Only people addicted to smoking knows how difficult is to stop smoking or even reducing smoking. But people who have left this extreme unhealthy habit will give you guarantee that quitting smoking is not difficult task. With appropriate medical guidance, great will power and changes in lifestyle, you can definitely accomplish your goal of quitting smoking within a few weeks or months duration. In order to inspire your aim it would be more beneficial for you having knowledge about the advantages that you will enjoy after putting limit or quitting smoking.


The first and leading advantage of cutting down smoking is that you can become capable to quit smoking completely one day. You can begin with smoking half the cigarettes which you previously used to. For instance, if you previously used to smoke 5-6 cigarettes, decrease it to 3-4 and then after few days lessen it as much as possible for you that is one or two. In simple words, you will kick it gradually. This gradual process assists you to deal with withdrawal symptoms effectively and assist you to proceed with your goal of quitting smoking. During this overall process, besides withdrawal symptoms, you will notice many optimistic changes in your body because your body begins reviving the damages and risks occur due to smoking. Hence, some of the outstanding health benefits of quitting smoking are listed below: –

  • Quitting smoking helps significantly to improve the body’s blood flow, which in turn improves sensitivity. Men can achieve solid erections after quitting smoking. Women notice that their orgasm get improve, hence they become stimulated more easily. In short, for enjoying healthy sexual life quitting smoking is obligatory.
  • Smoking creates lots of obstacles in getting pregnant. Leaving this unhealthy habit improves the lining of the womb and makes male’s sperm more effective. Quitting smoking enhances the chances of conceiving through IVF and cuts down the risk of having a miscarriage. Most beneficial advantage that, it promotes the possibilities of giving birth to a healthy child.
  • Quitting smoking has been found to delay facial ageing and visibility of wrinkles as well. The skin of non-smoker obtains more nutrients, including oxygen; hence they notice clear and elastic skin.
  • For good dental health, quitting smoking is mandatory. Even staying away from tobacco prevents teeth becoming strained. For better oral hygiene and to get rid of other dental issues like bad breath, stained teeth and mouth sores, it is indispensable to stop smoking.
  • Staying away from the smoking habit gives you feeling of smell and taste a boost. Since the body is retrieving from being blunted by the numerous of deadly chemicals present in cigarettes.
  • Within 2-12 weeks of quitting smoking, the blood circulation improves significantly. Further, this enables all physical tasks including walking and running effortless. Stopping smoking also ensures strong immune system. This in turn helps a lot to combat colds and flu. In addition, the raised in oxygen in the body is responsible for making ex-smoker less tired and reduces chances of having headaches among them.
  • Several researches have disclosed that people’s stress level gets lower after they kick the habit of smoking. Nicotine obsession enables smokers to become anxious from the ‘withdrawal’ between cigarettes. The pleasant sense of encountering that hunger is just temporary and is not remedy for stress. Plus, increased level of oxygen in the body indicates that ex-smoker can enjoy good concentration power and healthy mental well being as well. 
  • A chain smoker is prone to go through from numerous lung diseases like bronchitis and lung infection. The toxins, especially nicotine present in the cigarette is responsible for making immune system poor. Plus, making people vulnerable to respiratory infection also. Hence, putting limit or kicking this bad habit may help you to keep these infections at bay and making immune system powerful.
  • Kicking this unhealthy habit successfully assist you to overcome heart diseases. There is a direct link between serious heart attack and smoking. Due to smoking the chances are high that blood pressure can increase very badly. Further, this condition gives an open invitation to risk of stroke and serious heart attack.
  • Studies have shown that people who are addicted to smoking are at higher risk of developing numerous forms of cancer like lung cancer, oral cancer, bladder cancer and esophagus cancer. Hence, cutting down smoking will definitely help you to avoid aforesaid life threatening cancers to a great extent.
  • Studies indicate that people die soon because diseases caused by smoking like heart disease, severe bronchitis and lung cancer. Generally studies indicate that men who stop smoking at 30 live 10 years more life. But people who quit this unhealthy habit at 60 just live 3 years more life. Hence, say no to this unhealthy habit as early as possible and live healthy, longer life. Due to which, consequently chances of disease- free older life will also enhance considerably.
  • Once people quit their habit of smoking, they generally notice cough problems very rarely and can breathe effortlessly. This happens because their lung capability improves up to 10-20% within few months once they stop smoking. Remember, if your age is between 20 and 30s, then during that age you will not experience the consequences of smoking on your lung. But lung capability naturally declines with age. To live life happily in old age utmost lung capacity is prime necessity.
  • In addition to above mentioned benefits, cutting down smoking can assist in numerous other ways. The chances of going through thyroid diseases, peripheral vascular disease, grave’s disease, asthma, osteoporosis, pneumonia, gangrene and leukemia will also lowered considerably. In short, nothing is better that quitting smoking as soon as possible to live disease free and healthy life. 
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