Ajwain belong to the family of Apiacean (umbelliferae) and it is botanically term as Trachyspermum copticum. The seeds of ajwain are used for culinary as well as medicinal purposes to treat the various health ailments. Strongly pungent and aromatic ajwain seeds are olive green or brown in color. They look similarly like cumin or caraway seeds and have vertical stripes on their outer surface. The seed, oil, flowers and extract are utilized as a medicine in order to treat various diseases. In fact, ajwain seed oil contains rich source of thymol. It is believed to be originated in Indian subcontinent. The plant grows up to 2-3 feet in height and it is cool season annual herbs. This herb consists of tiny white-petal flowers and ready for harvest by the end of the winter or sometimes early spring. This popular herb is loaded with essential nutrients and it keeps several disorders at bay. Hence, the miraculous health benefits of this herb are mentioned below which will help you to overcome various diseases.


1)   Relieve stomachache:-

It is one of well known benefits of carom seeds. Take few carom seeds and pinch of salt and then sip with warm water. It is quite popular and effective home remedy to get rid of indigestion and stomach pain. People with indigestion or anorexia should take 1 tbsp ajwain seed along with food.

2)   Improves sex life:-

Simply mix carom seeds with tamrind, honey, ghee and milk then take this mixture to reduce sexual disability. Daily intake of this mixture may help you to increase vitality and libido.

 3)   Reduces acidity:-

Carom seeds play a crucial role in reducing acidity. Take a mixture of 1 tbsp of carom seeds with 1 tbsp of cumin seeds daily with some ginger powder. If you follow this natural remedy you may get relief from acidity and acid reflux problems.

4)   Cures Asthma:-

Carom seeds acts a bronchodilator and it makes breathing pattern easier. The person affected with asthma should take the paste of carom seeds with jiggery twice in a day to get relief from asthma.

5)   Helps to get rid of alcohol addiction:-

Due to the excessive consumption of alcohol people often experience the problem of acute stomach pain. Excessive alcohol consumption badly affects the overall health of person as well. Hence, take the extraction of carom seeds in the dose of 30 ml at night for at least 50 days. This remedy may beneficial you to get rid of the habit of alcohol addiction.

 6)   Effective for losing weight:-

Carom seeds are known to have appetite stimulating properties. Daily intake of soaked carom seeds with half glass of water on an empty stomach is one of the best way to lose excess weight. Since this remedy dissolve the fats. Another option is simply consume raw 1 tbsp of carom seeds on an empty stomach in every morning as it loses around 4-5 kg weight in a month at some extent.

7)   Helps to overcome piles:-

Take pomegranate flowers, poppy seeds and dried neem leaves. Then mix all these ingredients and take that mixture with milk twice in a day to overcome piles. It is considered to be one of the great remedy during bleeding piles. Besides that, Drink buttermilk along with carom seeds powder and rock salt after lunch or dinner to minimize the piles problem at some extent.

 8)   Helps to alleviate rheumatic and arthritic pain:-

Carom seeds are known to have anti-inflammatory and anaesthetic properties. Carom seeds are a good way to alleviate pain causes due to rheumatism and arthritis. Keep soaking your aching joints in a basin of warm water with a few seeds of carom seeds. Otherwise you just crush the seed and apply the paste on the affected area to get the instant relief.

 9)   Reduces pain cause due to migraine:-

Take a smell of carom seeds wrap in the tissue paper. This is one of the easiest ways to reduce migraine headache. Apart from that this remedy is quite beneficial to burn and inhaled other problems that are associated with head at some extent.

 10)                      Promotes healthy heart:-

Carom seeds contain an excellent source of niacin, thymol and other essential vitamins. Hence, plays a key role in maintaining overall heart health. In addition it has anti-inflammatory properties that enhance nerve impulses and overall circulation within the heart. So, daily take carom seeds boiled in hot water on an empty stomach for proper functioning of heart. This remedy keeps several heart diseases at bay. Otherwise you just mix 1 tbsp of jiggery with carom seeds in order to keep heart healthy and to prevent several cardiac diseases.

