Erectile dysfunction is referred as inability to maintain the erection required for sexual satisfaction. In short, erectile dysfunction or male impotence is the conditions of sexual abnormality. According to studies this condition affects almost 10-15% of males and it makes men emotionally and psychologically disabled. In fact, to suffer from this condition is very frustrating and this phase of life takes a severe toll on the quality of life of men those who are experience this condition at certain point of their life. Most often, this condition takes place among men over 65 years, but it can occur at any age. Sexual performance highly affects the quality of family life and close relationship as well. Sexual arousal is greatly responsible for the result of brain signals transmitted to the nerves in the pelvis region. In this condition many times males finds it difficult to develop an erection even in the presence of good mental and physical arousal. This happens due to various reasons such as numerous cardiac diseases, diabetes, hormonal insufficiency, side effects of certain medicines, prostatectomy surgery trauma and so on. However, those who are suffering from this problem may experience lack of confidence and extreme stress as well.

Basically the symptoms vary depending on the severity of condition among different people. Those people who completely lose their ability to get any kind of erection are referred as the symptoms of complete inability. On the other hand, people who manage to get an erection but cannot catch on; this kind of condition is known as inconsistent ability. Doctor have notice some condition in which they found that, there are some affected people who are able to make a penetration, but at certain point they eventually lose it. This state of condition is known as brief erection. These all symptoms are associated with low sex drive.

The causes associated with erectile dysfunction are same in young men and older adults, while some are most dominant among young population. However, low testosterone, diabetes, obesity, metabolic syndrome, parkinson’s disease, hypotension, heart diseases, atherosclerosis, peyronie;s disease and multiple sclerosis are some of the common medical causes which are related with male impotence. Besides these, Excessive drug or alcohol abuse and over dosage or side effects of certain medicines is also the leading cause of this sexual abnormality. Youngsters are mostly prone to cause above mentioned causes. In addition, most of the young men often experience anxiety during indulging in sexual intercourse for the first time and sometime they experience fear of ending up in inducing pregnancy. All the psychological factors are also responsible for losing erection at some extent. Research has revealed that, the extensive use of condom is also responsible for the cause of male impotence. Depression, extreme fatigue and stress are responsible for male impotence as well at great extent.


One can overcome the problem of male impotence with the help of mechanical devices, psychological counseling and certain medications. However, the treatment is decided depending on the severity of the condition.

• Medicines:-
Viagra pill are considered to be most beneficial to treat erectile dysfunction. This medicine started works within an hour and usually lasts for 3-4 hours.

Cialis is another effective medicine helps to overcome male impotence. Take this medicine half an hour before indulging in sexual activity and it is effective only with sexual stimulation. Consider one fact that, this medicine does not enhance sexual desire.

Levitra tablet is also believed to be most beneficial to treat erectile dysfunction. Take this medicine one hour before indulging in sexual activity and this medicine can be effective up to 12 hours. . This medicine does not enhance sexual desire.

• Psychosexual therapy:-
Most of the studies have revealed that, psychological cause is the most prevalent risk factor of erectile problem. This problem takes place through relationship difficulties, anxiety and due to deeper complex causes. An experience counselor may help you to tackle these problems and may offer excellent solution to get rid of these problems.

• Vacuum pump treatment:-
A vacuum pump is one kind of plastic cylinder and this vacuum pump works by placing the device on the penis. The pump is utilized in order to pull out the air inside the tube. This action makes a vacuum and enhances the blood flow to the penis, which in turn result into an erection. Once this process is done, the person has to slip in a tension ring around the base, with the aim to hold in the blood and to maintain a firm erection. Then remove the device thereafter. However, the erection lasts for some time, but it is sufficient for couple to indulge in sexual activity.

• Injection treatment:-
In this form of treatment a medicine is injected directly into the shaft of the penis before indulging in sexual intercourse. In fact, the medication usually works within 15 minutes.

• Hormone treatment:-
Sometimes the hormonal problem is also the cause of erectile dysfunction. But, common hormone abnormality reduces the level of male sex hormone testosterone. However, with the help of hormone replacement therapy testosterone can be restored to a therapeutic level. Testosterone replacement therapy is conducted if there is deficiency is found.

• Penile prosthesis treatment:-
You can not consider the treatment of a penile prosthesis (implant) until other forms of treatment have been conducted. This treatment is classified into two parts of penile implant one is semi rigid type penis implant while the other one is hydraulic type penis implant. In semi rigid type of penis implant treatment method, the penis implant keeps the penis fixed all the time. In addition, it can be bend downwards when you are not indulging in sexual intercourse.

• Surgical treatment:-
There are number of surgical procedures which can be conducted if there is abnormalities in the blood flow in and out of the penis. One fact also considers that the causes of male impotence either can be organic or psychological cause and sometimes combination of both causes. However, you can overcome this problem with the help of specialist in the field of impotence, the specialist is the only person who can identify and treat the cause.

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Most of us experiences dental problem at some point in the lives, these various dental problems takes place due to lack of care. Since teeth are important part of body, everyone should take lots of care of it. As like your skin give more importance to your teeth as well. These days, dental implant is considered to be most effective treatment in the case of missing teeth. These dental implants are related with some medical complications such as peri-implantitis, lose implant, paresthesia, integration failure, decrowning, sinus problems and so on. Usually dental implant includes the procedure of permanent replacement of a missing or damaged tooth with an artificial one. The replaced tooth looks similarly and works like the real tooth. Comparing to other restorative options for tooth loss like dentures and bridges, dental implants are believed to be most effective and long lasting procedure. The dental implants procedure has many benefits such as high esthetics, comfort, convenience and stability. Many often, dentists recommend dental implants in combination with another procedure with the objective to enhance their effectiveness.

• Tooth decay:-
The problem of tooth decay is known by another name called cavities and it is believed to be most prominent disease in the United States. This most common problem of teeth takes place when sticky substances accumulate on teeth while eating foods. Consumption of snack and drinks rich in sugar are mostly responsible for tooth decay. You can overcome this problem simply by brushing twice in a day, consuming healthy foods, flossing daily and with the help of regular dental checkups

• Gum periodontal disease:-
Gum disease is also known to be the major cause of tooth loss among adults. This problem of teeth is classified into two major stages such as gingivitis and peridontitis. Gum disease is one kind of infection in gums surrounded around the teeth. Regular dental checkups, regular brushing and flossing daily plays a crucial role in preventing gum disease. According to studies, periodontal disease is known as gum disease and which is associated with heart attack and stroke.

