Intake of the right kind of foods is the potent preventive measure which helps to keep cancer at bay. It is well known fact that poor, unhealthy diet gives an open invitation to cancer since long time. In fact, studies have proved that around 30% percent of death from cancer takes place as a result of improper and unhealthy diet only. Therefore to prevent life threatening disease like cancer give first priority to changing dietary habits and choices of foods. Exclude fried foods and fast food from daily diet to keep cancer under control. Prefer a healthy, balanced diet filled with all the foods and supplements. Incorporating healthy food items is one of the excellent ways to obviate cancer.


  • Garlic:-

According to studies, people who consume more garlic are less likely to suffer from numerous types of cancer, particularly in digestive organs such as colon, stomach and esophagus. Health expert believe that daily consumption of a clove is enough to prevent cancer.

  • Carrots:-

Carrots hold an abundant source of beta carotene which assists substantially to cut down wide variety of cancers like breast, intestine, stomach, bladder, prostate, throat, mouth, and lung. A powerful element called falcarinol present in carrot aids in reducing cancer.

  • Sweet potatoes:-

Sweet potatoes hold lots of anticancer properties, including beta-carotene. This important nutrient protects DNA in the cell nucleus from cancer inducing chemicals beyond the nuclear membrane.

  • Seaweed:-

Seaweed and other sea veggies hold powerhouse of beta carotene, vitamin B12, chlorophyll, protein, fiber and chlorophylones. Thus, help to combat against breast cancer. Plus, many sea vegetables are well known for having rich concentration of mineral like iodine, magnesium, iron, potassium and calcium.

  • Avocados:-

Avocados hold glutathione in rich concentration, an effective antioxidant that target free radicals in the body by way of obstructing intestinal assimilation of certain fats. The best thing is they provide great source of potassium comparing to bananas. Plus, this delicious fruits consist of high amount of beta-carotene. Studies have proved that avocados are beneficial in curing viral hepatitis (a leading reason of liver cancer) and protect from chances of occurrence of liver damage as well.

  • Mushrooms:-

Polysaccharides and Lentinan, potent content present in mushrooms assist in enhancing immunity. In addition, they are an excellent source of Beta Glucan. They also hold a protein called lectin, which targets the cancerous cells and prevent their growth. They also have known to have a Thioproline.

  • Kale:-

Kale is known to have important element like nitrogen and indoles which aids in blocking the alteration of certain lesion to cancerous cells present in estrogen sensitive tissues. Plus, phytochemicals and isothiocyanates in kale hinder tumor development and obstruct cancer inducing substances from meeting their goals.

  • Cruciferous Vegetables:-

These foods are loaded with phytochemicals which encourage the body to eject influential toxin combating chemicals. They are also packed with antioxidant like zeaxanthin and lutein, which plays a significant role in diminishing the risk of prostate and other cancers.

  • Tomatoes:-

Tomatoes are an excellent source of antioxidant called lycopene, which assist to inhibit the risk significantly. Risk factors like too much drinking, smoking, excessive caffeine consumption and other pollutants are reasons behind development of free radical in the body. Free radicals are toxic in nature and lead to enhance the risk. Antioxidant found in various fruits and vegetables plays a main role in combating these free radicals.

  • Citrus fruits:-

Lemon, oranges and other citrus fruits hold large quantity of effective nutrient called monoterpenes, which eliminate carcinogens outside the body.

  • Papayas:-

Papayas are rich in vitamin C that acts as an antioxidant and cuts down assimilation of cancer inducing nitrosamines present in processed foods and soil. Papaya has rich source of folic acid content, which has been proven useful to reduce cervical dysplasia and certain cancers.

  • Grapes:-

Red grapes has huge source of bioflavonoid, an effective antioxidants that acts as a cancer preventive. Grapes are also a massive source of resveratrol, which conquer the enzyme that encourage cancer cell development and curb immune response. They also hold ellagic acid, a powerful element that obstructs enzymes that are vital for cancer cells. This in turn assists to delay the augmentation of tumors.

  • Berries:-

Various berries such as raspberries, strawberries, cranberries and blackberries are also proven useful to obtain control over this disease. These vitamin enriched foods are loaded with ellagic acid and flavonoids. Hence, offers protection against colon cancer. Berries are also enriched with antioxidants, vitamin C and anthocyanins which aids in cell revive, reducing the level of estrogen and assist to strengthen the immune system.

  • Flax:-

Flax has lignans, which is known to have an antioxidant effect. Thus, obstruct or hinders cancerous changes. Flax also has huge source of omega-3 fatty acids which assist to cope with heart and colon cancer disease to a great extent.

  • Turmeric:-

Turmeric (curcuma longa), belong to the ginger family. It is thought to have medicinal properties as well as powerful anticancer properties. Studies have shown that daily consumption of turmeric acts as a liver tonic. Since, it contains antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties in rich concentration, which in turn obstruct cancer development.

  • Ginger:-

Garlic has vast source of antioxidant that can obstruct chemicals that encourage DNA damage. Even green tea also proven useful as it also hold same nutrient.

  • Other foods:-

Other food item such as brown rice, cereals, beans and grains are also useful to keep cancer at bay. The fiber presents in these foods help to overcome destructive wastes and toxins outside the body. Flax seeds are considered to be excellent for women because daily consumption of them delays the growth of tumor in breast cancer patients. Apart from that, Isoflavones is abundantly present in soy products like soy nuts, tofu and soy milk, which prevent prostate and breast cancer by defending cells from the dangerous effects of estrogen.

Hence, include all aforesaid foods in your daily diet, but in right quantity. Besides, changes in lifestyle such as exercising daily and limiting smoking and alcohol consumption is necessary in long run in maintaining good health.

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