Healthy Diet Plan for Hypothyroidism Patients

People who suffer from hypothyroidism find it very difficult to lose or maintain weight. Most causes of hypothyroidism are a result of a problem with the thyroid gland. This kind of thyroid problem is often treated with the help of thyroid hormone medicines. Hypothyroidism patients also need to stick to a healthy diet. Two of the most common factors that cause weight issues in thyroid patients include hormonal imbalance and resistance to leptin and insulin. Insufficient hormone production can cause several health issues. Explained below are some dietary tips that can help hypothyroidism patients to get control over their weight and improve their condition.


Iodine is one of the most important elements for the production of thyroid hormone. Therefore, people who suffer from thyroid conditions should eat more of those foods that are rich in iodine. Kelp, which is a sea herb, is a very powerful source of iodine and is often recommended for people with thyroid issues. Some other dietary sources of iodine include fish like haddock and coldish. It is also recommended to use sea salt and iodized salt if you have an underactive thyroid. Your physician will conduct a few tests to check your iodine levels before suggesting an iodine diet.


Deficiency in the production of thyroid hormone disturbs your metabolic rate. This is one of the main reasons why people suffering from thyroid issues experience weight gain. Fiber helps to slow down the process of digestion. It is also helpful in maintaining cholesterol levels and blood sugar levels. Therefore, people who are following a thyroid diet should include fiber-rich fruits and vegetables in their diet. Whole grains are other good fiber source and must be a part of your diet plan.


Selenium is a vital mineral in the thyroid gland and helps to regulate the hormone production. Selenium, which is found in soil, is absorbed by the crops and then converted into a form that we can consume. You can obtain selenium from cops such as wheat, rice, and cereals. Some other good sources of selenium include eggs, beef, chicken, cod, tuna, salmon, and cheese.


Since most glands are made of protein, increasing your daily consumption of protein rich foods can help to deal with problems associated with the thyroid gland. A diet to cure an underactive thyroid should contain foods like lamb and turkey, as both of them are very rich sources of protein. Vegetarians can increase their consumption of soybean and cheese.

Vitamins and Fatty Acids

People suffering from thyroid problems should include in their diet foods that are high in essential fatty acids. Foods like almonds and walnuts can help to increase the sensitivity of cells to thyroid hormone. Eat more green leafy vegetables and make use of olive oil and flaxseed oil in your recipes. Increasing your intake of vitamins will also help to improve your thyroid condition. Vitamin A and vitamin C are particularly beneficial against thyroid problems. Spinach, mangoes and cantaloupes are all rich in vitamin A, whereas tomatoes, broccoli and orange are some excellent sources of vitamin C.

Although following a healthy diet plan is the simplest, safest and most effective way of fighting thyroid problems and weight issues associated with it, it is recommended to consult your physician before starting with a thyroid diet.


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