• Tooth sensitivity:-
This is one of the most common problem which millions of people experiences. This problem occurs due to drinking or eating cold or hot things, consumption of sweets, and in some cases touching the teeth with other teeth or tongue. Due to this most common problem people experience pain or discomfort to their teeth. One fact also considers that, people with sensitive teeth even feel discomfort while brushing and flossing as well.

• Oral cancer:-
Oral cancer is said to be life-threatening and deadly disease and millions of people suffer from this disease at certain point of their life. According to research, people of united state mostly suffer from this chronic disease. Besides that, research also indicates that, around 300,000 people with this chronic disease are diagnosed every year. However, this life threatening disease mostly relates to the mouth, lips or throat. There is one good news is that, this serious disease can be curable, if it is diagnosed and treated at early stages.

• Mouth sores:-
This type of tooth problem involves different types of mouth sores and often they lead to cause irritation and annoyance. One fact also consider that, if mouth sore remains for more than two weeks, there is nothing to worry as this problem can be vanish on its own. However, most common form of mouth sores includes fever, blisters, canker sores, cold sores, ulcers, thrush and so on.

• Bad odor:-
Scientifically bad breath or bad odor is also known as halitosis, and is most common problem which often every individual experiences. Usually, this condition is considered to be most embarrassing and gum disease, oral cancer, dry mouth, cavities, bacteria on the tongue are some of the leading risk factors which are mostly responsible for bad breath. Many people often utilized mouthwash to get rid of this problem. But, you can use this mouth wash for temporally use only as they don’t provide long lasting results. People with chronic bad breath should take doctor’s consultation only instead of using home remedies.

• Tooth erosion:-
Tooth erosion refers to loss of tooth structure and it occurs due to acid attacking to the enamel. The symptoms of tooth erosion are extensive and are ranges from sensitivity to more chronic problems such as cracking. However, tooth erosion is not more severe and it can be easily prevented as well.

• Unpleasant smile:-
Never consider unattractive smile as a dental problem, Sill people who are not happy with their smile often blame to the dentist and look for dental treatment. Though this condition is quiet embarrassing and lower’s person’s self esteem, but there is nothing to worry. With the help of recent development in technology anyone can cope with this problem and can enjoy beautiful smile. If there is any problem regarding dental implants, teeth whitening, orthodontics or other cosmetic dental work take consultation from your dentist, since he is the only person who can give you the smile you desire.

• Toothaches and dental emergencies:-
Toothaches are considered to be worst problem as this condition is extremely painful. However, numerous toothaches and dental emergencies can be easily prevented with the help of regular dental checkups. A dentist consultation is always vital and it plays a crucial role in keeping various tooth disorder as bay.


Good oral hygiene and regular dental checkups is vital in order to maintain healthy teeth and gums. However, the tips mention below will definitely help you to get rid of above mention dental problems:
Keep the habit of brushing twice in a day and prefer soft toothbrush. It may help you to take care of back teeth as well and may keep clean all the teeth. In addition, brush thoroughly and floss your teeth daily.
Try maximum to utilize fluoridated toothpaste as it may help you to harden tooth enamel and also reduce the possibilities of decay.
Reduce the intake of acidic drinks like soft drinks, cordials and fruit juices.
Avoid overconsumption of sugar rich foods.
Take care of your teeth while playing sports. Simply wear mouthguard or helmet in order to prevent teeth from injury.

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Heat stroke is a dangerous medical condition and it is also known as sunstroke, thermic fever or siriasis. Usually heat stroke takes place when body’s temperature exceeds the normal level. In fact, it is characterized by abnormal increase in body temperature. Global warming and rising temperature are the most two risk factors associated with heat stroke. This life-threatening disease requires immediate treatment with the objective to overcome this disease. During extreme heat waves people experience feeling of sick and faint, it means people are suffering from heat exhaustion. This is another medical condition again associated with heat stroke and it is basically less serious as compared with heat stroke. Heat stroke is classified into two parts that is classic non-exertional heat stroke (NEHS) and exertional heat stroke (EHS). Classic non-exertional heat stroke commonly occurs among persons who are chronically ill, sedentary elderly individuals, young persons and poor environmental conditions. Besides that, Exertional heat stroke most often occurs in young individuals who are engage in strenuous physical activity for long period of time in extreme hot environment. If both types of heat stroke are left untreated and therapy is delayed can lead to serious cause, as both are related with mortality and high morbidity.


Heat stroke develops certain common symptoms such as high body temperature, lack of sweating, nausea, vomiting, flushed skin, rapid breathing, headache, confusion, muscle cramps, extreme fatigue, and unconsciousness. In addition, patient may also experience neurological symptoms like hallucinations and seizures. The high temperature during hot waves can cause damage to the organs of the body as well. Dehydration is responsible for causing low blood pressure which in turn contributes to circulatory failure. As a result, this life threatening disease should be treated properly and on time before it become serious.


Overexposure to heat or sun and working or exercising in hot conditions is two major primarily risk factors that are associated with heat stroke. Lack of water in the body is another cause responsible for heat stroke. Natural fluid is vital in order to cool you down and for producing sweat, for normal bodily functions and for keeping up blood pressure. Due to excessive exposure to heat, the cooling system gets stopped and cannot function properly. Apart from that, excess intake of alcohol and wearing excess clothes are also responsible for causing heat stroke at some extent.


When this disease is diagnosed, it should be treated immediately as this disease has the possibilities of serious damage or death. The treatment help you to lower the body temperature means within acceptable range. Apart from that, this serious medical condition should be treated by doctor only. Therefore, if you are suffering from heat stroke take consultation from doctor only, as the doctor is the only person who can administer first and then help you out to lower the body temperature. In addition, if the person faces normal symptoms, then it can be treated at home itself. If the symptoms become worse then give most preference to doctor consultation only instead of using home remedies. However, the treatment mentioned below can help one in order to get rid of this extreme chronic disease.

Needs comfortable environment:-

Person affected with heat stroke should stay away from excess heat of the sun and shift to the cool, indoor area. Patient should avoid stress and simply allow them to lie down on a comfortable bed. Told him to remove his clothes otherwise give suggestion that, not to wear tight clothes. In short, try as much as possible to keep him comfortable.

