List of commonly noticed causes of ED

Erectile dysfunction is a frequent or consistent inability in a man to get and/or sustain an erection of the penis to engage in a satisfying sexual intercourse. This condition has been trouble men since the ancient time and since then men are seeking for some easy and painless relief from this trouble. This condition has been found in almost all men, even though earlier it was believed that only older men undergo such conditions. The fact is almost every man faces this disorder at some point of time in his life only it severity level varies from person to person.

Studies have also shown that the severity level of this condition frequently goes on increasing after the person grows old. There are various known and unknown causes of erectile dysfunction in men which various from person to person depending upon certain conditions such as the person age, physical fitness, medical history, and other fitness levels.

Moreover the three major categories that have been found about the various cause of erectile dysfunction can either be due to physical condition, psychological condition or due to various bad lifestyle choices.

Some of the commonly noticed physical causes of erectile dysfunction are high blood pressure, high cholesterol, heart and vascular disease, low male hormone level, prostate cancer, diabetes, systemic and respiratory diseases, Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, Scleroderma (stiffening or hardening of the skin), Liver cirrhosis, Hemachromatosis (too much iron in the blood), Kidney failure, Multiple sclerosis, malnutrition and zinc deficiency, Epilepsy, Stroke, Guillain-Barré syndrome, Alzheimer disease, Parkinson disease, Vascular diseases, imbalance in your hormones (such as testosterone, prolactin, or thyroid), bypass surgery, prostate gland surgery, etc.

Various physiological causes of erectile dysfunction include anxiety, stress, performance anxiety, depression, feeling nervous, self-conscious about sex, feeling stressed, feeling troubled, current relationship problems with sexual partner, one incident of failure may propagate more psychological distress leading to further major erectile failure.

Other lifestyle and medication that may lead to cause erectile trouble in men include; addictive smoking, heavy drinking of alcohol, substance abuse, obesity, bed fitness level, surplus use of certain medications, etc. All these condition are some of the commonly noticed causes of erectile dysfunction that have been trouble men and have been taking away their joy of enjoying a healthy and a satisfying sexual life.

Any point of time when a man notices such conditions it is advisable for you to immediately get in touch with your healthcare provider and get this disorder treated as soon as possible. There are many men who tend to avoid their partner and treatment in order to escape of all those awkward and embarrassing moments, but if this condition is left untreated or avoided then it will surely lead to get worst and they may be a permanent loss of erectile ability in that men. Hence it will become even more difficult for him to gain the trust and love of his partner.

Talk to your partner or with your doctor the moment you experience any such condition since they are the best people who will surely help you overcome this disorder with causing any more complications or embarrassments.

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