11)                      Cures hiccups:-

Due to anti-inflammatory properties of carom seeds, it reduces inflammation and soothes irritated nerves. In fact carom seeds are known to stop hiccups instantly. Simply have raw carom seeds with a few sips of water to abolish hiccups instantly.

12)                      Gives relief from earache:-

Carom seeds are known to have antiseptic properties. Mix carom seeds with garlic and sesame oil as it provides instant relief from earache. If you are suffering from earaches which causes due to congestion, you can stir up carom seeds with milk. Then put few drops of that mixture in the ear to get rid of pain and discomfort.

13)                      Prevent diabetes:-

Take 1 tbsp carom seeds, 4 tbsp of bael leaves juice and mix both together. Then have that mixture 2-3 times in a day. This remedy has proven beneficial in polyuria, which is commonly found in the condition of diabetes.

14)                      Reduces mouth problems:-

Carom seeds are proven beneficial to cure tooth pain. Simply floss your mouth with the help of clove oil, carom oil and water in order to treat tooth decay, bad breath and decay. It is said to one of the great remedy to maintain overall oral hygiene.

15)                      Other health benefits

  • Effective for common cold, cough and fever
  • Improves digestive ability and reduces constipation problems
  • Reduces menstrual cramps
  • Reduce kidney disorders
  • Removes pimples and stops graying of hair


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Cognition is known as a faculty for the processing of information, applying knowledge and changing preferences. It can be natural, artificial, conscious or unconscious. In short, cognitive function regarded as the person’s ability to process thoughts. In fact, it is primarily relates to things like memory, the ability to learn new information, speech and reading comprehension. In every individual brain is competent of learning new skills. Factor like ageing and disease can greatly affect cognitive function, which in turn may result in memory loss or trouble thinking of right words when you are writing and speaking something. Humans are generally set with ability for cognitive function at birth. In short, each person carries a capacity or learning or remembering a certain amount of information. These days, intelligent quotient test (IQ) is conducted to measure the person’s ability to remember a certain amount of information. Infanthood and early childhood are the best period of time as compared with older people. Since their capacity to absorb and use new information is tremendous. However capacity to learn slows down gradually as you get older. But, the overall cognitive function should not be reduced on large scale in healthy individuals. Occurrence of certain diseases and condition may result in decline in cognition. For instance, decline in cognition includes factors of memory loss, an incapability to grasp new concepts of information and depleted verbal fluency. According to studies, natural decline in memory can be prevented by performing activities such as solving tough word problems and mathematics problems. In this way the exercising of brain may result in a long period of high level cognition and even increase the cognitive skills. Actually, just like other muscles in the body brain requires regular stimulation in order to remain strong. However the tips mentioned below will definitely help you to enhance your cognitive function.


1) Exercise:-
Some studies have found that regular exercise actually raises your cognitive performance in children as well as adults by 10 per cent. However, a normal walk also enough beneficial. You need not to follow strenuous exercise regime. As exercise encourages more blood flow to the hippocampus. It is the one part of brain that responsible for memory, which raises tissue density in different areas of the brain in order to improve ones ability to learn, make clear decisions and to even handle stressful conditions.

2) Perform dancing activities:-
Some studies have found that dancing activities actually reduce the possibilities of dementia. Besides that, it keeps your brain and body busy as well. Dancing is one of the great activities as it involves all sorts of different patterns and improves your overall cognitive ability.

3) Article writing:-
Writing an article is associated to improve memory and expression of thoughts. When you write article, you are actually developing your brain’s ability to convey thoughts and feelings. Thus, writing article can be one of the great way to enhance your ability to analyze and build a though processes with critical thinking. Besides that, journals, writing stories and blog entries are also the option to fulfill the requirement of your brain to enhance cognitive function.

4) Solving Puzzles:-
Crossword puzzle assists your brain to think intensely and recall past memories. The challenge of solving complete crossword puzzle makes one mentally inspiring and stimulating. Hence solving daily crossword puzzles section is another great option may help you to boost your brain power.

