Smoking has become one of the major addictions for the people all over the world.  Cigarette is made up of the slim wrapped tube with stuff of tobacco inside it; it contains nicotine, which is an extremely active substance then heroin. Puffing cigarettes means burning the respiratory system of your body. You will see people from various age groups are badly indulged in this dangerous habit. Youngsters start it as a style statement and a part of their enjoyment and on the other hand older people smoke to reduce their stress. It is seen that people prefer to smoke more in a cold place because they feel that smoking warms the body. As we know the statement called “smoking is injurious to health” but still the person tend to give the injuries to their health. Cigarette comes in various flavor vanilla, orange, lavender oil, cloves and more that gives different taste while smoking. People get addicted to the smoking because of stress, anxiety, and other negative emotions. Results admit that higher numbers of Americans are addicted to the smoking and other related drugs. Millions of Americans are facing health problems because of smoking.


Stress: Many of the time it has been seen that people start smoking to relieve the stress and tension that comes with a way. Working under high pressure of job or any other negative related emotions may commit you in smoking.

Advertising: Cigarettes advertisements are some of the major factors to provoke people to indulge into such habit. Even though it has been banned in India still the people keen to smoke.

Self satisfaction: Most of the people smoke just to satisfy themselves. They feel that smoking gives them relief.

Social environment: One may get addicted to smoking because of Social environment. An environment of friends, relatives and societies may ignite you towards smoking.

Parent’s addiction: Sometime it seems that the parents smoke in front of the child then child to try to smoke, which becomes a habit and then addiction of smoking.


Smoking gives very adverse effect on health. It results in the increase of mortality rate. It damages all the respiratory system of the body. A smoker may suffer from some of the terrible disease like lung disease, heart, cancer, cardiovascular, kidney, liver, pancreas, etc. Smoking also leads to stained teeth, swollen gums and bad breath. It also tends you to fall into various sexual problems. Heavy smoking may result in a slow loss of eyesight. A passive effect of smoking is very dangerous as it affects the non-smokers as well.  Women who smoke during or after pregnancy may face the risk of miscarriage other problem like bleeding, separation of placenta and more. It may indirectly affect the developing weight of the child and many other congenital defects.

CANCER: Mouth and lung cancer are common suffered cancers diseases among smokers. Cancers like Lungs, mouth, throat, gullet, bladder, pharynx, stomach, pancreatic and many more are caused due to smoking. Female smoker may face cervical cancer and may suffer from hip fractures because smoking affects the bones of the women.

CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASES: Cardiovascular states the major cause of death. It related to the blood vessels of the heart and other related organs of the body. Tobacco increases the cholesterol level in the blood, which gets blogged within the arteries.

RESPIRATORY SYSTEM: Chronic obstructive pulmonary are the disease that blocks the airflow and makes difficult to breath. Emphysema and chronic bronchitis are the problem that is faced by the people while smoking. Emphysema causes breathlessness because of damages to the alveoli and regularly coughing with mucus causes chronic bronchitis.


It’s not so easy to quit smoking, but if a person tries his best he may? Addiction is something which makes very difficult to come out with. A Person who suffers from the illness of smoking may go under treatment to get cured. There are various ways to get relief from the addiction of smoking.

SOCIAL AND BEHAVIORAL BACKGROUNDS:  Social and behavioral backgrounds play a very important role to come out from this addiction Opt to be in non-smoking groups.  Try to change your way of behaving, avoid stress, tension and irritation. People mostly get indulged in bad habits because of social groups. Try to be in those groups that inspires you. You may get good knowledge that’s helps you do something creative. This is how you can change the state of your mind that’s makes you away from the addiction of smoking.

TREATMENT OF NICOTINE REPLACEMENT: Nicotine replacement means replacing your nicotine by medicine that tastes same like nicotine but doesn’t give any side effects to your body. This type of treatment may decrease the habit of smoking. Products like inhalers, special gum, nasal spray, throat lozenges and the transdermal nicotine patch are the common nicotine addiction treatment medicines that a person can use to quit the habit of smoking gradually. It doesn’t give any side-effects. The nicotine is contained in these products are less but give the same satisfaction after consuming it. For instance, those who smoke less advised to use the gum with 2mg doses and 4mg doses for those who smoke more. These medicines are approved by the Food and Drug Administration. People must follow the proper direction of the product if you lack it may cause headaches, dizziness and nausea.

UNDERGOING OF MEDICATION TREATMENT: Sometime when replacement of nicotine doesn’t work people tend to follow the medication treatment. In 1997 FDA approved antidepressant bupropion for the people to quit smoking that is also known as zyban. Varenicline tartrate has approved recently. One must indulge themselves with a smoking cession program that is offered by community centers, hospitals, health department and national organizations. People who failed to overcome from nicotine product may go under the prescription treatment varenicline tartrate. It blocks the brain nicotine receptors and release dopamine. It really affects the people to reduce their smoking level. There are no side-effects has been found yet.

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