Try maximum to lower the body temperature:-

Generally the patient’s body temperature can be lower at home as well. But, if there is excessive body temperature then strictly avoid home remedies and take doctor’s consultation before the diseases becomes a serious. Body temperature can be reduced at home simply with the help of bathing patient with cold water and if the patient is feeling unconscious then water can be put on his face and body or can blow fan over his face. Besides that, in case of severe heat stroke doctor may use the evaporation technique with the aim to restore the body’s normal temperature. The evaporation technique is considered to be most effective technique as it reduces the patient’s body temperature effectively. In this medical form of treatment, ice packs are placed all over the patient’s body, particularly in the armpits and the groin of the patient. In addition, water is utilized to keep the body wet and fans are blowing all over it.

Needs enough natural fluids:-

To get rid of this severe condition, patient needs to take enough natural fluids to avoid dehydration, to restore lost nutrients. But keep one fact in mind that, drink natural fluids such as fruits and vegetable juice only and strictly avoid intake of coffee, tea and soft drinks. Since coffee contains an excellent source of caffeine, which can worsen the situation. In severe cases, doctors give preference to intravenous therapy and IV therapy with the objective to provide enough fluids to the patient. Intravenous therapy is believed to be most prominent since it provides the body enough fluids directly through patient’s vein as a result helps to overcome dehydration effectively.

Care to be taken after treatment:-

Most often many patients after getting recover from this chronic disease neglects towards health. After recovery, patient should strictly avoid going into the sun for few days along with should stay away from all kinds of activities that contributes to physical stress. Patient should take a balanced diet and drink 8-10 glasses of water daily. The patient can restore the lost nutrients by following this regimen only. Hence, to abolish this serious medical condition patient should increase the intake of natural fluids, vegetable and fruit only and he should not ignore towards his health after getting recovered from this disease as well.

 The severe heat stroke should be administered as early as possible and in case of severe condition, hospitalization is must. In addition, patient can overcome this life threatening diseases by simply increasing intake of natural fluids and by avoiding over exposure to excess heat, by wearing non constricting clothing, using broad spectrum sunscreen. Patient can definitely minimize the risk of heat stroke by taking all such precautions.

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Lovegra is one of the popular forms of Viagra tablet, and is developed particularly to treat sexual dysfunction among women. This medicine is usually pinkish in color and is packaged in blister packs of 4 tablets. In these days, problem of female sexual dysfunction (FSD) has become a serious issue. As a result, many GPs and specialists are starting to prescribe lovegra tablet for women in order to recover their sexual drive by enhancing the sensitivity to lovemaking arousal at the time of sexual act. In fact, the main aim of this medicine is to treat sexual dysfunction. The problem of impotency contributes to low sexual arousal, low desire, inability to reach orgasm and problem with lubrication. In fact, research has found 40% of women are suffering from problem of sexual dysfunction at certain point of their life. Lovegra pill are cost-effective and are considered as boon for women as they treat women’s impotence. Since it improves blood flow to clitoris, enhances pleasure and assist in achieving adventurous love. In fact, it acts as a women sexual enhancer.

This medicine contains inorganic component which is also known as sildenafil citrate and is also present in branded tablet Viagra. This chemical substance plays a crucial role in enhancing the sex drive among ladies suffering from the condition of sexual dysfunction. The component called sildenafil citrate present in lovegra tablet is said to be one of the extremely energetic chemical component, as it enhances the circulation of blood to the women genitals by utilizing nitric acid. In addition, this chemical component is also responsible for providing the vaginal compliance to the woman’s reproductive organ. Therefore, their ability to gain climax at the time of sexual intercourse also increases. Due to presence of chemical component called sildenafil citrate, it offers not only heightened sensitivity but also eradicates vaginal dryness with the help of appropriate lubrication to the women organ as well as allow them pain-free sexual intercourse with their partner. This tablet takes around 30-40 minutes for women to be initialized for sexual reaction and this tablet provide long lasting results for 4-6 hours. This tablet should be taken only by those women who are finding problem of sexual arousal and sexual dysfunction.

• Take this medicine under medical prescription only otherwise it may cause harm to your health.

• The safe indicated doses is 100mg within 24 hour of period and take 1 pill once in a day with a glass of water. Take the whole pill, don’t break, crush or chew while consuming the pill.

• To get desire results take the dosage 40 minutes to an hour before indulging into the sexual act.

• Avoid large or fatty meal before taking this medicine. You can simply take this medicine on an empty stomach or after light and fat free meal.

• Strictly avoid intake of alcohol as it may reduce the effectiveness of this medicine.

• Take this medicine in the prescribed manner only and do not make any changes without consulting to your doctor.

• Store lovegra under proper atmospheric pressure in order to prevent the medicine from spoiling soon. In fact, store in an airtight container, clean place and away from reach of children. Besides that, expired package of lovegra should be disposed earlier.

Lovegra medicine is safest to consume as it enhances the excitement and sexual responses which makes sex wonderful and rewarding.
• Not only increases libido but also restores lack of sex drive.
• Increases level of excitement during sexual intercourse
• Raises blood flow and growth of the clitoris
• Raises intensity of sexual sensation
• Speeds arousal at the time of climax
• Effectively strengthens orgasm and increases possibilities of other multiple orgasm
• Ensures more frequent interest and enjoyment during foreplay

• Patient consuming this medicine experience some of the common side effects which includes mild nausea, headache, blocked nostril, dry eyes, facial redness and so on. However, these are the common side effects which are also associated with dehydration. You can overcome these common side effects simply by increasing the intake of natural fluid.
• Sometimes patient experience slight blurred vision or slight blueness in eyes and light sensitivity. These are not dangerous side effects and these sides may reduce gradually when your body becomes familiar with this medicine. So, patient experiencing these side effects need not to stop consuming this medicine, without consulting doctor.
• If patient experiencing severe loss of vision or loss of hearing. Then patient should take immediate doctor consultation and should stop consuming this medicine.