5) Watching intelligence test on TV and reading novel books:-
Studies indicate that watching intelligence test on television instead of watching stupid programs may improve brain function. Apart from that, reading books teaches your brain to obtain large amount of information in short period of time. The habit of reading books may assist you develop your thinking abilities, memorization skills, boost vocabulary etc. In addition, watching TV for little time help people relax more than other activities.

6) Eat healthy:-
Diet rich in omega 3 fatty acids, leafy green vegetables helps to improve brain function and fight against dementia, stroke, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease. Include nuts; spices such as cumin and cilantro, apple, complex carbohydrates, coffee, chocolate, grape juice, chicken, eggs, fatty foods, glucose and so on. Since all these foods are known to have brain boosting properties. Hence, including all these foods in your daily regimen may help you to improve overall cognitive function. In addition, along with this healthy diet daily 7-8 glasses of drinking water is vital as it remove toxins from the body and keeps your body hydrated. Avoid junk food, as they are harmful not only for your brain but also for your overall health. They are proven to diminish energy in the body and promote “brain fog”.

7) Sex:-
Having a sex is also an easiest way to naturally release essential hormones in the brain. When you involved in a loving relationship, sex may help you to improve social connection and emotional intelligence. Sex is closely related with stress reliving. Hence, it can be simplest way to boost your brain. Sex may also improve your possibilities of enhancing confidence and to think positively.

8) Learn foreign language and engage in debate:-
Learning more languages contribute more structure to the brain as well as improve brain’s speech centers. In addition, engaging in a good debate strengthens the brain’s capability to think quickly. Thus, both are consider the most prominent way to enhance your cognitive function.

9) Determine and try to achieve the goals:-
Determining goals actually triggers areas of the brain linked with positive thinking as well as action. In fact, it is consider one of the great way for achieving success and prosperity in life along with boosting your brain.

10) Always think positively:-
It plays a crucial role in maintaining cognitive function. If you think positively, then chances of powerful brain increases than those “negative nellies”. To develop positive thinks, just give 10 minutes daily to think more positive so that you will notice an improve in thinking abilities and problem solving skills.

11) Avoid alcohol consumption:-
Though alcohol in moderation is not terrible for brain still excessive alcohol consumption damages the brain health and function. Hence, cutting alcohol is great option for proper functioning of brain.

12) Other ways:-
Get enough sleep
Habit of asking questions
Drink red wine in moderation
Change environment
Try to live maximum stress free life
Listen music

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An excessive, regularity of the bowel movement, which enhances the frequency of the stool (waste product), known as diarrhea. It occurs due to excessive discharge of solution, or less soak up of solution, or hasty passages of waste products, from the intestine. Diarrhea can be acknowledged in two ways extremely or moderately. More than six loose stools in a day (waste product passage through the intestine) indicate extreme diarrhea, and less than five stools in a day defined as moderate diarrhea. However, defecation is the final stage of digestion, which involves the stomach, small intestine, large intestine, pancreas, gall bladder. Further, an undigested food arrives, to the small intestine and colon in fluid form; where the lower intestine and colon soak the water, which makes the undigested food into a solid or liquid form. An excessive amount of water may lead, to loose stools were colon fail, to absorb the water, which results rapid passage of undigested food. This improper process of bowel states diarrhea problem. Diarrhea may give stomach pain, gastric, nausea, weakness, etc. In addition, diarrhea may occur due, to excessive food, which becomes difficult to digest, an excessive intake of fluid, medications, any oily or spicy food, food poison, etc. However, diarrhea can be seen in any age group, mostly it is seen in just born babies. Further, one can treat diarrhea through medication or home remedies. However, a moderate diarrhea can be treated through natural remedies. Some of the natural remedies, to treat diarrhea are listed below.

• Intake fenugreek seed
Fenugreek seed works great, to treat the diarrhea problem. Mix half spoon of fenugreek seed in the water, and drink it after soaking for some time. This may help to reduce the pain, gastric, and many other symptoms of the stomach. Consuming fenugreek seed mends the function of the bowel, and improve the digestive system. Hence, people can intake fenugreek seeds, to get rid of moderate diarrhea problem.

