Grapes are one of the most popular and delicious fruit. It is also considered as queen of fruit and classified into three parts depending on their color like red, green and black. The taste of this fruit also changes according to their color. It means the grapes of green color are quite sweetest,  red grapes have normal simplest flavor while black grapes gives best taste if they are deep and rich i.e. nearly black in color.

Grapes can be consumed in many ways, they can be eaten raw or they can be used for making wine, jam, juice, jelly, and vinegar and grapeseed oil. This fruit is available throughout the year and generally occurs in clusters.

A grape plays a vital role in the nourishment of the body. Every 100 gms of grapes contains around 70 calories, 15 gms of sugar, 1.4 gms of protein, 17 gms of calcium, 14.9 gms of carbohydrates and 4 gms of vitamin C. Grapes are rich in Vitamin A, B6 and C. Apart from that they contains high amount of potassium, phosphorous, iron, calcium, selenium, magnesium and folates.

 Although grapes are small in size yet they are fully loaded with numerous nutrients, antioxidants, minerals and vitamins which keep us healthy and give us various health benefits which are mentioned below.


1) Cures Asthma:-

Asthma is a long term disease. Usually asthma occurs due to obesity, addition of smoking, tobacco, stress and some of the environmental factors. Grapes are considered as a good remedy for asthma due to its well known therapeutic value. In addition, grapes contain water which helps in increasing the level of moisture present in lungs.

2) Lowers Cholesterol level:-

Cholesterol is a lipid (fat) which is produced by the liver. Cholesterol is vital for normal body function. Heart diseases can be increased if the level of cholesterol increases in the body. Grapes contain Pterostillbene substance which helps to control the cholesterol level.

3) Kidney disorders:-

 Grapes work very effectively in reducing the acidity of uric acid and also help in eradicating acid from the system, therefore the stress and pressure on kidneys also reduces. In addition, grapes have a high water content which helps to eliminate the uric acid still present in the body after acidity is reduced.

4) Relieves from constipation:-

Constipation is a result of slow movement of stool through the colon. Apart from that there are many causes that lead to the problem of constipation such as low fiber diet, poor bowel habits, abuse of laxatives and hormonal disorders.  Grapes are working very effectively in overcoming from constipation. It contains organic acid, sugar and cellulose so it is classified as laxative food. In addition, they also give relief from chronic constipation by toning up intestinal muscles and the stomach.

5) Indigestion:-

Indigestion is a feeling of fullness or discomfort during or after a meal. There are many symptoms of indigestion such as vomiting, sickness, growing stomach, acidic taste and abdominal pain. Grapes play a very important role in dyspepsia. It helps to get relief from heat and cure indigestion and irritation in the stomach. Grapes are also considered as ‘light food’.

6) Migraine:-

A migraine is a severe painful headache. It usually occurs due to bright lights, loud noises, habit of alcohol and smoking, physical or emotional stress, skipping meals or fasting etc. Ripe grape juice plays a vital role in curing migraine. It should be taken early in the morning without mixing additional water. Usually it is considered that migraine occurred due to drinking red wine, but grape juice and grape seed extract is considered remedial to cure this problem.

7) Improves Immune system:-

Grapes are rich in flavonoids, minerals and Vitamin C, K, and A. Due to all such nutrients it helps to fight against common cold and flu as well as many viral infections and helps to build up natural strong immune system.

8) Breast cancer:-

Breast cancer is the one type of cancer and it takes place in the tissues of breast. Ductal carcinoma is one of the most common types of breast cancer. Studies indicate that purple colored and Concord grape juice works very effectively in preventing breast cancer.

9) Alzheimer’s disease:-

 Alzheimer’s disease is the most common form of dementia. People are not much aware about this disease and it’s an incurable disease. This disease occurs due to brain disorder. The common symptoms are memory loss and people’s inability to recognize objects and situations. The Resveratrol substance present in grapes reduces the level of amyloidal-beta peptides in patient who suffer from this disease. Studies also indicate that grapes are working effectively in enhancing brain health and delay the onset of degenerative neural disease.

10) Beneficial for healthy Bones:-

Grapes contain copper, iron and manganese in large quantity. This nutrient plays a vital role in the formation and strengthening of bones. Grapes can be a good option for those who are suffering from osteoporosis because in osteoporosis bones become weaker and brittle.

11) Keeps healthy skin:-

Grapes play a vital role in keeping the skin glowing. Antioxidants present in grapes helps to reduce the problem of wrinkles, and enhance blood circulation to maintain softness of skin. Apart from that due to antioxidants, black grape extract can be used as sunscreen to protect the skin from harmful ultra violet rays of sun. In addition, Vitamin C present in grapes helps to rejuvenation of skin cells.

12) Antibacterial activity:-

Red Grapes protect from various infections as they are rich in antibacterial and antiviral properties. The antiviral properties work very effectively against poliovirus and simplex virus. Studies also indicate that grape juice can be helpful to come out from the bacterial infection in bowel and other system.

13) Fatigue:-

 Fatigue is usually referred as tiredness. It is usually classified into two parts like physical fatigue and mental fatigue. The common symptoms of fatigue include dizziness, loss of hunger, moodiness, sleepiness and abdominal pain etc. In addition, if there is less iron in the body it creates lots of problem. So, iron is an essential mineral for the proper functioning of the body. Light and white grape juices provide the iron content in the body and prevent fatigue.

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