Diabetes or diabetes mellitus is one such medical condition, where body becomes incapable to control the level of blood sugar. This severe disease gives open invitation to number of symptoms in both men and women. In this disease, body cells fail to soak up and use glucose from bloodstream. The body cells need a hormone called insulin to soak up glucose from bloodstream and insulin is developed by beta cells. Lack of insulin and inability of body cells, to respond insulin lead to the condition called high blood sugar or hyperglycemia.


The disease of diabetes develops number of symptoms and most of its symptoms are found similar as like other health disorders. As a result sometimes patient find difficult to diagnose this chronic illness. But it is essential to recognize and treat it as early as possible, as untreated diabetes contributes to some severe health complications. Knowledge about the signs of this serious disease is extremely important to keep it at bay. However commonly observe symptoms of diabetes are mentioned below, which may help you to identify this disease at earliest.

  • Rapid weight loss and extreme fatigue:-

Chances of unexpected weight loss increase because body cell becomes unsuccessful to soak up and use glucose from bloodstream significantly. The cells of body require glucose badly in order to produce energy. Hence, lack of ability of body to soak up glucose contributes to extreme fatigue.

  • Constant hunger:-

Increase in appetite is common symptom among patient with diabetes. In some cases diabetic patient may develop high level of insulin to lower the level of blood sugar. High level of insulin boosts appetite, so patient suffering from diabetes start eating more. Further this constant hunger triggers off chances of weight gain. Studies indicate that some patient affected with diabetes may also lose weight instead of eating more than normal.

  • Nerve damage:-

Possibilities of nerves, particularly of peripheral nervous system damage raises because of prolonged elevated level of glucose. This condition is also referred as diabetic neuropathy. The symptom of nerve damage gives rise to number of problems like tingling and numbness in feet, hands, legs, toes, fingers and so on.

  • Vision problems:-

Diabetic patient most often goes through blurred vision or vision related problems due to high blood sugar level. Constantly high level of sugar build-up in lens of eye result in damaged blood vessel of retina. This medical condition is also termed as diabetic retinopathy and if it is not treated on time contributes to blindness.

  • Frequent urination and thirst:-

Frequent urination and thirst are also commonly observed symptom of diabetes. Both genders go through excessive urination or ‘polyuria’ and frequent thirst or ‘polydipsia’. Excessive urination result due to high level of glucose which badly affects filtering ability of the kidneys. Kidney begins to absorb more water from blood; therefore patient affected with diabetes goes through problem of frequent urination. Excessive urination result in loss of excess fluid and the condition of dehydration, which further give rise to increase thirst.

  • Erectile dysfunction:-

The disease of diabetes is responsible of damaging the nerves of blood vessels of penis. This in turn contributes to most unpleasant problem called erectile dysfunction (ED) or male impotence.

  • Consistent occurrence of infection and slow curing of wounds:-

Constant elevated level of blood sugar delays healing of wounds. Besides this, some men go through recurrent infections. Several studies have disclosed that these two are most common warning signs of elevated level of blood sugar.

Apart from aforesaid symptom, people with diabetes may experience other less severe symptoms as well. The list of which includes headache, dark patches on armpit, neck and groin (acanthosis nigricans), red and tender gums, dry mouth and many more.


Diabetes takes place because of inadequate production of insulin and due to inability of body cells to respond insulin. Type 1 and type 2 are most popular type of diabetes.

Type 1diabetes is known by insulin dependent diabetes or juvenile diabetes. It is known to be serious disease where pancreas construct very little or no insulin. Type 1 diabetes can also be described as lack of insulin. The exact cause behind occurrence of type 1 diabetes is still unknown.

Type 2 diabetes is medically referred as non-insulin dependent diabetes. It is one such condition where body cells fail to make use of insulin significantly. Poor blood circulation, retinopathy, nerve damage, and kidney damage are some of the serious effects associated with risk of type 2 diabetes.

Gestational diabetes is lesser known type of diabetes, which most of women develop at the time of pregnancy. Genetics, obesity, lack of physical activity, age, improper diet, frequent infection, polycystic ovarian syndrome are some factors responsible for developing this condition.


Treatment of diabetes can become successful if you adopt healthy lifestyle, good balanced diet and with proper medication. Insulin is the best solution to deal with type 1 diabetes. Medications like alpha-glucosidase inhibitors, sulfonylureas, D-phenylalanine, derivatives, biguanides, thiazolidinedione and suggested by many health experts to overcome type 2 diabetes. Besides that, insulin treatment is also recommended.

The diet of diabetic patient must be filled with all essential nutrients like minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants. Patient affected with diabetes should incorporate fiber rich fruits and vegetable. But make sure that whatever foods you are taking is in moderate amount. Along with diet give some time from your hectic schedule for exercising, take the exact medication which is recommended by your health care provider. Do not take the over dosage of medication as it may badly affect your health. While following diabetes diet makes sure you are not consuming salty, sugar rich, fatty and cholesterol rich meats. Patient suffering from diabetes should stay away from processes, canned food and high fats and oil food. These foods may aggravate the condition of diabetes, so put limit on intake of these foods or exclude completely, if possible. Unrecognized or untreated diabetes may contribute to severe complication, so recognize the warning signs at earliest and seek for medical help immediately to cure this disease.

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