• Intake potato
One can add potato in their diet; since, it is a starchy food that can assist, to hold nutrients and soothe the intestine. Further, rice is another starchy food that may help, to mend the diarrhea problem.

• Consume yogurt
Consume some amount of yogurt; since, yogurt helps to kill the germs present in the intestine, and minimizes the problem of diarrhea. Consuming yogurt may help to treat diarrhea; since, it generates lactic acid in the stomach, which kills the germs and soothes the stomach. In addition, consuming yogurt trims down the irritation, and calm the temperature, of the stomach. Besides this, yogurt contains many of the essential properties that are found beneficial, for the health.

• Consume pineapple
Eating fresh fruits like banana, pineapple, etc. may help to solve the problem, of the diarrhea naturally. Drink a half glass of pineapple juice, to get rid of moderate diarrhea. It is one of the homemade remedy, a sufferer of diarrhea can try this process.

• Intake rice water
Yes, ‘rice water’ to treat diarrhea sound strange, but it is one of the oldest and most working remedy, to treat the diarrhea problem, naturally. Cook old rice, and remove the water of it while cooking process, and consume that water after, getting cool. You can also add some pinch of salt in it, to bring the taste. Try this remedy during diarrhea problem. Further, one can also consume plain cooked brown rice or white rice, to wipe out the problem of diarrhea. Follow this process for at least two days in the morning and in the evening diet; you, will surely get some relief, from diarrhea.

• Intake ginger
A Ginger holds the effect of anti-biotic, anti-fungal, anti-septic, and anti-bacterial. It works great, to solve the problem of stomach such as constipation, diarrhea, gastric, stomach ache, stomach ulcer, etc. Consume ginger tea, to treat the diarrhea problem. In addition, an intake of ginger should be in moderation.

• Stabilize the water level
Always maintain the habit of drinking water, to stabilize the temperature of the body, and to facilitate the movement, of the bowel. One can consume fluids or electrolyte powder, to mend diarrhea process. An adult should drink 4 liters of water, in a day. The presence of sufficient water in the body prevents from many diseases, and keeps the body hydrated.

• Use chamomile
Chamomile is an herb, which works superb to treat many of the health issues. Consuming chamomile tea is found quite helpful, to treat the diarrhea problem. It is one of the oldest homemade remedy, where people used to follow, to get rid of diarrhea problem. Besides, it solves many of the stomach problems such as gastric, improper digestive system, constipation, etc. However, chamomile also found helpful, to improve the habit of sleeping.

• Sleep well
People suffering from diarrhea must take an ample amount of sleep; since, it provides relaxed to the bowel movement, which results stabilization in diarrhea problem, at some extent. Taking sound sleep solves many of the health defaults such as fever, nausea, giddiness, eye disorders, improper digestive systems, a stable mind, etc. One must maintain the proper habit of sleeping, to improve the digestive system, and to get rid of diarrhea problem.

• Intake proper diet
A perfect diet matters a lot, to maintain an optimum health, and to stay away from health disorders. Diarrhea could take place due, to improper diet or excessive intake of diet. To get prevented from stomach disorders and many other health defaults, consume a healthy diet. Green vegetables and fruits should be added in the diet; since, it carries great benefit, to the health. Add some of the foods like rice, soup, chicken, bananas, potatoes, etc. in the diet, to soothe the diarrhea condition.

• Eat medicines
Lastly, if natural remedies fail, to treat the diarrhea problem than prefer, to consume medicines after, consulting the doctors; since, some time the bacterial effect brings extreme diarrhea. Further, if the process goes more than 4 days, then do consult the doctors, for better option.


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The process of normal delivery is reducing day by day; since, the female lacks the bearing ability in today’s world. It’s all about insufficient knowledge about activities and diet to be considered during pregnancy. Normal delivery is a process of natural delivery of a baby without any operation. In previous days, women are more likely to get normal delivery; since, they hold healthy diet and active work. A proper guidance of diet, exercise, and care may lead to normal delivery of a child. Generally, the process of a baby’s development takes minimum 8 months and maximum 9 months, respectively. Pregnancy holds around 40 weeks, which have been categorized into three stages.

