Excellent foods that help to increase sperm count

The development of the sperm cell is a complicated process and needs a normal performance of a man’s testicles as well as the hypothalamus gland and pituitary gland. Once a sperm cell is produced in a man’s testicles, sensitive pipes transport them unless they come in contact with semen and are ejaculated out of the penis. Hence, the difficulty with these issues can have a serious impact on the result of the sperm count. Also, there are problems of with irregular sperm cell shape (morphology) or activity (motility). Often the cause of low sperm cell fertility is unknown, but following are the top 10 excellent foods that will definitely help to increase the sperm count.


Bananas are useful in boosting up the rate of the sperm count and consist of a fine enzyme known as bromelain, which is necessary for managing sexual hormones. They are fully loaded with vitamins like C, B1 and A. Such beneficial vitamins help the body boost up its sperm developing capability and enhances stamina greatly.

Dark chocolate

There are also several health benefits of dark chocolate rather than just used for seduction purpose. It is loaded with L-arginine HCL, same element that is also present in walnuts. It boosts-up the sperm count and increases the volume of semen.  Dark chocolate plays vital role in developing stronger and more intense orgasms in men


Pomegranates help to solve the problem of low sperm count during problems arising due to cold and cough. It consists of antioxidants that lower down a chemical in the blood which contaminates and destroys sperm. This chemical compound is known as malondialidehyde. Daily intake of pomegranate juice damage free radicals and help sperm fertilization.


Garlic has the capability to enhance the rate of blood flow in the body. It consists of a chemical known as allicin, which helps us to get rid of plagues from developing up in the arteries and increases blood flow to the genitals as well as revs up the sperm strength. Garlic is rich in vitamin B6 and Selenium which prevents destruction of the sperm and is responsible for managing sexual hormones.


Beef has a high proportion of zinc which consists of protective qualities that prevent free radicals from sharing and mixing with the sperm. The main quality of zinc is that it prevents testosterone from converting into estrogen, which is the main reason behind lower libido.


A walnut consists of an element known as arginine, which plays a key role in increasing sperm production and also readily increases the proportion of semen. It also consists of fatty acids like omega-3 which helps boost up the rate of the bold flow to the penis. As compared to other nuts they consist of double the power of antioxidants. An additional benefit of walnut is that having five walnuts everyday lowers cholesterol and risk of heart attack.


Spinach has several health advantages and is easily available in the market. Spinach is a green leafy vegetable that contains high proportions of folic acid. A green leafy vegetable especially with the properties of a folic acid helps in increasing sperm rate. It boosts up their motility and makes them healthier.

Fruit Salad

Fruits that are fully loaded with antioxidants such as cherries, strawberries and oranges are helpful in increasing the sperm count and prevent from any damage occurring to the sperm. If you want to grasp all the essential nutrients and folic acid of fruits just at one go then consume fruit salads. If you eat it regularly, it can counterbalance the destruction of free radicals. The sperm of men who captures up to 1000 mgs of vitamin C daily has a minimum clumping than that of their corresponding parts.


Eggs readily help boost up the sperm count and appropriate fertilization. Eggs have the ability to destroy the testicular tissue as it is rich in vitamin E. This antioxidant quality of egg helps counterbalance the false impact of free radicals on our cells.


The easiest method to enhance your sperm count is doing drink ample water daily. It is very essential to keep your body hydrated in order to increase the functioning of cells, including sperm. Drinking an adequate amount of water everyday can help your sperm count increase for a longer time.

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