Along with the happiness of adding a new family member, pregnancy carries an unpleasant problem called stretch marks. Stretch marks are also known as striae gravidarum and is believed to normal occurrence during pregnancy. According to studies, more than 50% of people go through this problem. It is described as thin, elongated lines and appears in red, purple or pink color. These stretch marks usually take place on the skin of tummy area. Even some women also notice them in other parts of the body like thighs, underarms, buttocks, hips and breasts.

The stretch marks become visible in the later stages of pregnancy when belly gets increase to suit the growing size of the unborn child. Skin is enough capable to stretch oneself without resulting in any damage to its tissues. But, during pregnancy skin gets stretched extensively, so tears build up in the fibrous tissues that consist middle layer of skin. The remedial device of the body plays a crucial role in restoring these tears, but left behind scars further result in stretch marks. Unexplained weight gain is one of the prime reasons associated behind the development of stretch marks. Keep in mind, severity of stretch marks changes depending on women to women and it’s totally relies on skin elasticity. The elastic properties of skin are highly influenced by the genetic structure of the female. Gene is one such leading factor that decides whether you will develop stretch marks during pregnancy or not.


  • Take healthy diet:-

There is not such better option than incorporating healthy diet during pregnancy to provide the right kind of nutrition to pregnant woman as well as her fetus. In order to improve skin health, include more of vitamin A, C, D, protein and zinc rich foods. Diet rich in such essential nutrient keeps your risk of developing stretch marks at bay. You can even eat fruits, milk, eggs, fish and salads to prevent risk of stretch marks naturally. In case, if you are not getting enough vitamins from your daily  regimen during pregnancy, then take supplements with the consent of your doctor.

  • Drink maximum water:-

During pregnancy drink around 8-12 glasses of water per day and keep your body well hydrated. Water keeps skin in moist condition and nourishes it properly, due to which skin becomes elastic. Besides that, water eliminates all the unwanted toxins from the body and carries improvements in overall skin condition. Extreme fatigue, dry lips or throat, headache and poor concentration are all common signs of dehydration.

  • Keep weight in check:-

Excessive weight gain is one biggest culprit that gives rise to development of issue of stretch marks in pregnant women. Increase in weight by 25-35 pound is permitted. But, if weight increase beyond than that then the risk of women to suffer stretches increase considerably. As a result, you need to take lots of effort to keep your weight in control. Besides that, you should increase your calorie intake for the proper nourishment of a fetus. But at the same same you should  pay attention after that it should come from healthy nutritious food. Strictly say no to unhealthy fats available in fatty foods as they result in weight gain and give rise to issues of stretch marks. In addition, perform some pregnancy exercises on a daily basis after consulting health care provider. Daily exercise during pregnancy is an effective solution to burn excess calories and may also help you to stay in shape.

  • Massage the skin:-

While taking bath, gently massage all the areas where stretch marks appear. Exfoliating skin with the help of loofah, body brush or washcloth  improve circulation and most amount of nutrients and water reach in that region, which in turn  keeps your skin healthy. These all ways are recommended to reduce the appearance of stretch marks.

  • Moisturise the skin:-

It is essential to make use of best quality skin moisturizer over the all the areas where stretch marks appear from the early stage of pregnancy. Moisturizing plays a key role in keeping skin hydrated. Wheat germ oil, almond oil, Shea butter, bio oil and cocoa butter are some of well known oils and proven extremely beneficial to get rid of stretch marks. Apart from these oils, you can also opt vitamin E or lanolin. But do not forget to make use of these oils on  a daily basis right from pregnancy. Moisturize the skin properly for at least two times in a day, one in morning and again at night.

  • Avoid exposure to the sun and ruthless weather condition:-

The ultraviolet rays of sun forcefully take away moisture from skin and lead to extensive damage to the skin. Therefore, you must stay away from excess heat of the sun and harsh weather condition. Besides that, do not make use of a tanning bed during pregnancy. Even extreme cold weather condition is also responsible for making the skin dry. It would better if you avoid stepping out in the sun and in extreme cold weather too.

No doubt, beneficial oils like olive oil, castor oil, essential oil, coconut oil and vitamin E oil will improve skin elasticity and keep the problem of stretch marks at bay. But keep an eye  especially on the skin of the affected area regularly during pregnancy. These oils work wonderfully because of their abundant source of antioxidant properties which plays a significant role in reducing free radical damage. But, if you observe red marks on skin, first of all contact dermatologist. They may help you to avoid any future complication, so follow all the instruction recommended by them carefully and overcome issues of stretch marks at earliest before condition become worst.

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