First trimesters of pregnancy- in this stage the body goes under many changes. Hormonal alteration affects the function of the organs. This shows the indication of pregnancy. Fatigue, increment in breast size, disorder of the stomach, facing the constipation issue, increase in urinary frequency, head pain, blazing of heart, increment or decrement in the weight, etc.

Second trimester of pregnancy- the indication of nausea or vomiting get reduced, and the process of baby development and movement take place during this stage. You will see an expansion in the stomach size. The baby grows and starts making the place in the mother womb. Whole body pain (back ache, thigh ache, etc.), stretch sign (on the stomach, breast, and hips), nipples get more dark, a dark patches over the skin (face, nose, lips, etc.), itching on the stomach, hand, palm, etc. inflammation (swelling) of fingers, face, and ankles. (Note: in a case of excessive weight increment and decrement, severe irritation and swelling of hands, legs or body consult the doctor instantly).

Third trimester of pregnancy- as the baby expands, women faces difficulty in breathing; since, the baby put pressure on the organs. Difficulty in breathing, irritation of a heart, sleep disorders, thinner cervix (make easy to open the vagina during baby delivery), inflammation of fingers, ankles, face, etc.

These were the steps of baby development, whose proper care may give normal delivery. However, there are some of the tips that can help you out to get normal delivery. They are as follows.

• Diet
Your diet matters a lot to get healthy pregnancy? Women carrying a diet, which holds essential properties of minerals, vitamins, nutrients, protein, etc. may get less risk of unhealthy pregnancy, fewer chances of miscarriages, less likely to get under developed baby delivery, etc. Diet of a woman during pregnancy plays a great role, to get normal delivery. An unhealthy diet may give unhealthy babies with various health disorders. Fruits, green vegetables, coconut water, pulses, dark chocolates, etc. should be consumed by the pregnant women. Moreover, fish with omega 3 fatty acids, chicken, fruit juice, etc. should also consume. Furthermore, mercury contains fish, oily stuff, excessive cheese, chips, burger, pizza, etc. should be avoided during pregnancy; since, this is considered an unhealthy diet, which couldn’t give a sufficient supply of healthy nutrients to your developing baby. Hence, one needs to maintain a healthy diet to get healthy and normal delivery. Make sure that you won’t lack your meal in this situation.

• Intake sufficient Water
Water intake during pregnancy is really required, to enhance the growth of the baby and to reduce various symptoms, of pregnancy. It trims down the constipation problem, facilitates healthy and active organs, better lactation (get dissolved in the breast milk), eliminate urinary infections; hydrates the body, and develop healthy baby, are some advantages of consuming ample amount of water during pregnancy.

Some exercises steps to get normal delivery

• Daily Walk
A woman who is pregnant should go for a daily walk; since, it helps reducing the accumulated fats of the body, which gets formed during pregnancy. Walking is the best ways, to trim down the extra weight. Inflexibility of a body movement during pregnancy may lead to fats formation and accumulation, which may results overweight problem. Hence, to reduce the excessive calories from the body during pregnancy, maintain walking habit.

• Do squats
Performing squats during pregnancy is a perfect way to maintain your pelvic muscles flexible, which assists to trim down the pain during the delivery process. Sit in a position as you sit in the toilet by holding a big round shape ball. It gives mild pressure over the thighs and pelvic area to get perfect support.

• Stretching of pelvic
Pelvis stretching is very helpful to get the normal delivery of a child. For its performance one need to take a help of the ball, pillow or chair. Keep your feet over the ground stretch your legs to some distance and maintain straight back. Move your pelvis forward and backward, do this at least 20 times according to your ability level.

