Natural Remedies to Relieve Chest Cold

Also referred to as acute bronchitis, chest cold is a result of inflammation caused to the bronchial tubes inside the lungs. Chest cold, unlike common cold, affects the lower respiratory tract. When the tubes that are responsible for carrying air to the lungs get constricted, it can cause chest pain, cough with mucus, wheezing, muscle aches, mild headaches, constant fatigue, fever, and sore throat. Chest cold is usually caused by viruses. This is the main reason why most antibiotics do not improve chest colds.

Chest colds are more common in children than in adults. This is because the immune system that fights cold is not very well developed in children. Smokers, elderly people, and those who have lung problems are more likely to experience the symptoms of chest colds. Most of the times, the symptoms disappear on their own if you get enough rest. However, there are some simple natural remedies that can help to speed up recovery.

Drink More Fluids

Increasing your water intake is extremely important to relieve chest cold. This is because the inflammation and swelling causes the nasal passages to become dry. Having water, juices, and warm lemon water is the best way of keeping the body hydrated. These drinks will not only prevent dehydration, but also ease chest cold by flushing out the phlegm. It is also a good idea to increase your intake of water enriched fruits and vegetables like watermelon and cucumber. You should also cut down on alcohol, caffeine, and sugary drinks as they can cause dehydration.

Inhale Steam

Inhaling steam from a vaporizer can help to reduce the phlegm in the lungs and throat. Breathing in steam for about thirty minutes at least two times a day will produce best results. The moist hot air from the vaporizer helps to clear out the mucus. You can also add a few drops of aromatherapy essential oils to get instant relief.

Saltwater Gargles

Saltwater gargle is one of the most common ways to relieve scratchy throat caused due to chest cold. Dissolve just half a teaspoon of salt in an eight ounce glass of warm water and gargle by tilting the head back. This will help the hot liquid to reach the throat and relieve the itchiness. Saltwater gargle will also help to wash the mucus away. It is recommended to do saltwater gargles after every three hours.

Chicken Soup

Having chicken soup has shown to reduce the symptoms of chest cold and flu. It speeds up the movement of mucus and makes you feel much better. Vegetarians can have any other soup. The key here is to have any soup while it is hot, as the steam clears out mucus.

Vapor Rubs

Applying menthol vapor rub on the chest can help you to reduce the pressure on it. Vapor rubs can be easily purchased at local drugstores. You can also make vapor rubs at home by using thyme oil, olive oil, eucalyptus oil, and beeswax.

Boost the Immune System to Speed up Recovery

A strong immune system keeps away cold, flu and many other common problems. The best way boost your immune system is to eat a healthy diet consisting of organic vegetables, fresh fruits, and foods that conation enough vitamins and minerals. Orange juice is an excellent immunity booster. Some foods that are beneficial against sore throat include honey, turmeric, ginger, and garlic.

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