A gallstone is also known as cholelithiasis and usually forms in the gallbladder, which is small organ placed under the liver. The gallbladder plays a crucial role in the overall digestive process by storing bile and releasing it into the small intestine, when food enters. Bile is one kind of fluids which is produced by the liver and is built up of several substances such as bile salts, bilirubin and cholesterol. Gallstones are classified into two types that are cholesterol stones and pigment stones. Studies had found that about 80 percent of gallstones are cholesterol form of stones and are yellow or green in color. On the other hand, pigment stones are built up of bilirubin and are smaller and darker.

Gallstone is often symptomless, hence also known as “silent stones”. Still, the commonly observed symptoms include intense pain in the upper abdomen and upper back lasts for several hours, vomiting, nausea, gassiness, indigestion, heartburn, bloating and so on.

Genetics, obesity, Estrogen, diabetes, rapid weight loss, ethnic background, cholesterol drugs, gender, age, low calorie diet, low mobility of the gallbladder are considered to be the major risk factors that are associated with gallstones.


1) Pears and honey:-
It is one of great fruit in order to get relief from gallstone pain. The compound known as pectin found in pears helps effectively to soften cholesterol-filled gallstones. Mix 2 tbsp of honey with ½ glass of pear juice in a ½ glass of boil water. Drink this mixture thrice in a day until two weeks. Alternatively, by cutting the pears in small pieces and by cooking those in water for around 20 minutes, they by drinking the same juice for 2 weeks can overcome gallstones naturally.

2) Wine:-
Intake of half glass of wine is extremely beneficial as it give instant relief from the gallstones pain. Studies have proved that, half glass of wine daily reduces the risk of gallstones attack by 40%. In addition, follow various herbal remedies such as peppermint, milk thistle and dandelion by taking doctor’s consultation only. Otherwise, it may create negative impact on your health.

3) Castor oil:-
Castor oil is known to have medicinal and healing properties, which diminishes the risk of number of gallstones issues. Due to anti-inflammatory properties of castor oil, it liquidates inflammation and reduces pain as well. In addition, it is better for immune and lymphatic system as well.

4) Apple cider vinegar:-
Due to acidic nature of apple cider vinegar, it holds off the process of making cholesterol, which acts as an agent in forming most common type of gallstones. In fact, apple cider vinegar is vital to overcome gallstones and to alleviate pain. Simply mix 1 tbsp of apple cider vinegar in a glass of apple juice and drink the mixture whenever you suffer from gallstone attack. This is considered as one of the effective remedy since it gives instant relief from pain. Apart from that, you can mix 2 tbsp of apple cider vinegar, 1 tbsp of lime juice in glass of boil water. Drink the mixture on an empty stomach daily for a week in order to dissolve gallstones and reduce pain.

5) Turmeric:-
The curcumin compound present in turmeric, assist to flush out the gallstones from gallbladder. Research has revealed that, turmeric is extremely beneficial in reducing the volume of gallstones.

6) Artichoke:-
Artichoke is believed to be one of the effective remedy as it is utilized as an alternative to surgery. The ingredient present in artichoke induces liver to produce more bile and salts in it. In addition, it also holds off cholesterol from forming in the liver. When production of bile fluids rises, gallstones can also dissolve naturally.

7) Milk Thistle:-
Mile thistle not only improves the production of bile but also induces the movement of bile from the gallbladder. Increased flow of bile helps to eradicate gallstones held up in the gallbladder. Milk thistle plays a key role in improving digestive ability, hence reduces gallstones symptoms as well.

8) Dandelion:-
It is quiet beneficial herbal remedy for the treatment of gallstones. It holds a compound called taraxacin which helps in bile elimination from the liver. This herb assists to detoxify and metabolize fat gathered in the liver. Put 1 tbsp of dried dandelion root in a cup then pout boil water in the cup. Cover it and allow it to steep for 5-10 minutes. Finally strain and add some honey for taste. Drink the mixture twice or thrice in day for 1-2 weeks. Alternatively, you can consume tender dandelion greens by including them in salad or steaming them.

9) Peppermint:-
It helps in digestion by inducting the flow of bile and other digestive juices. It contains a compound known as terpene that effectively resolves gallstone issues. It is well known to relax spasms and to overcome acute gallbladder pain. Simply add 1 tbsp of dried peppermint leaves in one cup of boil water. Then allow it steep for 5-10 minutes, finally strain and mix 1 tbsp of honey in it. Seep the tea daily twice in a day for 4-6 weeks. To get desire result instantly, drink it between meals.

10) Psyllium:-
It holds an abundant source of soluble fiber, which binds to the cholesterol in bile and prevent gallstones from forming. Besides that, it encouraged normal bowel movements and prevents constipation as well. These two conditions play a major role in increasing gallstone formation. Mix 1 tbsp of psyllium powder in a glass of water and mix it properly. Then finally drink the mixture two times in a day. Follow this remedy until you get the desire results.

Apart from the above mentioned remedies, strictly avoid high cholesterol foods. You should take diet rich in fiber; means include variety of fruits, vegetable and whole grains in daily regimen. Fiber rich foods do the work of gallbladder effectively. In fact, it is vital for eradicating gallstones. Besides that, avoid fatty foods such as red meat from your diet, as they are not easily digestible foods. In addition, lack of water in the body is also the major reason behind gallstone formation. Hence, include maximum natural fluids and avoid carbonated drinks in order to get rid of gallstones. Intake of maximum water insures passing of small gallstones out of the body. In addition strictly avoid fried foods. Consumption of juices made from beet root, cucumber and carrot is also considered as effective remedy for gallstones.

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