Take a deep breath
Performing deep breath exercises during pregnancy helps superb, to maintain proper respiratory and blood flow system. Deep breath process facilitates the flow of blood, respiratory functions, an organ function, etc. A pregnant woman, who performs this activity’s daily may get healthy and calm mind, stress relief, reduction in depression, etc. It will help mend the respiratory system and organs of a developing child. Performing deep breath exercise during pregnancy can bring happy, charming and calm minded baby.

• Sleep with cobbler pose
Cobbler pose is one of the effective pose to get flexible pelvic area. Lie down with the help of two pillows beside your leg knees and one pillow under your head. Further, apart (stretch) the knees and then attach the knees. This exercise helps to build healthy thigh and back and also bring flexible pelvic area.

• Maintain strong back
To get normal delivery one need to maintain strong back. Perform an exercise to get vigorous back with healthy bones and healthy muscles.

• Yoga
Performing yoga daily is good for the pregnant women, to get normal delivery; since, yoga enhances the flexibility of the body and provide relax. It also gives normal delivery with less pain.

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Osteoporosis is a type of bone disorders, which makes the bones feeble and thin. In certain situation, the bone tissue breaks down the density of the bones, and makes it inactive day by day. It is also called ‘porous bones’; a bone which easily gets fractured due to weakness. However, women are more likely to face osteoporosis problem after menopause and delivery stage. A human bone holds thick protective outer cover known as compact (solid) bone, which is finished up of minerals (iron, calcium, magnesium, zinc, etc.) and other tough components. Further, an inside layer of the outer cover finished with trabecular bone, which is also termed as spongy (soft) bone, compiled with collagen engage to minerals, blood stream, and bone marrow that gives a springy appearance. People carrying vigorous body holds thick bone, and a small hollow space. Whereas, in the cases of osteoporosis, the gap of the hollow space becomes wider, which results inflexible, unhealthy and easily fractured bones? However, an osteoporosis can attack any age group person, but it depends on the durability and longevity of the bones. However, women are more likely to get bone disorder called osteoporosis comparing to men; since, they drop more fabrics and material present in the bone due to estrogen (a hormone to protect the bone) decrement. The presence of Estrogen gets reduced in women after menopause, which leads to many bone disorders in women? Joint pain, inflexible joints, facing difficulty in standing and moving; joint swelling, etc. are some of the symptoms, which indicates osteoporosis problem. People, who is under treatment of severe diseases such as cancer, HIV, tuberculosis, tumor, etc. are under risk of osteoporosis; since, excessive medicine intake makes the bone unhealthy and inactive to perform. Moreover, the personal and family history matters too for osteoporosis problem. Sports people are more likely to get osteoporosis issue. Furthermore, constant smoker and alcohol drinker also get the chances of osteoporosis; since, the cartilage and elastic of bones get reduced, gradually. However, osteoporosis is not so severe disorder of the bones; its proper care reduces the problem, to some extent. To solve this problem people need to undergo medication and healthy diet.

Fosamax medicine

Fosamax is a medicine, which is especially introduced for the women, to treat osteoporosis problem. Fosamax comes in the category of bisphophonates. It is a drug, which assists to treat osteoporosis in women, which occurs after menopause. However, it also helps treat an osteoporosis in men and women both, by consuming steroids. Fosamax is used to expand the density of the bone in men suffering from osteoporosis, and also treat the ailment called Paget’s (a disorder of bone) in men and women both. Fosamax mends the bone disorders and improve the formation of bone density. Consuming this medicine reduces the chances of bone fractures and promotes flexible bones. Fosamax contain essential chemicals, which assist to recover the vanished bone health. Its intake gradually makes the bone strong and flexible.

