Tips to prevent dehydration Dehydration takes place when you lose more fluids and your body does not have enough water. We all know that water is very essential for normal functioning of human body. Thus, you have to replace lost fluids to get dehydrated. Dehydration can occur among any age group of people. Young children, older adults and people with chronic illness are at a higher risk. You can overcome mild dehydration by simply drinking more fluids. But, in case of severe dehydration take immediate medical treatment. Try maximum to avoid dehydration at first stage only. Simply keep an eye on how much liquid you lose during illness, exercise and hot weather. Then, fulfill the requirement of fluids that your body needs in order to prevent dehydration.

Lack of water in the human body may contribute to various life threatening medical conditions. It is believed that human being can survive for 2 weeks without food but cannot survive more than 2 days without water. Human body contains almost 75% of water and this water consists in various cells and tissues of the body. If the adequate water is not supply then the body stops functioning normally. This in turn contributes to a complete breakdown of all normal bodily functions. There are various ways through which the body passes on the water such as while urinating, breathing and sweating. Hence, health expert always recommend drinking daily 7-8 glasses of water to stay hydrated and to live a healthy life. By drinking adequate water, the person urinates more often. This condition helps a person to flush out toxins and waste material from the body. Due to getting rid of these waste material the immune system increases, you may get sound sleep and clean, glowing skin.


  • Vigorous exercise in hot weather
  • Intense diarrhea
  • Fever
  • Excessive sweating
  • Vomiting
  • Diabetes
  • Increased urination


In the case of mild or moderate dehydration common observe symptoms include dry mouth, muscle cramps, nausea, vomiting, decreased urine output, dark yellow or orange urine, thirst, reduce sweat, infrequent urination, dry nose, dry tight wrinkled skin, weakness, overheating, no tear in eyes (dry eyes) headache, constipation and so on. During severe dehydration you may observe symptoms such as extreme thirst, extreme fussiness or sleepiness among infants and children, dry skin, mouth and mucous membranes, irritability and confusion among adults, little or no urination, low blood pressure, rapid breathing, sunken eyes, sunken fontanels, rapid heartbeat, fever, no tears while crying, delirium and unconsciousness.


1)   Drink plenty of water:-

Water plays a crucial role in keeping hydrating your body. Hence, drink plenty of water or in forms of juices. But, avoid other carbonated drinks and contaminated water strictly in order to overcome dehydration. In addition, carry a water bottle with you wherever you go outside.

2)   Wear dress according to season:-

While wearing dress make sure that you are not sweating more than you need to. Besides that, during hot or humid days try to wear lighter clothes.

3)   Drink plenty of fluids before performing strenuous activity:-

Never forget to drink enough fluids before participating in a sport or performing any strenuous activity. In addition drink at regular intervals as well during the activity.

4)   Take enough rest:-

If you observe any of the above mentioned symptoms then prefer to take rest in a cool area and drink plenty of fluids in order to overcome dehydration.

5)   Try to stay away from stomach ailments:-

It is very common that dehydration often takes place with various stomach ailments. Many times you might have observed that one loses fluids through vomiting and diarrhea. Hence, drink lots of fluids and stay hydrated.


1)   Watermelon:-

Watermelon is a nutritious fruit and well known as a powerhouse of antioxidants. It contains almost 92% of almost fluids. It includes rich source of vitamin A, B6, B1 and C. Along with watermelon its seeds are also very beneficial and healthy to consume. Hence, this fruit plays a key role in alleviating dehydration.

 2)   Cantaloupe:

One cup of cantaloupe holds 100 percent of daily requirement of vitamin C and A. Apart from that, it contains rich source of potassium, which in turn reduces the risk of dehydration. Being a water rich food, it is as powerful as watermelon and contains just 2% less water content than watermelon.

3)   Cucumber:-

It contains low calories which makes it an ideal food. It is great for weight conscious people as it helps in reducing weight. A cup of cucumber slices contains only 13 calories. Besides that, it includes rich source of vitamin C, potassium and dietary fiber in order to regulate the digestive system.

4)   Tomatoes: –

It is utilized while making various recipes or it can be eaten in raw form as well. It holds an excellent source of water and antioxidant which keeps you hydrated as well reduce the risk of life threatening cancer.

5)   Grapes: –

It is loaded with powerful antioxidant called resveratrol, vitamin B1, B2, B6, C, K, and Potassium. Hence, prevent cancer as well as dehydration.

6)    Banana: –

It is packed with potassium and includes an excellent source of water. It is said to be quite effective to alleviate dehydration. Add 1 tbsp of lime juice, pinch of salt, 1 tbsp of sugar to pint of water. They drink this mixture through the day to get relief from mild dehydration.

To get rid of dehydration stick to foods those are easily digested. Since stomach cramps is the primary symptom of dehydration which can reoccurred. Thus, include soda crackers, rice, bananas, potatoes and flavored gelatins in your regimen to alleviate dehydration. Gelatins are primarily made of water.


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