The process of normal delivery is reducing day by day; since, the female lacks the bearing ability in today’s world. It’s all about insufficient knowledge about activities and diet to be considered during pregnancy. Normal delivery is a process of natural delivery of a baby without any operation. In previous days, women are more likely to get normal delivery; since, they hold healthy diet and active work. A proper guidance of diet, exercise, and care may lead to normal delivery of a child. Generally, the process of a baby’s development takes minimum 8 months and maximum 9 months, respectively. Pregnancy holds around 40 weeks, which have been categorized into three stages.

First trimesters of pregnancy- in this stage the body goes under many changes. Hormonal alteration affects the function of the organs. This shows the indication of pregnancy. Fatigue, increment in breast size, disorder of the stomach, facing the constipation issue, increase in urinary frequency, head pain, blazing of heart, increment or decrement in the weight, etc.

Second trimester of pregnancy- the indication of nausea or vomiting get reduced, and the process of baby development and movement take place during this stage. You will see an expansion in the stomach size. The baby grows and starts making the place in the mother womb. Whole body pain (back ache, thigh ache, etc.), stretch sign (on the stomach, breast, and hips), nipples get more dark, a dark patches over the skin (face, nose, lips, etc.), itching on the stomach, hand, palm, etc. inflammation (swelling) of fingers, face, and ankles. (Note: in a case of excessive weight increment and decrement, severe irritation and swelling of hands, legs or body consult the doctor instantly).

Third trimester of pregnancy- as the baby expands, women faces difficulty in breathing; since, the baby put pressure on the organs. Difficulty in breathing, irritation of a heart, sleep disorders, thinner cervix (make easy to open the vagina during baby delivery), inflammation of fingers, ankles, face, etc.

These were the steps of baby development, whose proper care may give normal delivery. However, there are some of the tips that can help you out to get normal delivery. They are as follows.

• Diet
Your diet matters a lot to get healthy pregnancy? Women carrying a diet, which holds essential properties of minerals, vitamins, nutrients, protein, etc. may get less risk of unhealthy pregnancy, fewer chances of miscarriages, less likely to get under developed baby delivery, etc. Diet of a woman during pregnancy plays a great role, to get normal delivery. An unhealthy diet may give unhealthy babies with various health disorders. Fruits, green vegetables, coconut water, pulses, dark chocolates, etc. should be consumed by the pregnant women. Moreover, fish with omega 3 fatty acids, chicken, fruit juice, etc. should also consume. Furthermore, mercury contains fish, oily stuff, excessive cheese, chips, burger, pizza, etc. should be avoided during pregnancy; since, this is considered an unhealthy diet, which couldn’t give a sufficient supply of healthy nutrients to your developing baby. Hence, one needs to maintain a healthy diet to get healthy and normal delivery. Make sure that you won’t lack your meal in this situation.

• Intake sufficient Water
Water intake during pregnancy is really required, to enhance the growth of the baby and to reduce various symptoms, of pregnancy. It trims down the constipation problem, facilitates healthy and active organs, better lactation (get dissolved in the breast milk), eliminate urinary infections; hydrates the body, and develop healthy baby, are some advantages of consuming ample amount of water during pregnancy.

Some exercises steps to get normal delivery

• Daily Walk
A woman who is pregnant should go for a daily walk; since, it helps reducing the accumulated fats of the body, which gets formed during pregnancy. Walking is the best ways, to trim down the extra weight. Inflexibility of a body movement during pregnancy may lead to fats formation and accumulation, which may results overweight problem. Hence, to reduce the excessive calories from the body during pregnancy, maintain walking habit.

• Do squats
Performing squats during pregnancy is a perfect way to maintain your pelvic muscles flexible, which assists to trim down the pain during the delivery process. Sit in a position as you sit in the toilet by holding a big round shape ball. It gives mild pressure over the thighs and pelvic area to get perfect support.

• Stretching of pelvic
Pelvis stretching is very helpful to get the normal delivery of a child. For its performance one need to take a help of the ball, pillow or chair. Keep your feet over the ground stretch your legs to some distance and maintain straight back. Move your pelvis forward and backward, do this at least 20 times according to your ability level.

Take a deep breath
Performing deep breath exercises during pregnancy helps superb, to maintain proper respiratory and blood flow system. Deep breath process facilitates the flow of blood, respiratory functions, an organ function, etc. A pregnant woman, who performs this activity’s daily may get healthy and calm mind, stress relief, reduction in depression, etc. It will help mend the respiratory system and organs of a developing child. Performing deep breath exercise during pregnancy can bring happy, charming and calm minded baby.

• Sleep with cobbler pose
Cobbler pose is one of the effective pose to get flexible pelvic area. Lie down with the help of two pillows beside your leg knees and one pillow under your head. Further, apart (stretch) the knees and then attach the knees. This exercise helps to build healthy thigh and back and also bring flexible pelvic area.

• Maintain strong back
To get normal delivery one need to maintain strong back. Perform an exercise to get vigorous back with healthy bones and healthy muscles.

• Yoga
Performing yoga daily is good for the pregnant women, to get normal delivery; since, yoga enhances the flexibility of the body and provide relax. It also gives normal delivery with less pain.

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