• Take lovegra according to doctor’s prescription only. Because overdose can severely affect your health.
• If you are allergic to this tablet’s chemical composition then stop taking this medicine as it may cause to dangerous side-effects on your health.
• Taking lovegra with other nitrate based drug can be harmful to your health. So, it would be better to avoid them to consuming them in combination with other drug.
• Patient suffering from other medical condition associated with heart, liver, high blood pressure, and kidney should avoid this medicine or they should take after consulting with doctor only.
• Pregnant and breastfeeding women should strictly avoid this tablet as it may severely affect their baby’s health.
• Excessive alcohol drunker and smokers should think twice or thrice before taking this medicine as it can create negative impact on their health.
• Avoid performing heavy physical activities immediately after consuming this medicine as it may result into dizziness at some extent.

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There is a particular age where a woman thinks that they need some facial massage, to promote their face look. Every woman opts to maintain attractive and healthy skin, for this they need to follow certain facial cleaning therapy, which eliminates dead skin and dirtiness; keeping the skin shiny and charming. A basic facial therapy includes steam, elimination of white head and black head. Taking facial steam facilitates the elimination of whiteheads and blackheads easily. Further, the massage is done in a circular motion, to exfoliating the skin. Preferring clean up with a facial, helps get a skin with open pores, dead skin elimination, impurities, etc. clean up is mostly suggested to the person, who has rashes and pimples over the face. It is very basic facial therapy, which can practice at home. However, the usage of facial varies according to the skin texture and age of the person. Some of the facial are used for anti-ageing purpose; it includes the process, which mends the aging look of the skin. Here are some of the lists of facial, which a woman can do at home.

• Facial through fruits
Fruit facial is one of the best facial; since, it carries a natural effect to mend skin texture. Most of the fruits hold antioxidants and many other essential properties, which helps promote attractive and flawless skin texture. Following facial with vitamin C rich fruits are more beneficial to treat facial skin disorders. You can try this facial at home by mixing the pulp of some fruits to apply as facial.

• Usual facial
A regular facial includes steaming, cleaning, scrubbing, usage of the mask according to the skin texture and hydrating. This facial is suggested to do twice in a month not every day. It helps to mend dullness, roughness and dryness of the skin. It is preferable for the normal skin not for acne contained skin.

• An antioxidant facial
Antioxidant facial is extremely chemical rich facial; it helps mend the skin damages, done through sun rays and pollution, on a daily basis. It helps toning and cleaning the skin, making the skin flawless by mending skin complexion. This facial holds the mixture of vitamin A, C, E and beta-carotene. It eliminates the dirt beneath the skin pores, making the pores open to take a breath. This facial is especially suggested for ageing skin, so teenagers must avoid using this facial.

• Acne elimination facial
This facial is especially suggested for acne skin holder and is used to get rid of acne. People, with oily skin can also use this facial. The procedure of this facial holds cleaning, steaming, massaging, etc. after this process the mixture of masques are used over the acne, to reduce its growth. This procedure works like oil free and acne free way. Since this procedure includes glycolic and salicylic acid; one must consult the doctor before its usage.

• Facial with gold
This facial includes pure gold contained cream, which goes beneath the skin pores and revitalizes the skin. Gold holds the ability to eliminate the dust and toxin out from the skin and promotes new cell production. This process brings smooth, soft, attractive and healthy skin.

• Facial through electric current
Facial through electric current is used largely now a days. It includes the equipment, which work through electric current to do facial massage. This includes positive and negative current secretion through 2 rod, which improves the function of facial tissues. It promotes healthy and glowing face muscles. One can use this facial therapy, to get chubby and attractive facial muscles. It is also called non-surgical facelift.

• Facial through paraffin
Paraffin facial is largely used by the celebrities; it is actually made for the person who carries dry, loose and dehydrated skin. The procedure includes applying warm wax over the face mask, which slowly gets cool, brings open pores, clean and revitalize skin. After its removal one can feel hydrated and flawless skin. One can also try paraffin therapy over the hands and feet. This therapy is for aging people, teenagers should avoid preferring this.

• Facial with galvanic
Galvanic facial is suggested to the people, who carry rough, dry, and loose skin. It aids get moisture preservation, to hydrate the skin. One can also get tight skin pores with good skin texture. It may also help reduce the swelling of the skin; its limitation is not still face, one can also apply it over all the body. However, before using this facial, one must ask the skin specialist; since, it is restricted to the people suffering from heart and skin disorders.

• Facial with glycolic acid
This facial includes glycolic acid, which we actually get from sugarcane, beetroots, etc. they hold great effect of anti-aging and pimple reduction ability. The acid gradually gets penetrated inside the dead skin and eliminates the dead skin, results flawless skin. This facial cannot perform at home; since it includes chemicals, which requires well trained and specialist person. One should maintain pre facial information; since, it may lead to skin burn or skin damages issue.

Note: – this facial is especially for aged person, an underage or teenagers should avoid using this facial; since, it may damage the skin texture.

• Facial with collagen
Collagen is a natural protein rich facial, which aids keep elastic, tight and glossy skin. However, as the age increases the texture of the skin gets unattractive and formation of wrinkles take place. Collagen facial is used to promote the natural look of the skin. A half an hour massage of collagen brings freshness over the skin. It is suggested above the age of 30, below age person should avoid this.

• Facial through Microdermabrasion
Amongst all, this facial is most suggested facial, which easily revitalize the skin of aging people. It helps eliminate the dead skin and mends dull texture, of the skin. This facial includes vacuum steam cleaner, which cleans the stain of the face and brings attractive skin texture. It is suggested the people above the age of 25.

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A gallstone is also known as cholelithiasis and usually forms in the gallbladder, which is small organ placed under the liver. The gallbladder plays a crucial role in the overall digestive process by storing bile and releasing it into the small intestine, when food enters. Bile is one kind of fluids which is produced by the liver and is built up of several substances such as bile salts, bilirubin and cholesterol. Gallstones are classified into two types that are cholesterol stones and pigment stones. Studies had found that about 80 percent of gallstones are cholesterol form of stones and are yellow or green in color. On the other hand, pigment stones are built up of bilirubin and are smaller and darker.

Gallstone is often symptomless, hence also known as “silent stones”. Still, the commonly observed symptoms include intense pain in the upper abdomen and upper back lasts for several hours, vomiting, nausea, gassiness, indigestion, heartburn, bloating and so on.

