The people of America are at the highest rank in intake of soft drinks among several other countries. First, they give priority to intake of soft drinks instead of milk and plain water. Caffeine addiction, low price, Influence of advertising on people’s mind, good taste and easy availability are some leading reasons associated with increased intake of these fizzy drinks. There are innumerable sides effects are linked with consumption of such soft drinks and the majority of people are unaware about it. Excess consumption of carbonated drinks affects human health very badly. Hence, here are some side effects  listed below to make you little bit aware:


  • Usually varieties of sodas are served with meals and snacks in most of the hotels. Due to the vigorous advertising campaigns people become addicted to soft drinks. Soft drinks are loaded with calories and while drinking these beverages people simply ignore this fact. According to research, consuming only 330ml can of fizzy drink in day contribute to weight gains. As a result, those people on dieting should think twice or thrice before drinking such carbonated drinks. Consumption of such fizzy drinks is said to be culprit of obesity. Keep in mind, sodas do not provide you any nutritional benefits. Hence, it would be better if people, who are following weight loss diet, may stay away from drinking of fizzy drinks.
  • Abundant source of refined sugar present in soft drinks including soda is responsible for increase blood cholesterol and phosphorus level. This in turn enhances the risk of diabetes and various heart related diseases. Besides that, they may also result in weight gain, early ageing of skin, tooth decay and high blood pressure. In addition, excess use of artificial sweetener made in these drinks acts as a silent killer. Further, it contributes to shortness of breath, tachycardia, gastrointestinal problem and high blood pressure. It is also a major culprit behind the development of poor vision and hearing ability of the person.
  • Great sources of caffeine found in carbonated drinks give an open invitation to so many health risks such as irregular heartbeats, stiff muscles, muscle pain, nausea, vomiting, anxiety, premenstrual syndrome symptoms (PMS) in females and depression. Apart from these, caffeine demonstrates diuretic components and hence raises the urine volume, which in turn leads to dehydration.
  • Carbonated drinks are responsible for making bones too weak and brittle. Huge sources of phosphoric acid found in various carbonated drinks interrupt the body’s ability to soak up calcium. In addition, it is also causing to deteriorate tooth enamel hence leads to tooth decay.
  • High amount of Phosphoric acid present in fizzy drinks is nothing but an anti-nutrient. Hence, this anti-nutrient becomes responsible for liquidating the effects of hydrochloric acid. It also destructs the ability of the body to soak up vital nutrients like magnesium, calcium and iron. In short, this condition gives rise to common health ailments like bloating, indigestion, symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome and various other stomach related problems. The risk of development of kidney and bladder stone also takes place due to presence of phosphoric acid in the body.
  • Presence of rich sources of carbonic acid in carbonated drinks significant change the blood pH. The possibilities are high that people may suffer from acidity and heartburn, which may contribute to peptic disease. Several studies have revealed that because of over intake of these fizzy drinks, the possibilities of dysfunction of the liver, damage of the lining of the mouth, esophagus and pharynx have increased considerably.
  • A variety of popular carbonated drinks hold rich sources of phosphate and almost no calcium. Great sources of phosphate level are responsible for the loss of calcium from bones, which further make bones weak and fragile. Several studies indicate that over consumption of carbonated beverages give rise to issues of bone loss. In short, intake of fizzy drinks has become reason of people suffering from osteoporosis.
  • Caffeine, phosphoric acid, fructose corn syrup, artificial sweeteners, artificial flavors and citric acid are known to be some of the key components of carbonated drinks. These main ingredients are responsible for the exclusion of tooth enamel and result in tooth decay. Occurrence of kidney disorders is another major effect of these drinks. Mineral imbalance and acidity of these soft drinks enhances issue of numerous health ailments.
  • According to research, consumption of soft drinks is one reason behind the development of non- alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). This disease takes place when fat formulates in the liver. Research has found 80 percent of people being affected by NAFLD due to excess consumption of soft drinks.
  • Your dentist may recommend you to exclude carbonated beverages from your daily regimen, once the tooth extraction process completes. Since the presence of bubbles in aerated drinks is likely to omit the recently formed clot from the socket. Generally people followed the instruction recommended by their dentist at that time and later ignores. But, if you do not follow such instruction in the entire life, then obviously you are at increased risk of developing other several teeth related problems. People should try their level best to avoid excessive intake of these drinks, as lots of healthy options are available in the market.
  • Acidity in carbonated drinks also makes worse to your digestive system. It enhances the risk of intestinal inflammation and erosion.

 Intake of soft drinks has becomes a major issue of health concern. Being habitual to intake of carbonated drinks indicates that you are prone to a number of health disorders mentioned above. Therefore, it is essential to replace to carbonated beverages with healthy options like clean plain water, soy or almond milk, lemon water, milkshakes, coconut water, unsweetened fresh fruit juices and various herbal teas. As all these healthy drinks cope with your taste buds as well as improve your health.

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