High Fiber FoodsFiber is a component, which presents in the plant food and are used to facilitate the digestive system. It is also termed as roughage. Fibers are mostly found in fruits and plants. Non-vegetarian foods do not contain fiber. Fiber is further divided into two parts, soluble and insoluble fiber. Fiber is finished up of the non-starch polysaccharides elements, called lignin, waxes, pectin, insulin, cellulose, chitin, oligosaccharides, and beta-glucans. It has been suggested that women should intake 25 grams of fiber and men 38 grams, daily. A man should intake 30 grams of fiber and woman 22 grams, daily.

Soluble fiber

It gets dissolved in the water, which results proper digestive system. It assists trim down the cholesterol present in the blood, and improves the blood circulation movement. Fiber mends constipation (a tight or hard stool) problem. Banana, apple, carrot, potato, green vegetables, etc. are a source of dietary fiber.

Insoluble fiber-

However, an insoluble fiber couldn’t get dissolved in the water. It is responsible to stabilize the acidity level, of the stomach. It improves the digestive system, mends loose tar and gastric problem. However, the proportion of fiber present in the fruits and plants varies. Leafy dark green vegetables, fruits, nuts, etc. are the source of insoluble fiber. However, existence of fiber (soluble and insoluble) stood highly beneficial, for the health. However its intake has to be in moderation. Some of the health benefits of consuming fiber rich foods are listed below.

1.   Facilitates digestive system

Consuming fiber rich foods improve the digestive system facilitates the bowel movement and helps to eliminate the waste easily. One can easily get rid of constipation problem. People, consuming fiber rich foods are less likely, to get digestive disorders. Fiber vigor the digestive tract and makes it easy to digest the food. Both the soluble and insoluble fiber improves the digestive system. Well soluble fiber easily gets mixed with the water and pushes the waste stuff out from the stomach, whereas, an insoluble fiber fails to digest and dissolve, in the water. It crosses by your guts without splits and pushes the food stuffs, to get digested easily. Fiber manages the acidic level, of the stomach. It mends and keeps the digestive tract healthy. People, consuming fiber rich food faces less risk of ulcer, colon cancer, etc. Limit the intake of insoluble fiber in case of diarrhea. Fiber is one of the most efficient components, adopted from fruits and vegetables, which works naturally to promote healthy and perfect digestive system.

2.   Prevent from kidney stone

Kidney stone causes due to less fluid intake and excessive crystals development, which comes from the blood stream. Kidney decides the percentage of water intake and its absorption in the body, which further filters the water into urine. As fiber is soluble components, which helps reduce the risk of kidney stone formation? It gets dissolved in the water and facilitates the flow of urine, which results less risk of kidney stone formation. Moreover, one can also get less chance of gallstone formation.

3.   Cut down cancer risk

Fiber does carry some anticancer effect. Its sufficient intake trims down the formation of colon cancer. It is a last part of the digestive function, which extort water and salt from the waste stuff before the elimination. Colon is nothing, but a large intestine. A formation of a malignant tumor, in the inner layer of the large intestine, called colon cancer. Fiber helps cut down the tumor development and prevent from colon cancer. Fiber also protects from uterine cancer, colon cancer, breast cancer, stomach cancer, and ovarian cancer.

4.   Good for diabetes sufferer

Diabetes is a metabolic statement, in which the body fails to manage the formation and circulation of glucose or sugar, in the blood. People, suffering from diabetes either generate less insulin or fails to generate insulin. In such case, fiber helps stabilize the insulin level; since, it is a main element to manage blood sugar level. Fiber is good for diabetes type 2 sufferer.  Soluble fiber works superb; since, it gets dissolved with the water and gets involved in the blood, which manages the insulin generation. Hence, diabetes sufferer must consume fiber rich foods; since, it reduces the blood sugar level.\

5.   Cholesterol reduction and weight management

Consuming fiber loaded foods trim down the bad cholesterol level. It gets dissolved in the water and gets mixed with the blood, which brings down the cholesterol level. A reduction in bad cholesterol results healthy heart and stabilized blood pressure. Moreover, fiber also helps managing the weight. An obese or overweight people must eat fiber rich food; since, fiber reduces the fats and controls the weight. Fiber is one of the natural sources, to bring down the cholesterol level and to manage the perfect weight.

6.   Stroke reduction

Some of the studies noticed that people, consuming a sufficient amount of fiber daily are at less risk of strokes. Stroke is nothing, but a brain attack, which occurs due to insufficient supply of oxygen and blood. In short, blood clotting enhances the problem of strokes. An obese and smoking people are more at risk. Thus, a reduction in bad cholesterol level results weight loss and a weight decrement reduces strokes problem.

7.   Stabilizes the blood pressure

As fiber trims down the cholesterol level and stabilizes the weight, which results stabilized blood pressure? People, carrying the habits of smoking, drinking alcohol, hypertension, etc. are at more risk of high blood pressure. However, an obese person surely faces this risk. Thus, consuming fiber rich food helps manage the blood pressure level by reducing bad cholesterol and by stabilizing the weight.

8.   Vigorous immune system

Since fiber intake mends digestive system, prevent from cancers, solves constipation problems, stabilizes blood pressure, reduces weight, prevent from strokes, etc. presents a healthy immune system. Vegetables and fruits are highly loaded with fiber, which should be consumed daily to boost the immune system.

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