Generic Viagra – A Super-Strong ED Solution

Erectile dysfunction (ED) or male impotency is a sexual inability to get and/or sustain a penile erection to enjoy a satisfying sexual intercourse. Erectile dysfunction (ED) has affected the sex life of millions of couples all over the world. Erectile dysfunction (ED) is said to be one of the most bothersome sexual condition in men that may occur at any age group. Erectile dysfunction is one of the most commonly caused sexual problem men that include lack of sexual desire and troubles with ejaculation or orgasm ability.

Previously men who had to suffer from this condition had to live with it, but today due to rapid development in the field of medical science there are many treatment options available in the market that can help men to enjoy the desired sex life with their partner. There are numerous causes of male impotency that can either be physical, psychological or lifestyle condition. The most commonly observed cause of impotency is inadequate flow of blood into the penis, which may lead to male impotency if left untreated.

Below mention are the various risk factors that may lead to cause the problem of erectile dysfunction (ED) in most of the men. Ageing, Cardiovascular disorder, Prostate gland problems, type-2 diabetes, hypertension/high blood pressure, vascular disease and/or surgery, neurological disorders, high levels of blood cholesterol, low levels of HDL (high-density lipoprotein), hypogonadism in linked with a no. of endocrinologic conditions, peyronie’s disease (bend or curvature of the penis), priapism (inflammation of the penis), stress, depression, anxiety, excessive smoking, develops various vascular disease or hypertension, alcoholic abuse, abuse of some medications, drug abuse, chronic disorder such as; renal failure and dialysis, etc. are some of the major causes of erectile dysfunction in men.

The most common and trusted solution to treat male impotency is the oral medication treatment. There many several Sildenafil Citrate based drug, which is an approved chemical composition that treat male impotency. Some of popular Sildenafil Citrate based oral pill that treat ED are Generic Viagra, Kamagra, Edegra, Suhagra, Caverta, Penegra, Zenegra, etc. All these drugs are the Generic formulation of the first anti-impotent pill called Viagra which is also known as the brand name version of this drug.

This oral medication has a very simple working mechanism, which basically works to improve the flow of blood in your body. Once you have consumed the drug it will start showing its effects in just 15-20 minutes from the time you have taken the pill. Sexual stimulation is essential for Generic Viagra to begin showing it affects and once it is effective it will continue to remain active in your body for almost 4-5 hours, which make it’s a longer-lasting drug and allows the impotent couple to enjoy multiple orgasms in just a single dose of Generic Viagra.

It online available will also help you stay away from various embarrassing and awkward moment of going personally to the drug store. Sildenafil Citrate based these Generic pill are surely amazing solution for your problem and can be used by almost all the impotent men suffering from different age group.

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