Genetics, obesity, Estrogen, diabetes, rapid weight loss, ethnic background, cholesterol drugs, gender, age, low calorie diet, low mobility of the gallbladder are considered to be the major risk factors that are associated with gallstones.


1) Pears and honey:-
It is one of great fruit in order to get relief from gallstone pain. The compound known as pectin found in pears helps effectively to soften cholesterol-filled gallstones. Mix 2 tbsp of honey with ½ glass of pear juice in a ½ glass of boil water. Drink this mixture thrice in a day until two weeks. Alternatively, by cutting the pears in small pieces and by cooking those in water for around 20 minutes, they by drinking the same juice for 2 weeks can overcome gallstones naturally.

2) Wine:-
Intake of half glass of wine is extremely beneficial as it give instant relief from the gallstones pain. Studies have proved that, half glass of wine daily reduces the risk of gallstones attack by 40%. In addition, follow various herbal remedies such as peppermint, milk thistle and dandelion by taking doctor’s consultation only. Otherwise, it may create negative impact on your health.

3) Castor oil:-
Castor oil is known to have medicinal and healing properties, which diminishes the risk of number of gallstones issues. Due to anti-inflammatory properties of castor oil, it liquidates inflammation and reduces pain as well. In addition, it is better for immune and lymphatic system as well.

4) Apple cider vinegar:-
Due to acidic nature of apple cider vinegar, it holds off the process of making cholesterol, which acts as an agent in forming most common type of gallstones. In fact, apple cider vinegar is vital to overcome gallstones and to alleviate pain. Simply mix 1 tbsp of apple cider vinegar in a glass of apple juice and drink the mixture whenever you suffer from gallstone attack. This is considered as one of the effective remedy since it gives instant relief from pain. Apart from that, you can mix 2 tbsp of apple cider vinegar, 1 tbsp of lime juice in glass of boil water. Drink the mixture on an empty stomach daily for a week in order to dissolve gallstones and reduce pain.

5) Turmeric:-
The curcumin compound present in turmeric, assist to flush out the gallstones from gallbladder. Research has revealed that, turmeric is extremely beneficial in reducing the volume of gallstones.

6) Artichoke:-
Artichoke is believed to be one of the effective remedy as it is utilized as an alternative to surgery. The ingredient present in artichoke induces liver to produce more bile and salts in it. In addition, it also holds off cholesterol from forming in the liver. When production of bile fluids rises, gallstones can also dissolve naturally.

7) Milk Thistle:-
Mile thistle not only improves the production of bile but also induces the movement of bile from the gallbladder. Increased flow of bile helps to eradicate gallstones held up in the gallbladder. Milk thistle plays a key role in improving digestive ability, hence reduces gallstones symptoms as well.

8) Dandelion:-
It is quiet beneficial herbal remedy for the treatment of gallstones. It holds a compound called taraxacin which helps in bile elimination from the liver. This herb assists to detoxify and metabolize fat gathered in the liver. Put 1 tbsp of dried dandelion root in a cup then pout boil water in the cup. Cover it and allow it to steep for 5-10 minutes. Finally strain and add some honey for taste. Drink the mixture twice or thrice in day for 1-2 weeks. Alternatively, you can consume tender dandelion greens by including them in salad or steaming them.

9) Peppermint:-
It helps in digestion by inducting the flow of bile and other digestive juices. It contains a compound known as terpene that effectively resolves gallstone issues. It is well known to relax spasms and to overcome acute gallbladder pain. Simply add 1 tbsp of dried peppermint leaves in one cup of boil water. Then allow it steep for 5-10 minutes, finally strain and mix 1 tbsp of honey in it. Seep the tea daily twice in a day for 4-6 weeks. To get desire result instantly, drink it between meals.

10) Psyllium:-
It holds an abundant source of soluble fiber, which binds to the cholesterol in bile and prevent gallstones from forming. Besides that, it encouraged normal bowel movements and prevents constipation as well. These two conditions play a major role in increasing gallstone formation. Mix 1 tbsp of psyllium powder in a glass of water and mix it properly. Then finally drink the mixture two times in a day. Follow this remedy until you get the desire results.

Apart from the above mentioned remedies, strictly avoid high cholesterol foods. You should take diet rich in fiber; means include variety of fruits, vegetable and whole grains in daily regimen. Fiber rich foods do the work of gallbladder effectively. In fact, it is vital for eradicating gallstones. Besides that, avoid fatty foods such as red meat from your diet, as they are not easily digestible foods. In addition, lack of water in the body is also the major reason behind gallstone formation. Hence, include maximum natural fluids and avoid carbonated drinks in order to get rid of gallstones. Intake of maximum water insures passing of small gallstones out of the body. In addition strictly avoid fried foods. Consumption of juices made from beet root, cucumber and carrot is also considered as effective remedy for gallstones.

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Intestinal worms are parasites, yield in the gastrointestinal tract which primarily takes place on the intestinal wall, and as a result affect people and other organism. There are different types of parasites which enter in the human body through transmitting agents such as sexual contact or mosquito, through contaminated food and water, nose, skin and so on. There are various types of hazardous intestinal worms that affect people such as roundworms and whipworms which spread through food and water, tapeworm spreads by eating raw or undercooked meats, pinworms spreads from person to person. These four are considered to be most harmful forms of intestinal worms. Studies have found that those people living in tropical and sub-tropical regions are mostly suffer from this medical condition. The possibilities of intestinal worms are increasing day by day not only among adults but also among children’s.


Symptoms vary according to the types of intestinal worms. But, the most common symptoms are mentioned below:
• Dysentery
• Diarrhea
• Constant feelings of hunger
• Itching around the rectum
• Lack of sleep
• Anemia
• Weight loss
• Weakness
• Fever
• Nausea
• Pain in the legs
• Nutritional disorders
• Frequent headache
• Gassiness
• Stomach pain

• Through the consumption of raw or poorly cooked meat
• Intake of contaminated water
• Poor hygiene
• Poor immune system
• People with cracked heals
• Consumption of contaminated food
• Utilizing human excretions as human fertilizer
• Poor sanitation


1) Carrots:-
Daily Consumption of at least 2 carrots on an empty stomach is essential in order to overcome intestinal worms. It also helps in preventing parasite attack in future. Carrots play a key role in keeping your eyes healthy and clear. In short, it improves your vision.

