that people becoming red after intake of alcohol are at a higher risk of developing esophageal cancer.

  • Prolonged exposure to sun :-

Prolonged contact with sun, damages the skin tissues badly and this condition is also termed as sunburn. Further this damaged tissues result in extreme pain. Once sunburn affects the face, facial flushing (red facial skin) generally appears. The severity of redness may changes depending on person, but the changed color of skin clearly observable.


  • Using of non-comedogenic moisturizers helps significantly to cure red blotchy skin that takes place during winter. Non-comedogenic contains zero oil and as a result do not obstruct the pores that lead to irritation.
  • The skin disease like rosacea can be easily treated with ointments and creams that hold antibiotics like metronidazole and clindamycin. Cleocin and MetroCream are most famous skin care products utilized in order treat rosacea skin disease. You can treat chronic form of rosacea with prevalently prescribed oral antibiotics tablets like erythromycin and minocycline. Besides that, herbs like burdock and licorice plays a dominant role in reducing symptoms of rosacea. In fact, numerous studies also have admitted the same. Exclude spicy hot foods and beverages completely from your daily regimen if you want to instantly get rid of this skin disorder. As these spicy food makes worsen rosacea skin condition. It is essential to manage stress efficiently to stay away from rosacea flare-ups.
  • Although there are innumerable skin care products are available to treat eczema, but home remedies like using of diluted olive oil or coconut oil also assist considerably to reduce intensity of redness that stimulated by eczema. Aloe Vera gel and other lotions proven extremely beneficial to alleviate the redness and itchiness of the skin.
  • In order to protect skin from sunburn make use of sunscreen lotion and wear hat as well before stepping out. Since harmful UV rays of sun damages skin badly and enhance risk of facial red skin.
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