Shortage of iron is the main reason behind iron deficiency anemia. In this condition, the amount of red blood cells is not enough and hemoglobin level falls. Hemoglobin is believed to be protein in red blood cells, which brings oxygen from the lungs and offers to numerous parts of the body. Women are highly susceptible to this blood disorder comparing to men. Plus, women of childbearing years are also at increased risk of developing this condition.   


There are endless causes that contribute to low iron level in women. Usually, most of women comparing to men are likely to suffer from shortage of iron due to loss of blood during monthly cycle. Especially pregnant women requires rich source of iron than normal one and are mostly vulnerable to iron deficiency. Since a situation aggravates by blood loss during childbirth. A diet deficient in iron is a key factor in inducing low iron level in women. Especially in case of those women who often incorporate vegetarian diet or veganism fails to obtain adequate amount of iron rich foods. This happen because of dietary restrictions they follow. Some women may also go through hereditary issues which result in anemia. This type of anemia is associated with genetic problems that obstruct with the body’s capability to formulate sufficient red blood cells and maintain them. This hereditary disease involves various diseases like Fanconi anemia, thalessemia, sickle cell anemia and congenital B12 malabsorption syndromes. Certain medication may also give an open invitation to lack of iron symptoms in women who are on them, like some medication utilized in chemotherapy.


In some cases you may not notice any symptoms of lack of iron, particularly when levels are at borderline. On the other hand, symptoms may exhibit gradually. Frequently deficiency of iron is trapped in routine blood checkups that will exhibit low hemoglobin amount. Commonly notice signs of low iron level in women encompass difficulty while breathing, fatigue, chest pain, brittle nails, pale skin, cold extremities, dizziness, irregular heartbeat, irritability, poor concentration, heavy menstruation, sexual dysfunction and so on.    

In certain cases, people suffering from low iron level may wish to chew ice, or consume other strange non food items such as clay, mud and paper. This condition is also referred as pica. Women with low iron level confront health issues like regular infection and hair loss.


If the condition takes place because of another health disorder and if condition is not congenital, then in that case no need to worry. In that case the treatment of lack of iron in women becomes effortless and to bring iron level to usual is the main purpose of the treatment. There are endless ways to increase level of iron in the body. The excellent solution is to make alteration in a daily diet. The level of iron can be raised by including foods that that are packed with iron. Food items like dark green leafy vegetables, beans, nuts, eggs and dried fruits like apricots, raisins and prunes are enriched with iron. In case, if you fail to attain enough amount of iron from such foodstuff then you can prefer iron supplements also. But, take iron supplement under strict medical guidance only. Taking iron supplement without doctor’s consent may prove hazardous to health also. Therefore, to avert other complication never take supplement on own. If serious condition occurs, necessity of iron injection and blood transfusion may also arise. Most of women even adopt prophylactic iron supplements as well. Incorporating a healthy and balanced diet will help in the long run to ensure that you are getting sufficient amount of each of nutrient. Give extra attention to your body and the signs before it becomes a cause of concern. If you adopt healthy lifestyle then there no need to concern about the shortage of iron nutrient.


Iron is the key element in hemoglobin, the protein that plays a dominant role in giving color to the blood. Basically dietary iron is classified into two types; one is heme iron, highly present in animal foods. Other one is non-heme iron that is extensively found in plant foods. Non-heme iron is included to foods that are fortified or loaded with iron. By consuming foods enriched with iron a people can improve their physical and mental health.

Many vegetarians are concerns about obtaining sufficient iron in their diet. Since meat is traditionally believed to be chief source of iron. Hence, for people following only vegetarian diet needs to depend on different sources to assist them to meet their sufficient amount of iron every day. Luckily there are innumerable delicious and easy-to-prepare alternatives that both packed with iron as well as vegetarian-friendly. For Vegetarians intake of Brussels sprouts, raisins, lentils, dried peaches, pumpkin seeds, soybeans, pinto beans, arugula, whole wheat pasta, collard greens, sesame butter, dried thyme, black beans, brown rice, prune juice, oatmeal, dried apricots, potatoes, tofu, sun dried tomatoes, molasses, lima beans, black eyed peas, broccoli, kale, dark chocolate, sunflower seeds, peas, strawberries, cooked spinach are wonderful solution to overcome issue of low iron level.

Since iron is vital mineral utilized to transport oxygen to rest of the body, a little shortage in iron induced anemia (fatigue/ weakness), and a severe shortage contribute to organ failure. On the other hand, excessive iron result in production of hazardous free radicals, and disturbs metabolism, inducing harm to heart and liver. Oysters, halibut, tuna, chicken, beef liver, pork, turkey and white meat are also loaded with iron. Aforesaid all food items are believed to be safe and healthy to consume and to cope with low iron level.

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