2) Spearmint and lemon:-
Take 1 cup of spearmint juice by adding some black salt and lemon juice. Drink this mixture daily to eradicate all kinds of parasitic infections from your stomach. Parasites can develop malnutrition and numerous other problems in your body. Hence, it is vital to eradicate them from your system.

3) Coconut:-
Coconut is believed to be one of the effective remedy for booting out all types of intestinal worms. In fact, it acts like a strong anti-parasitic agent to abolish intestinal worms. Hence, take a tbsp of ground coconut along with 30 ml of castor oil daily after two and half hours. Follow this remedy until the infestation vanishes. Take the castor oil after consulting to doctor only as it is not recommended for kids below five years of age and people with gastrointestinal disease.

4) Garlic:-
Garlic is well known to have antibacterial, antifungal and antiseptic properties. Hence, this popular anti-parasitic foods assist you tackle any form of intestinal worms. Daily consumption of 3 cloves of raw garlic is the easiest ways to get relief from all types of intestinal worms. Since, raw garlic contains an abundant source of amino acids and is anti-parasitic in nature. Besides that, simply boil two crushed garlic cloves in one-half cup of milk and drink this mixture daily on an empty stomach until 1 week to get the desire results.

5) Pumpkin seeds:-
The cucurbitacin compound found in pumpkin seeds are known to have anti-parasitic properties which effectively paralyze the parasites. Mix 2 tbsp of peeled and crush pumpkin seeds in 3 cups of boiled water, then steep for around 20-30 minutes after that drink the mixture. In addition, you can also take 1 tbsp of roasted and crushed pumpkin seeds along with equal amount of honey on an empty stomach daily for a week to deal with intestinal worms. You can incorporate laxative foods such as kiwi or banana in your breakfast.

6) Unripe papaya and papaya seeds:-
Unripe papaya contains an excellent source of papain enzyme which is known to have anthelmintic properties and it effectively demolish intestinal worms. Mix 1 tbsp of raw papaya juice and 1 tbsp of honey in 3-4 tbsp of hot water. Drink this mixture on an empty stomach. After taking this mixture wait for 2 hours and after that take a glass of warm milk along with 2 tbsp of castor oil mixed in it. Follow this remedy for at least 2-3 days. Apart from that crush the black seeds of papaya and consume them with papaya as it is extremely beneficial in cleaning the stomach and keeping them clear of parasitic worms.

7) Pomegranate:-
The root, bark, stems as well as leaves of the pomegranate tree include anthelmintic properties. As a result, it is well known as an effective remedy to treat the intestinal worms. Simply include raw pomegranate or in juice form in order to prevent parasitic attacks since it keeps your stomach clean and healthy. In addition, mixture of pomegranate bark along with water should be given at least thrice in a day to adults as well as children suffering from worm infestations. It is believed that the alkaloid punicine found in bark of pomegranate trees is highly toxic in accordance with intestinal worms and especially tapeworms.

8) Carom seeds and jaggery:-
Take 10 gm of jaggery on an empty stomach. After 15 minutes, consume half tablespoon of crushed carom seeds with 1 glass of water. By following this natural remedy you may notice the best and effective results. In fact, it is the simplest way to get rid of intestinal worms.

9) Bitter gourd juice:-
Consume a tablespoon of bitter gourd juice with a glass of buttermilk once in day for at least 3 days without any gap. This remedy is extreme beneficial to overcome intestinal worms.

10) Cloves:-
Cloves are known to have anti-septic, bactericidal and anti-parasitic properties that destroy the parasitic eggs and kills intestinal worms within the body itself. In addition, cloves play a crucial role in preventing the future episodes of infestation. Hence take one tbsp of powdered clove in a cup of boil water and drink that mixture thrice in day for a week to treat the intestinal worms.

In order to get rid of intestinal worms, incorporate lots of whole grains and foods in their natural form. One fact also consider that proper hygiene should be maintained while cleaning and preparation of foods. Apart from that, avoid or reduce intake of simple carbohydrates, processed and packaged foods. Having probiotics, diet rich in zinc and vitamin C supplements is one of the great options to support the body in emission of parasites.

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Kegel exercises are also known as pelvic floor exercises and are usually perform to make the pelvic floor muscles stronger. These exercises were described in 1948 by Amold Kegel. There are many reasons that are responsible for weakened pelvic muscles, but if kegel exercises are perform regularly then several health problems can be reduced. Kegel exercises are use in order to treat several problems linked with pubococcygeus or PC muscle. This muscle acts as a support for the organs in pelvic region. Kegel exercises play a key role in controlling, toning and strengthening this muscle with other pelvic floor muscles. These exercises effectively help in strengthening the muscles that support the uterus, bladder, bowels and vaginal muscles. This exercise is beneficial during pregnancy as well as it ensures an easier birth. Doctor often recommends these exercises after pregnancy as well to promote perineal healing, regain bladder control and to strengthen pelvic floor muscles. The most beneficial thing about these exercises that; you can perform these exercises anywhere without bothering. Performing these exercises during pregnancy develops the ability to control your muscles during labor and delivery. Toning of muscles may reduce two common problems which often gives troubles to every pregnant woman such as bladder control and hemorrhoids during pregnancy. The action of slowing or stopping the flow of urine can be observed to understand the correct pelvic floor exercise technique. Kegel exercises are quite easy to perform as compared with other exercises. But while performing these exercises you need to first identify the right muscles to exercise. Otherwise negative impact may also occur. These exercises are different for both genders. As soon as the PC muscle is identified you can perform it at any place and any time without disturbing others. For those people who don’t have any idea about the exercises then simply consult a physician only to explain the method. One fact also considers that you can get the benefits in order to treat various health problems, and is possible only if exercises are done regularly and correctly. However, the benefits that are related with regular practice of these exercises to both genders are mentioned below.


  • Kegels raises men’s capacity of longer and harder erections by gives their women more pleasure as well. Men with erectile dysfunction, faces difficulty in reaching organism. Research has proved that these exercises even helps effectively in restoring erectile function among men with erectile dysfunction.

  • These exercises ensure sexual pleasure since they improve the flow of blood and sensitivity to the genital area.

  • Helps to get rid of premature ejaculation problem by having more muscular control of the pelvis. PC muscle plays a crucial role in achieving organism and obtains a good control over it. Hence make easier the life of men suffering from premature ejaculation.

