Pregnancy is the most awaiting stage in every woman’s life. In this condition, one needs to be extremely careful about their eating habit to the behaving habit. In the stage of pregnancy, the daily routine system of the mother comprising eating, sleeping, etc. gets changed. Well, this is the normal condition faced by every pregnant woman. In short, the baby’s healthy growth is in the hand of mother, so mother needs to be cautious about each and every thing. Well, it is generally seen that woman in pregnancy stage feels very irritating and disturbed, this perhaps affect the child growth or could lead to some types of defects in child. Women are strictly advised to stay away from stress and depression; since, this directly affects the fetus growth or could lead to miscarriages. These are the suggestion or guidance, which a woman must follow during labor stage, besides this there are certain habits, which must be avoided by the woman during labor stage.

Stress and depression

In today’s generation stress and depression has become one of the leading stage, which causes various complication during pregnancy. A constant worries, melancholy, irritation, etc. found to be biggest threat for the fetus growth. The studies found that woman, who holds certain futile habits deliver most of the baby defective. In such condition, women fail to develop a healthy baby, which further turns baby in various health complications. Labor is the step where woman needs proper guidance and accompany of the love one or the partner. This will be the best way to reduce some of the stress or depression level; since, it has been found that in such stage partners become bother less about their loved one, which indirectly leads to disturbed or irritated mind of the mother.

Screaming or banging

Most of the women found impatience in this phase, which address the habit like screaming and shouting that again found unsafe for fetus growth and sense. Screaming in women arises, when the situation goes out of control and makes women impatience to handle the situation. When you scream, the pressure falls over the stomach and indirectly on the fetus. This habit may lead to imperfectness in baby’s growth. Sometimes, it may also lead to miscarriages or certain defects in the baby. However, this is the second leading habits found effecting in today’s age group of female because they are seen to be patience less. Labor is stated as long lasting exhausted, mental and physical confront for woman, which really needs anticipation of the partners in each and every step. This might aids reduce the depression, frustration, irritation, etc. of the woman in pregnancy, which could also helps to get healthy baby.


This is the stage, were woman already goes under certain complicated phase, along with; if, you make them face several other intricate they likely to fail their temper and starts behaving erratic. Hypertension is the condition, which is the third most affecting condition found in today’s woman. The condition found enhancing and impatience during pregnancy stage. Short temper could be the biggest threat for the child development. As most of the woman found short tempered which makes them intolerant and tend them practice certain futile habits like screaming, shouting, banging, etc. Bother or worry is the first step, which arises on the first day of pregnancy. This slowly get turn into anxiousness and then into persistent mental stress. These are the situations in which women become more traumatic and frustrated by predicting the future Indeed.

Avoid drinking alcohol or puffing cigarettes

Persistent stress, fighting, irritation, nervousness, worries, depression, etc. makes woman practice smoking or alcohol. Well, both the habits have become common in today’s generation. An addiction of such harmful habits found threat for females, present and future plan. Woman addicted to such habits faces enormous complication, to get pregnant and doubt to get healthy pregnancy in the future. Most of the woman in pregnancy tends to follow such harmful habits due to frustration, stress and depression, which actually lead to defects and threats in baby growth. Preferring certain life taking stuff and expecting to get healthy pregnancy and healthy baby is impossible. As we all know how harmful and dangerous is smoking and alcohol, then why people tend to follow certain futile lifestyle.

Woman needs to be cautious about their future plan. Drinking alcohol or smoking cigarettes in the stage of pregnancy leads to miscarriages, defects in the baby, soon delivery, late delivery, underweight baby, etc. Well, besides this getting pregnant becomes difficult for the woman, who smokes or drinks excessively.

Well, a woman who really wanted to get healthy and defect less baby, then try avoiding certain harmful habits and accept following certain good habits, which helps keep you and your child charming all the time. Stress, depression, frustration is a part of the life one cant actually get rid of it always, but yes managing yourself in such situation is a big deal. Try making yourself hang out in the garden or practicing yoga and exercise, which aids you keep your mind calm and peaceful. Pregnancy is the stage in the life, which sometimes fails you to make understand your feeling, to your partners. This is what exactly makes you stressful, frustrate, etc. In such situation, try managing your temper by watching comedy videos, or by hanging out with the friends or family. Avoid fighting with your partners or any member of the family, try to keep yourself happy. In short, if you fail to make any one understand, try making yourself understand, this would be good for you and your child growth.

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