Walking everyday is a great way to maintain overall health. Walking is considered one of the best exercises as it keeps number of health disorders at bay. The most beneficial advantage of walking that it is easiest, cheapest and convenient for people of all ages. For walking you don’t require any equipment, it can be easily performed at any time of the day and at your own pace as well. There are wide ranges of health benefits associated with walking which are listed below:


  • Boost your heart health:-

Daily walking plays a crucial role in improving your heart health. Regular walking lowers risk of LDL that is bad cholesterol. Bad cholesterol is responsible for plaque buildup and the walls of arteries, due to which the flow of blood is obstructed. But simply by regular walking one can cope with this problem. Daily walking also makes stronger to heart muscles, so healthy heart pumps blood effectively with less effort. Hence consequently pressure on the arteries also gets reduced. According to studies, daily walking control high blood pressure and reduces risk of stroke by about 27%. Besides these, several studies have prove that Brisk walking exercises done on regular basis lowers possibilities of having a heart attack.

  •  Keeps weight in control:-

People who are overweight require burning around 600 calories per day. Walking is one such simplest form of exercise that keeps weight in check and therefore controls obesity. In short, by keeping weight within limit one can keep number of health ailments such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes, stroke, cancer and osteoarthritis at bay. Another benefit of walking it raises muscle mass, tone and metabolism rate, due to more calories are burn easily and accordingly one obtains control over weight.

  • Ensures healthy sex life:-

There is strong co-relation between sex and exercise. In fact studies have revealed that women between 45-55 who give preference for regular brisk walking, reported greater sexual desire.

  • Prevents dementia:-

Sedentary lifestyle affects dementia, therefore being active and regular exercise is vital as this helps to improve brain function. According to research, regular exercise helps to prevent risk of dementia by about 40%.

  • Helps to increase vitamin D level:-

To obtain huge amount of vitamin D, go for walking in daylight. Getting vitamin D from food is quite difficult, so synthesise this essential nutrient from exposure to sunlight. Most of people in UK experiences lack of vitamin D. Vitamin D is vital as it plays numerous roles in body from improving bone health to immunity and many more.

  • Controls type 2 diabetes:-

Regular walking plays an important role in controlling type2 diabetes by reducing blood glucose level and burning calories effectively.

  • Reduces risk of osteoporosis:-

Weight-bearing exercise like walking not only strengthens bones but also enhances their density. Walking, one easiest form of exercise is extremely beneficial for women as it helps them to maintain strong joints and also ward off medical condition like arthritis.

  • Assists to beat breast cancer:-

One study has found that women who walk on regular basis after being affected with breast cancer have 45% greater possibilities of survival comparing to those who lead an inactive lifestyle.

  • Helps to fade fibromyalgia pain:-

This is believed to be extremely severe medical condition as it affects around 4 % of population and often includes symptoms of pain fatigue and brain fog. One study has disclose that women between 32-70 years who walked around 60 minutes on daily along with done light exercises and stretched 3 times within a week and continues up to 18 weeks reported substantial improvements in mental ability and walking, and also were noticed less depressed and tired.

  • Helps to reduce stress:-

When you take daily walk in the early morning, it enables you to breathe in fresh air and keeps you away from stale indoor air. If you breathe deeply while walking helps you to feel this benefits. In addition you also enjoy the stimulation and beauty of nature due to pleasant surroundings. In short, daily walking in such good environment keeps you mood cool and also reduces your stress. In fact to get relief from excessive stress starting day with daily brisk walking is one best option.

  • Keeps you energetic:-

Daily brisk walking plays a key role in keeping you energetic throughout the day. It promotes circulation and enhances oxygen supply to each and every cell present in your body and therefore makes you feel like more active and alert. Another benefit associated with brisk walking that it awakes stiff joints and alleviates muscle tension and naturally keeps you energetic. Hence go for walk instead of sitting at desk after taking lunch and see the difference. Brisk walking is one good solution in order to promote your energy level.

  • Helps to avoid gallstone surgery:-

One study indicates that with the help of regular brisk walking the need for gallstone surgery can also be avoided.

  • Lowers risk of lower limb and hip fracture:-

Several studies have proved that regular brisk walkers have less chances of suffering from lower limb and hip fractures.

  • Other benefits:-

Benefits related with daily brisk walking are endless. Those who prefer daily brisk walking have less chances of developing life threatening cancer. Besides that daily walking gives relief from back pain, promotes peaceful sleep, improves overall mood, reduces, depression, stress, anxiety, strengthens bones. In fact it plays a key role in making you happy and ensures lengthens lifespan.

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