As a person ages, incorporating a nutritious diet becomes more important. A healthy eating plan is critically vital at any age, the same applies to older people. As far as elderly people are concerned, the basic ideology of a balanced diet is similar to as at any other age. Just, individual nutritional necessity needs to be changed. An individuals overall health is totally relies on the food he/she prefers, no matter whatever your age is either 55 or 75 and whether you are homebound or active. Opting healthy food choices plus healthy lifestyle can only help significantly to stay away from aged diseases like heart disease, diabetes and osteoporosis. In addition, it also assists in treatment also as to get rid of certain disorders at earliest. Following a nutritious diet means nothing but consuming varieties of healthy foods on a daily basis. As you might aware that food is filled with several essential nutrients like fiber, mineral, protein, hence provides you energy and keeps you mentally and physically fit. Numerous risk factors such as insufficient eating habits, unexplained gain or loss in weight, consuming medicines, not enough social contacts and loneliness, incapability to take care of yourself, financial insufficiency, poor dental health and prolonged poor health are mostly experienced by aged people and becomes responsible for poor nutrition of elderly people.

Keep in mind that same variety of nutrient aged people’s needs which younger people need, just the quantity differs. When a person grows older, one needs fewer calories than younger people. Reduction in muscle mass and less physical activity is the main reasons behind this. Plus, during older age, less energy is needed for daily functioning of the body. Still, the basic necessity of nutrients does not diminish at all with growing age. But in reality, aged people need an augmented amount of certain nutrients. The major tough task is to prepare an eating plan that offers plenty of nutrients without excessive calories. Since calorie necessities wholly relies on age as well as the activity level.

A nutritional eating plan is possible by opting foods that hold an abundant source of fiber, low fat food like cereals and breads prepared with fresh vegetables, fruits, whole grains, healthy oils and fats. In addition, sufficient amount of protein rich foods such as fish, poultry, eggs, meat and beans also needed. If food rich in sugar, fat and calories included in diet occasionally, then it can also be fine. But limit on such food is prime necessity at old age.


  • Calcium:-

 No doubt, this vital nutrient is needed extensively at even old age also. Calcium is obligatory for beating osteoporosis; one common bone disorder is frequently experienced by age people. Plus, it is essential for development of strong bones as well. Most of the old people ignore to eat a sufficient amount of food that holds an excellent source of calcium. In addition, the aging body is not much capable to  soak up calcium from food. Plus, many adults hesitate to indulge in weight bearing exercise like walking which assist to make bone stronger.

According to health experts, people above 65 need 1200-1500 mg of calcium per day. In reality, obtaining this amount through food alone is just impossible. Therefore, to fulfill this need, the option of calcium supplement may also prove beneficial. But, take it strictly after taking permission from your physician. In case, if you opt calcium supplement then take it between meals. Food items like low fat milk, cheeses, canned salmon that hold edible bones, yogurt, and tofu prepared by including calcium sulfate, green leafy vegetables and soy milk are best example of calcium rich foods.

  • Vitamin B12:-

This vitamin is necessary to build up red blood cells and the shortage of it contributes to anemia. Foods that are an excellent source of vitamin B12 includes liver one effective source, chicken, fish, whole egg, mutton, cheese, milk, beef and pork. It you take vitamin B12 supplements after taking advice from a doctor, then also fine.

  • Vitamin C:-

This vitamin plays a significant role in absorption of iron through sources of food that are formed from plants. The habit of smoking and insufficient eating habits are highly responsible for low level of vitamin C. Low level of vitamin C further gives rise to shortage of iron, bleeding gums and delays curing of wounds. Potent source of vitamin C includes all fruits from the citrus family, green peppers, tomatoes, melons and many more.

  • Fiber:-

Fiber consumption ensures proper functioning of bowel and keeps intestinal problems at bay. Sufficient eating fiber aids in preventing some types of cancer, heart disease and diabetes. Most of nuts, vegetables and fruits hold a great source of fiber. The suggested amount of fiber in a day for aged people is 21 gm for women and 30 gm for men.

  • Potassium:-

This mineral keeps blood pressure under control; ensure proper functioning of nerves and muscles and sufficient fluid balance. Most of food items you prefer, hold a sufficient amount of potassium. Foods like tuna, spinach, bananas, oranges, eggplant, cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, tomatoes, halibut and chard hold rich sources of potassium. So, consume them in moderate amount regularly and ensure healthy aging.

  • Vitamin E:-

Powerhouse of antioxidant thus aids in protecting cells from cause of damage. Foods such as peanut butter, almonds, and tomato sauce and sunflower seeds are packed with vitamin E.

  • Magnesium:-

This mineral plays a significant role in the smooth functioning of heart, muscles and nerves. Plus, it is responsible for strong bones and immune system. 420 mg of magnesium per day is crucial for men, while 320 mg per day is sufficient for women. Various fish, fruits, green leafy vegetables and nuts are loaded with magnesium mineral.

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