  • As like women, men also experience the problem of urinary incontinence. Hence, you can overcome this problem by performing kegel exercises for at least 5 minutes 2-3 in a day.

  • Medical condition associated with prostate gland such as inflammation, benign prostatic hyperplasia and prostatitis increases the chances of severe pain and inflammation. Kegel exercises are one of the great options to overcome these problems.

  • The chances of increase in blood flow to the penis assist to form a healthier prostate and ensure all your sexual organs running smoothly. In addition, studies have found that men who are performing PC exercises have improved sexual control and satisfaction.

  • Studies indicated that these exercises not only increases the angle of erection but also increases ejaculation volume.


  • Various factors such as pregnancy, childbirth, being highly obese, aging and abdominal surgery such as cesarean section are responsible for weakening to the pelvic muscles. However, this can be measured by digital examination of vaginal pressure or with the help of a kegel perineometer. Hence, kegel exercises play a crucial role in recovering pelvic floor muscles strength in such cases.

  • Many women often face the problem of urinary incontinence after childbirth. As childbirth weakens the pelvic floor muscles and the PC muscle, due to which many women unable to control the flow of urine. When kegel exercises are executed, pelvic floor muscles or the muscles which are used in order to stop the flow of urine are toned and strengthened. Hence, with the help of these exercises women can get relief from the problem of urinary incontinence.

  • Daily practice of kegel exercises in right manner improves the sexual health of women. These exercises also strengthened pelvic floor and vaginal muscles, which in turn assists in achieving strong organism without any difficulty.

  • Due to daily practice of kegel exercises, women can get benefits during pregnancy. Since vaginal muscles become loose after childbirth due to stretching. Besides that, these exercises can be done after delivery as well so as to retrieve muscle tightness.

  • Doctors often recommend to pregnant women to keep doing these exercises every day in order to prepare for the pelvic floor muscles for pregnancy. These exercises are proved beneficial during pregnancy as toning muscles maintain strength during childbirth and also prevent them from weakening.

  • Studies have found that kegel exercises often prevent pelvic prolapse by strengthening the PC muscle which acts as a hammock. It also keeps the organ in the right position.

  • Research indicate that women who perform kegel exercises before childbirth had chances of short labor. Apart from that, the second phase of labor involves ‘pushing’, continued for lesser time. It was also mentioned that, the need of fulfilling C-section was also reduced among these women.



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Tips to prevent dehydration Dehydration takes place when you lose more fluids and your body does not have enough water. We all know that water is very essential for normal functioning of human body. Thus, you have to replace lost fluids to get dehydrated. Dehydration can occur among any age group of people. Young children, older adults and people with chronic illness are at a higher risk. You can overcome mild dehydration by simply drinking more fluids. But, in case of severe dehydration take immediate medical treatment. Try maximum to avoid dehydration at first stage only. Simply keep an eye on how much liquid you lose during illness, exercise and hot weather. Then, fulfill the requirement of fluids that your body needs in order to prevent dehydration.

Lack of water in the human body may contribute to various life threatening medical conditions. It is believed that human being can survive for 2 weeks without food but cannot survive more than 2 days without water. Human body contains almost 75% of water and this water consists in various cells and tissues of the body. If the adequate water is not supply then the body stops functioning normally. This in turn contributes to a complete breakdown of all normal bodily functions. There are various ways through which the body passes on the water such as while urinating, breathing and sweating. Hence, health expert always recommend drinking daily 7-8 glasses of water to stay hydrated and to live a healthy life. By drinking adequate water, the person urinates more often. This condition helps a person to flush out toxins and waste material from the body. Due to getting rid of these waste material the immune system increases, you may get sound sleep and clean, glowing skin.


  • Vigorous exercise in hot weather
  • Intense diarrhea
  • Fever
  • Excessive sweating
  • Vomiting
  • Diabetes
  • Increased urination


In the case of mild or moderate dehydration common observe symptoms include dry mouth, muscle cramps, nausea, vomiting, decreased urine output, dark yellow or orange urine, thirst, reduce sweat, infrequent urination, dry nose, dry tight wrinkled skin, weakness, overheating, no tear in eyes (dry eyes) headache, constipation and so on. During severe dehydration you may observe symptoms such as extreme thirst, extreme fussiness or sleepiness among infants and children, dry skin, mouth and mucous membranes, irritability and confusion among adults, little or no urination, low blood pressure, rapid breathing, sunken eyes, sunken fontanels, rapid heartbeat, fever, no tears while crying, delirium and unconsciousness.


1)   Drink plenty of water:-

Water plays a crucial role in keeping hydrating your body. Hence, drink plenty of water or in forms of juices. But, avoid other carbonated drinks and contaminated water strictly in order to overcome dehydration. In addition, carry a water bottle with you wherever you go outside.

2)   Wear dress according to season:-

While wearing dress make sure that you are not sweating more than you need to. Besides that, during hot or humid days try to wear lighter clothes.

3)   Drink plenty of fluids before performing strenuous activity:-

Never forget to drink enough fluids before participating in a sport or performing any strenuous activity. In addition drink at regular intervals as well during the activity.

4)   Take enough rest:-

If you observe any of the above mentioned symptoms then prefer to take rest in a cool area and drink plenty of fluids in order to overcome dehydration.

5)   Try to stay away from stomach ailments:-

It is very common that dehydration often takes place with various stomach ailments. Many times you might have observed that one loses fluids through vomiting and diarrhea. Hence, drink lots of fluids and stay hydrated.


1)   Watermelon:-

Watermelon is a nutritious fruit and well known as a powerhouse of antioxidants. It contains almost 92% of almost fluids. It includes rich source of vitamin A, B6, B1 and C. Along with watermelon its seeds are also very beneficial and healthy to consume. Hence, this fruit plays a key role in alleviating dehydration.

 2)   Cantaloupe:

One cup of cantaloupe holds 100 percent of daily requirement of vitamin C and A. Apart from that, it contains rich source of potassium, which in turn reduces the risk of dehydration. Being a water rich food, it is as powerful as watermelon and contains just 2% less water content than watermelon.

3)   Cucumber:-

It contains low calories which makes it an ideal food. It is great for weight conscious people as it helps in reducing weight. A cup of cucumber slices contains only 13 calories. Besides that, it includes rich source of vitamin C, potassium and dietary fiber in order to regulate the digestive system.

