Unfortunately, in today’s world most of the people found a victim of hair loss; it’s a leading grievances exists in today’s puberty people. Well, there are enormous reasons behind hair loss issue, but some are unfortunate to know about. Various hairstyles and excessive usage of hair products found one of the leading aspects of causing hair loss. Teens are more rapidly getting hair loss issue due to such adopted habits. It’s a desire of every individual to promote healthy, attractive and shiny hair, which alleged the person to use various types of hair products that further leads to hair loss dilemma. Besides this, a prolong sufferer of severe diseases like, malaria, dengue, tuberculosis, cancer, AIDS/HIV, etc. too found responsible to cause the hair fall issue. Moreover, a person going under prolonged medication treatments are likely to face the risk of hair fall. Experts admitted that loss of 150 hairs daily found normal, but more than that may indicate certain form of severe disease. Commonly, the escalation of hair lasts for 2 to 3 years, which keeps on amplifying the hair half an inch in a month. The longevity of the hair lasts for 4 years and after that it usually fall down, which further gets replaced with new hair after 6 months. Health dilemma found a biggest threat for the hair growth. Hair fall found quite common in women than in men. Child birth is a stage where a woman faces excessive hair fall issue, but the condition gets mend after some months. Most of the time high fever, severe illnesses leads to hair drop. Well, it gets mend when the fever get reduced. An excessive hair fall may indicate the disorder of thyroid. People, who go under thyroid complication, may get daily hair fall issue. An occurrence of fungal infection over the scalp leads to excessive hair fall issue, which sometimes obstruct the follicles and restrict the hair growth. Deficiency of iron in the body is another leading factor to cause hair fall issue. A women suffering from breast cancer or any other cancer found facing huge range of hair fall even under medication process. Once the cancer gets treated the growth of hair takes place again.

Let’s see some more facts about hair loss.

Harsh brushing

An excessive and harsh hair brushing may lead to hair damages and hair fall. It usually makes the roots loose and feeble to drop down. Try combing your hair gently; do not practice combing the hair every now and then. Try combing the hair perfectly once.

Hair drier

Using certain tools to enhance the beauty of the hair found another threat for the hair fall. Hair dryer, hair ironing machine, etc. makes the hair dull and thin, which indirectly leads to hair breakage and hair fall issue. Scorching temperature spoils the protein of the hair and damages the cuticle, which appears the hair in rough, unhealthy and damage form. Try not to make usage of such tool; since, it with promoting beauty of the hair also leads to hair damages. So, limit the usage of certain hair tools to prevent the hair from getting frail and mess up.

Steam bath

Taking steam bath is good for the body, but bad for the hair. Steam bath alleviates the stress of the body, but weakens the hair root. Hot water dehydrates the scalp of the hair, turning it feeble and easy to fall out. When you prefer taking hot water bath, try to wash your hair with the normal water. Making the hair direct contact with the hot water leads to excessive hair fall issue. One must avoid practicing this habit to save the hair.

Tight Hairstyles

Practicing certain types of hairstyles brings feeble root, which indirectly leads to hair breakage or hair loss issue. Most of the female found habitual of tying ponytail, which leads to feeble roots and hair breakage. A persistent pulling of the hair turns the root in a weak form, which enhances the risk of hair fall. Certain hairstyle found a leading factor to cause hair fall complication in today’s trendy world. Well it’s neither a disorder nor a condition; it’s a habit, which must be mended soon to prevent the hair from getting dull and unhealthy.


As we know the fact that the shampoo gets finished up of several chemical components, whose excessive usage blocks the follicle and leads to hair fall dilemma. Using certain hair product perhaps aids you manage your hair, but it also comprises certain types of side-effects, such as hair damages, hair fall, follicles blockage, etc. Any hair care products must be used in the limitation, because its overuse found harmful for the hair and its growth. Do not apply the shampoo directly to the hair; since, it weakens the hair roots and causes hair fall. Mixed shampoo in the water and then apply it over the hair. Try using the shampoo or conditioner in limit; since, it’s over usage found harmful for the hair.

Harsh hair wipe

Most of the people found wiping the hair with the towel quite harshly, which actually found a biggest reason to cause hair fall; since, an excessive rubbing of the hair weakens the hair roots results dull hair.


An unhealthy diet alleged as one of the leading factor to cause hair fall. One must consume a diet, which holds a good amount of vitamins, proteins, minerals and nutrients. An iron, calcium, potassium, etc. needs to be subsists in your diet; since, it is alleged an essential components to promote a healthy hair.

Birth pills

The Women consuming birth control pills are more likely to face hair fall issue. The pills actually hold an amount of androgen, which makes the hair roots dull results hair drop issue.

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