Usage of Fosamax

One needs to take care of their daily dosage of medicine. However, usage of Fosamax is totally depending on the doctor’s recommendation. Avoid consuming this drug; if, you carry a small amount of calcium in your blood called (hypocalcemia) or carrying inflexible muscles of the esophagus. Take a gap of 40 minutes to consume Fosamax; if, you feel inflexible movement of the body, finding difficult to stand, sit, or move. An Alendronate can bring critical problems in the abdomen or esophagus (the pipe that linked through the mouth to the abdomen). You need to sit or stand straight for maximum 30 minutes after consuming Fosamax tablets. Further, read the content of the label written over the medicine. Use it accordingly or else consult the doctor for its proper use. Do not over, under or extensively intake the Fosamax. Well it is suggested to intake Fosamax once in a day or once in a week. Intake the medicine, half an hour before the meal you take, in the morning. If, you intake the medicine once in a week, then take the medicine on the same day as you have taken in the previous week. As like you consume this week of Monday, same way consume it at the next week on Monday. Try to maintain a proper time gap between the medicine consumption. Take sufficient amount of water to intake the medicine. Avoid sitting or lying down after consuming Fosamax. Avoid drinking or eating anything instantly after in taking this drug. Consult the doctor if, you are under any other medication treatment; since, two medicines together bring some side-effects to the health. In case, do not merge the medicine and eat, keep at least 4 hours distance between two drugs. Keep checking your bone minerals regularly. The longevity of this treatment could go for 3 to 4 years. If, you are undergoing any dental treatment, then reveal the point to the doctor about Fosamax intake; since, you need to stop this medicine during dental treatment. Moreover, while consuming this drug one needs to maintain proper and healthy diet, and perfect fitness of the health. In addition, store the medicine at room temperature, away from children and sun rays. Keep the medicine properly closed do not allow the air to pass in.

Negative impact of Fosamax

Fosamax may lead to some negative-impact to the health. Some common side- effects are listed below.
• Facing problem in breathing, swelling of face, tongue, throat and lips.
• Moderate heart blazing, bloating.
• Nausea, giddiness, vomiting
• Inflame of joints and stomach ache.
• Hand and feet swelling.
• Pain of eyes, head, etc.
Some severe impact
• Extreme heart burns, jaw swelling and pain.
• Chest aches, ribs ache, and body pain.
• Facing difficulty in swallowing.
• Extreme joints, bone and muscle ache.
• Fever, lack of sensation (numbness).

These are some severe impact of Fosamax. However, in certain situation do consult the doctor instantly. Do not avoid certain condition by considering it as a common disorder of health.

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Chamomile is an aromatic plant, which is used for health care purpose. It grants an immense benefit, to the health; since, it is anti-septic, anti-biotic, anti-viral, etc. which helps to treat many ailments, and prevents from several healths’ hazards. It works great, to treat the problem of insomnia, anxiety, migraine, headache, respiratory disorders, etc. It carries an immense effect, to solve insomnia problem. Further, in olden days people make the uses of chamomile, to treat gastric problem, menstrual pains, diarrhea, swelling, burning, tiredness, body pain, improper digestive system, etc. one can also get rid of eye irritation, cataracts, and eye swelling. However, consuming or applying chamomile should be in moderation; since, its excessive intake may give any side-effects. However, consuming chamomile tea or applying chamomile oil offer immense benefits, to the health. Some of the advantages of using this herb are listed down in detail.

• Mends sleeping habit
Consuming chamomile tea, improves the sleeping habit, which is one of the oldest homemade remedy. It works excellent, to get rid of insomnia problem due to its, soothing effects. Mix some chamomile in the water, and keep for boiling. Further filter the boiled water, and drink it as a tea in the nighttime. This would help, to get sound sleep. However, do not intake it excessively.

• Calm the mind
Feeling anxious, disturb, aggressive, stressed, and depressed; here is the natural solution. You may go for medication, but before that I would suggest, to consume chamomile tea, which assists to calm down the mind naturally. Work pressure and many other personal issues, of the person enhance the stressed and complication level, of the life. However, to get rid of disturbed mind, one can add chamomile tea, in their daily routine. Its consumption stabilizes the nerve function of the brain, which results control of anxiety.

• Treat cold cough
Chamomile holds a great effect, to cure cold cough problem. However, in olden days; people, suffering from cold cough used, to follow this homemade remedy. However, it couldn’t give an instant result, but can cure gradually. It has been also used, to treat sinus problems, naturally. In addition, if the cold coughs pursued more than a week, then do consult the doctor for further, procedure.

