List of the Most Common Digestive Problems

The complex process of digestion involves breaking down the food that you eat into substances that your body can easily use to perform its regular functions. The health of your digestive system determines how well the food you ingested will get converted into energy. An unhealthy digestive system can result in malnutrition, even if you have healthy meals daily. Poor digestive system that fails to absorb nutrients from the food can cause the following problems.


People who suffer from constipation fail to have bowel movement more than twice a week. The main reason behind this digestive problem is the hardening of stools. You need to understand that absence of bowel movement for one or two days a week is not considered to be constipation. It is normal to have proper bowel evacuation just about four times a week.


Diarrhea is an infection that is caused by bacteria or virus. Loose bowel movement or watery stools are the symptoms of diarrhea. This digestive problem causes frequent bowel movements, thereby disturbing the daily routine of an individual. The digestive system of a person suffering from diarrhea cannot tolerate fatty foods and dairy products.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is a condition that adversely affects the functioning of the large intestine or the colon. The food through the colon is passed due to the contraction and relaxation of those muscles that line the intestinal wall. In cases of IBS, there is an abnormal contraction of these muscles which increases the speed at which the food passes through the intestine, thereby causing diarrhea. In some cases, IBS causes slow movement of the food which leads to constipation and gas. This digestive problem can produce frequent abdominal pain that becomes worse after eating or having alcohol.

Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD)

Ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease are two of the most common inflammatory bowel diseases. Ulcerative colitis causes inflammation and ulcer formation around the uppermost layer of the colon. Crohn’s disease, on the other hand, causes the inflammation and the ulceration to penetrate into the inner layers of the colon. Some common symptoms of IBD include stomach cramps, blood in stool, and changes in bowel habits.


Diverticulitis is a digestive disease that causes the diverticula, which are small protruding structures formed on the colon wall, to become swollen. The bulging of these abnormal tissues out of the colon wall is a common problem in people who are above the age of forty. Inflammation of diverticula can produce symptoms like abnormal bowel movement, abdominal pain, and nausea.


Also referred to as gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), heartburn is a digestive problem that causes the digestive juices to flow in the opposite direction. Heartburn, which is one of the most common problems and usually occurs after having a heavy meal, causes a burning sensation in the chest.

Peptic Ulcers

The process of digestion can be slowed down due to the formation of ulcers on the lining of the small intestine or the stomach. Peptic ulcer causes a lot of damage to the underlying tissue. The growth of bacterium H.Pylori inside the stomach and having a lot of spicy foods are two of the most common causes of peptic ulcers.

Some digestive problems such as constipation and heartburn can be easily treated through home remedies, whereas others like Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, IBS, etc. cannot be cured. However, the symptoms of these problems can be easily controlled by making a few healthy lifestyle modifications.


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