4)   Tomatoes: –

It is utilized while making various recipes or it can be eaten in raw form as well. It holds an excellent source of water and antioxidant which keeps you hydrated as well reduce the risk of life threatening cancer.

5)   Grapes: –

It is loaded with powerful antioxidant called resveratrol, vitamin B1, B2, B6, C, K, and Potassium. Hence, prevent cancer as well as dehydration.

6)    Banana: –

It is packed with potassium and includes an excellent source of water. It is said to be quite effective to alleviate dehydration. Add 1 tbsp of lime juice, pinch of salt, 1 tbsp of sugar to pint of water. They drink this mixture through the day to get relief from mild dehydration.

To get rid of dehydration stick to foods those are easily digested. Since stomach cramps is the primary symptom of dehydration which can reoccurred. Thus, include soda crackers, rice, bananas, potatoes and flavored gelatins in your regimen to alleviate dehydration. Gelatins are primarily made of water.


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High Fiber FoodsFiber is a component, which presents in the plant food and are used to facilitate the digestive system. It is also termed as roughage. Fibers are mostly found in fruits and plants. Non-vegetarian foods do not contain fiber. Fiber is further divided into two parts, soluble and insoluble fiber. Fiber is finished up of the non-starch polysaccharides elements, called lignin, waxes, pectin, insulin, cellulose, chitin, oligosaccharides, and beta-glucans. It has been suggested that women should intake 25 grams of fiber and men 38 grams, daily. A man should intake 30 grams of fiber and woman 22 grams, daily.

Soluble fiber

It gets dissolved in the water, which results proper digestive system. It assists trim down the cholesterol present in the blood, and improves the blood circulation movement. Fiber mends constipation (a tight or hard stool) problem. Banana, apple, carrot, potato, green vegetables, etc. are a source of dietary fiber.

Insoluble fiber-

However, an insoluble fiber couldn’t get dissolved in the water. It is responsible to stabilize the acidity level, of the stomach. It improves the digestive system, mends loose tar and gastric problem. However, the proportion of fiber present in the fruits and plants varies. Leafy dark green vegetables, fruits, nuts, etc. are the source of insoluble fiber. However, existence of fiber (soluble and insoluble) stood highly beneficial, for the health. However its intake has to be in moderation. Some of the health benefits of consuming fiber rich foods are listed below.

1.   Facilitates digestive system

Consuming fiber rich foods improve the digestive system facilitates the bowel movement and helps to eliminate the waste easily. One can easily get rid of constipation problem. People, consuming fiber rich foods are less likely, to get digestive disorders. Fiber vigor the digestive tract and makes it easy to digest the food. Both the soluble and insoluble fiber improves the digestive system. Well soluble fiber easily gets mixed with the water and pushes the waste stuff out from the stomach, whereas, an insoluble fiber fails to digest and dissolve, in the water. It crosses by your guts without splits and pushes the food stuffs, to get digested easily. Fiber manages the acidic level, of the stomach. It mends and keeps the digestive tract healthy. People, consuming fiber rich food faces less risk of ulcer, colon cancer, etc. Limit the intake of insoluble fiber in case of diarrhea. Fiber is one of the most efficient components, adopted from fruits and vegetables, which works naturally to promote healthy and perfect digestive system.

2.   Prevent from kidney stone

Kidney stone causes due to less fluid intake and excessive crystals development, which comes from the blood stream. Kidney decides the percentage of water intake and its absorption in the body, which further filters the water into urine. As fiber is soluble components, which helps reduce the risk of kidney stone formation? It gets dissolved in the water and facilitates the flow of urine, which results less risk of kidney stone formation. Moreover, one can also get less chance of gallstone formation.

3.   Cut down cancer risk

Fiber does carry some anticancer effect. Its sufficient intake trims down the formation of colon cancer. It is a last part of the digestive function, which extort water and salt from the waste stuff before the elimination. Colon is nothing, but a large intestine. A formation of a malignant tumor, in the inner layer of the large intestine, called colon cancer. Fiber helps cut down the tumor development and prevent from colon cancer. Fiber also protects from uterine cancer, colon cancer, breast cancer, stomach cancer, and ovarian cancer.

4.   Good for diabetes sufferer

Diabetes is a metabolic statement, in which the body fails to manage the formation and circulation of glucose or sugar, in the blood. People, suffering from diabetes either generate less insulin or fails to generate insulin. In such case, fiber helps stabilize the insulin level; since, it is a main element to manage blood sugar level. Fiber is good for diabetes type 2 sufferer.  Soluble fiber works superb; since, it gets dissolved with the water and gets involved in the blood, which manages the insulin generation. Hence, diabetes sufferer must consume fiber rich foods; since, it reduces the blood sugar level.\

5.   Cholesterol reduction and weight management

Consuming fiber loaded foods trim down the bad cholesterol level. It gets dissolved in the water and gets mixed with the blood, which brings down the cholesterol level. A reduction in bad cholesterol results healthy heart and stabilized blood pressure. Moreover, fiber also helps managing the weight. An obese or overweight people must eat fiber rich food; since, fiber reduces the fats and controls the weight. Fiber is one of the natural sources, to bring down the cholesterol level and to manage the perfect weight.

6.   Stroke reduction

Some of the studies noticed that people, consuming a sufficient amount of fiber daily are at less risk of strokes. Stroke is nothing, but a brain attack, which occurs due to insufficient supply of oxygen and blood. In short, blood clotting enhances the problem of strokes. An obese and smoking people are more at risk. Thus, a reduction in bad cholesterol level results weight loss and a weight decrement reduces strokes problem.

7.   Stabilizes the blood pressure

As fiber trims down the cholesterol level and stabilizes the weight, which results stabilized blood pressure? People, carrying the habits of smoking, drinking alcohol, hypertension, etc. are at more risk of high blood pressure. However, an obese person surely faces this risk. Thus, consuming fiber rich food helps manage the blood pressure level by reducing bad cholesterol and by stabilizing the weight.

8.   Vigorous immune system

Since fiber intake mends digestive system, prevent from cancers, solves constipation problems, stabilizes blood pressure, reduces weight, prevent from strokes, etc. presents a healthy immune system. Vegetables and fruits are highly loaded with fiber, which should be consumed daily to boost the immune system.

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