What is cholesterol? And does it harm to health. Yes, Many of you might have this question in your head. Let’s have short ride over it. Cholesterol is a fatty waxy substance made up by liver. Also known as a lipid, substance found in all cells of our body and is exceptionally essential for normal functioning of our body. Proteins carry this cholesterol in your blood, and when this two comes into contact and mix they are called lipoproteins. High level of lipid can be hazardous when it comes to life. There are two kinds of lipoproteins in your body which carry cholesterol.

LDL (low density lipoproteins), also known as bad cholesterol.

HDL (high density lipoproteins), also known as good cholesterol

High level of LDL leads to form cholesterol in arteries (that carry blood from your “LIVER” to cells) which in turn leads to severe coronary (blockage in the arteries that carry blood to heart) heart disease. HDL does the opposite of bad cholesterol (LDL). HDL carry blood from cells to liver through arteries, where it may be split or thrown out of the body as a unwanted product if there is too much to use.

Cholesterol is very important to make hormones, vitamin D, and other substances that help to digest foods in the body. Some food we eat can also be the source of cholesterol in the body. High cholesterol in the body can increase the risk of critical health condition. The higher the level of BAD cholesterol greater is the chances, the higher the level of GOOD cholesterol lowers is the chances of befalling the heart disease.

Causes of cholesterol:

Unhealthy diet (food)

As we all live in a dynamic world full of fast food and less of nutritious food. The fast foods we consume might be one of the greatest reasons to cause high cholesterol. Unfortunately this fast food has a lot of fat and less of nutrient value. Your diet must always contain a sufficient amount of nutrient, fiber, mineral, iron etc, eat food s that are high in this and less in trans /saturated fats. Fats are responsible for forming cholesterol in the body.  Avoid eating such not so good heart healthy foods.


Indulging yourself to such not so healthy habit will make you fall near severe health complications. Don’t tend yourself towards tobacco or second hand smoking as both are injurious to health. Including cholesterol and heart health smoking has it impact on each part of health. Push yourself a little harder to quit smoking; I know it’s difficult to do so. But the end result of doing so will surely pull you back from some really serious health problem.

Lack of exercising:

Too much of anything can have an adverse effect on the body. Of course, doing exercise regularly is good thing; as it boosts HDL (good) cholesterol where as it lower LDL (bad) cholesterol.  Lack of exercise can among one of the reasons causing cholesterol in the body. Not enough exercise can put in big health trouble

Overweight or obesity:

Excess weight cans double your chances of having cholesterol. It is said that obese people have stock of unsaturated fat in them. Fats lead to form cholesterol in the body. So always keep on your weight.

High Diabetes:

High sugar level leads to lower the HDL (good) cholesterol and increase the LDL (bad) cholesterol in the body. High diabetes damages the inner and outer surface of the arteries (vessel that carries blood from heart to the body and vice versa).

High blood pressure:

The pressure that blood puts on walls damages your arteries and increase the speed to buildup the fats in the arteries.

Metabolic chaos:

Person suffering from diabetes, pancreatitis, and hyperthyroidism can directly link to high cholesterol in the body. In some person the risk of cholesterol increases with specific diseases.

Need of sleep:

There is direct and indirect relationship between sleep and cholesterol. Naturally if your sleep affects than your thinking capacity slow downs, your stress increase and it affect your blood circulation in body. And all this is responsible for changes that take place in lipid levels in the blood.


Stress has it impact on health in total. Mental and emotional stress that make a person starve for not so healthy foods especially high calorie food that leads to increase bad cholesterol in the body and is one of the reasons to carve high cholesterol in the body.

Cholesterol can be controlled by taking care of above mentioned points. It will help you entirely to prevent not only from high cholesterol but other health problems too. So if you’re really worried about your fluctuating cholesterol try this, and it won’t let you down. But, consult your doctor immediately if the problem is severe.

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