As we know that a daily shower is must for human health. Most of the people prefer to take cold shower and other takes hot shower. Well, the choices of individuals vary according to the seasonal situation. Some follow cold shower in summer season; whereas, some prefer to take a hot shower in rainy and winter season. Most of the people become habitual and they follow the same habit throughout the season. If I talk about cold or hot shower it doesn’t mean an extreme cold or hot water. One needs to consider a moderate range of water temperature. The choice is yours hot or cold? If you go for hot shower than you may face certain fitness complication; whereas, a cold shower will mend various physical conditions. Well, the practice of cold water is quite common in many places. Most of the people prefer to take a cold shower; since, it brings freshness and revitalizes the physical fitness. According to my opinion, if you want to get rid of morning laziness take a shower of mild cold water, this helps freshen the mood and promotes an active immune system. A history holds that cold water bathing is good for health. Some people found allergic to cold water; hence, they fail to enjoy the cold water shower. In fact, rain shower too comes in the cold water category. Most of the studies examine that taking a cold water shower encourages the function of the immune system. It also improves the mood and calms down the mind temper. The best time to take cold shower, is morning and evening; morning, when you go to the office and evening when you come back from the office. Most of the research examines that taking a bath of cold water in summer may harm the health. Well, here I have bought some advantages of cold water shower for the health.

Note: do not keep yourself for a longer period in the cold water shower; since, it may harm your health. Avoid taking extreme cold water bath.

Facilitates blood circulation
Well, it has not been scientifically proven that cold water bath facilitates the flow of blood, but some of the studies have been examined that, taking showers of cold water tightens the veins of the blood, which forces the blood to circulate. The contraction of blood streams holds small gap, which makes the blood pass with full pressure.
Note: in case of extreme cold water shower the blood may get clot, which results break down of organs and immune functions.

Facilitates breathing
As you pour the cold water on yourself, you instantly take an extreme deep breath; this boosts the function of the organs and facilitates its performance. A deep breath is necessary to improve the function of the organs and to boost the immune system. It also helps trims down the mind temper. So, cold water shower may help improve the inhaling exhaling power of oxygen.

Mends frame of mind
Mood alteration is really tough; you can’t skip the tense thing easily. I suggest cold shower is one of the best solutions, to frame the mind. People, under stress or tense mind can enjoy a cold water shower to calm down the mind temperature. Well, working throughout the day makes you feel totally exhausted; in certain condition, one can enjoy a cold water shower after dropping home. There is no doubt that cold water shower mends mind frame; it is also found helpful to solve depressed mind state and unhappy mood. So, in case of depression, tension, stress, exhaustion, fatigue, etc. practice taking cold shower; since, it helps mend these certain disorders of the mind. I can say cold water shower is a source of mood booster.

Improves sleeping habit
Do you face sleeping disorders? Try taking a cold water shower one hour before sleep; since, it makes you relief from tiredness and help you calm down the body temperature. I know the stress, depression and whole day works make you feel totally exhausted, to get rid of it one can enjoy cold shower, especially before going to the bed. One can enjoy the ample amount of sleep and can manage to get sound sleep. Try practice this daily to mend insomnia and the late night wakening problem. Cold water shower may assist you to take pleasure of stress relief life.

Stabilizes body temperature
As we know that the temperature of the body is so high that the food gets digested within four hours. Well, as the temperature of the body increase the sweating flow too gets increase. This brings down the hydration level of the body and results dehydrated body. Further, it enhances the blood pressure level and mind temperature. So, taking a cold shower may help to mend certain conditions.

Stabilizes high blood pressure level
People, using cold water for bathing can mend the high blood pressure issue. People, holding high temperature of the body can get the risk of high blood pressure. Well, stress and depression are another additional factor, to enhance the risk of high blood pressure. However, taking a cold water shower may help, to balance the blood pressure level.

Stains wash out
A regular shower of cold water washes out the stains and accumulated sweats of the body. Well, sweats are a type of acid, which may develop bacteria over the body. So, a regular and daily bath is mandatory to keep yourself clean and tidy. Cold water works like a great detoxifier; since, it wipes out the germs present in the body.

Promotes active immune system
An immune function holds the whole function, of the body. Well, after a long work outs people usually get inactive immune function. So, try enjoying a cold water shower to boost the immune system. It will help you to promote active immune system.

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