Common Health Disorder Affecting Men Health

Heart diseases

Various heart diseases are the major health concern in both men and women. According to a recent study it has been found out that men are at higher risk of facing a heart attack. This risk increases due to addictive smoking, higher level of cholesterol, high blood pressure (hypertension), diabetes, or a family history of heart-attacks. The simplest way to prevent yourself from heart diseases is by making a regular visit to your doctor for a primary care. This will help you identify the risk early and begin the treatment at an early stage. Making necessary lifestyle modification and performing all the necessary cardiovascular exercises will help you well.

Sleep disorder

Sleep disorder is another major concern on the list of men’s health. This might not seem to be a serious issue by its worth keeping an eye on. Common symptoms of this disease are snoring, frequently waking up at night to urinate, morning headache, waking up with dry mouth, etc. other long-term complication associated with sleep disorder include high blood pressure, heart failure, stroke, etc. Hence it is advisable for you to get early diagnose of this disorder and get it treated well in advance.

High blood pressure (hypertension)

High blood pressure is a common health disorder in men. There are various methods available to get a control over this disorder to lower the risk of their high blood pressure. Obesity plays a important role therefore, weight loss will help you reduce the risk of developing high blood pressure. Apart from weight-loss you may even opt for low-sodium diet.

High Cholesterol Level

It is advisable for every individual to get a frequent check on their cholesterol level to ensure that the level in within a healthy range of their age as higher level cholesterol is body may lead to severe concerns. There are various genetic components that may lead to the risk of high cholesterol in body, proper diet and exercise can help you to prevent and lower high cholesterol.


Obesity is a contributing factor for almost all the health issues that one would suffer from. Hence it is essential to take proper care of diet of the man in your life in order to help him maintain a healthy body-weight. It is million times said and trusted fact that diet and workout is the best way to get a control over obesity and maintain the perfect body weight.

Psychological health

It is a widely accepted fact that men find it very difficult to ask for help if it has to do with their mental or psychological health. But it important for them to understand that it is important to main a health psychological health.

All these are common and widely suffered health disorder among men from various age groups. Al these disorder are easily treatable and if do under right guidance and with proper care and treatments.

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