• Solves abdomen disorders
Many of the aromatic plants have been found helpful, to treat stomach disorders, and chamomile is amongst them. Facing an improper digestive system, stomach ache, menstrual pain, diarrhea, gastric problem, etc. make a tea of chamomile and drink it, to get rid of such problems. However, people in past days, used to follow these remedies, to chase several stomach disorders. In addition, its moderate consumption facilitates the digestive function. Moreover, it’s good for the female, to trim down the menstrual pain; since, it enhances the amino acid glycine, in the body. Add some chamomile tea in the initial stage of the menstrual cycle (1and 2 days), to get rid of menstrual cramp. It wipes out the pain, gradually.

• Cut down the cancer development
However, chamomile holds an antioxidant property immensely, which helps to prevent, from many health disorders. It eases many of the chronic ailments such as cancer, high blood pressure, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, etc. however, an antioxidant property helps, to trim down the cancerous formation, and protect the normal cells, from damages. Moreover, chamomile holds some of the vital components that assist, to cut down the development, of breast cancer, and leukemia cancers. Consuming chamomile tea solves many, of the health disorders, steadily.

• Beneficial for hair
Chamomile tea is highly beneficial for the hair, its consumption and appliance over the scalp may prevent the hair, from damages. It is good for the people who carry blond hair. Some people use chamomile, to nourish the hair, and to improve the shine, of the hair. Moreover, chamomile cleans the scalp and enhances the growth, of the hair due to, its unlocked follicles. Further, chamomile also found a supportive, to remove the dandruff from the scalp, and to mend the damaged hairs. Chamomile works like a shampoo or conditioner, one can use it to improve the color, of the hair. Its appliance reduces the hair fall problem.

• Great immune booster
Consuming chamomile tea acts as a great immune booster; since, it solves many of the health issues, and aid to prevent from many ailments. It is found very useful; to treat fever, cold cough, bowel irritation, respiratory disorders, menstrual cramp, skin disorders, hair disorders, etc. Further, a diabetes sufferer may take advantage of chamomile; since, it helps to stabilize the blood sugar level. In short, consuming chamomile in moderation may mend many, health disorders.

• Great skin toner
To promote healthy, attractive, and spot free skin consume chamomile tea; since, it helps improve the texture of the skin, and patch up many of the skin defaults. Moreover, its antioxidant property aids, to heal the wounds, and protect the skin, from ultraviolet rays. Further, its usage also improves the complexion of the face, and mends the disorders like pimples, acne, spots, etc. People carrying rough skin may try this remedy. Moreover, an antioxidant element of chamomile trims down the skin irritation problem. In short, chamomile is good, to develop healthy skin.

Precaution to take chamomile
Since it is an aromatic herb, which provides immense benefit, for the health, but its excessive or improper use, may lead to many health disorders. It has been suggested, to the pregnant women, to avoid consuming chamomile tea; since it may increase the risk of miscarriages. A woman who is expecting pregnant should also avoid this. Further, people having allergies of skin, do not use chamomile oil. Moreover, do not so addict to chamomile tea; since, it may lead to stomach disorders. Avoid, adding it in your daily routine; consuming thrice in a week will do, but in limit.

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Jack fruit is an immense benefited fruit that originates mostly in the south Asian countries. It is pronounced by the name called Langka in South Asian countries. However, the name of the jack fruit varies according to the countries and states. It has been approved for the national fruit of Bangladesh. The jack fruit tree is wide in shape and vast in size; hold a strong roots and branches, which clutch many of the jack fruits, easily. One number of jack fruit carries 2 to 10 kg of weight or above then that. The cultivation of jack fruits takes place in the forest, or any tropical lowland area.

However, according to the research Thailand and Vietnam are the major producers of jack fruits.  The usage varies according to the countries; in Asian countries people use it to cook food, or to make fruit salad, or to make pickles, and much other stuff. Whereas in other countries it is used as a cuisine, juice, liquid syrup, etc. The trees are so heighted and wide that makes difficult to break down the fruits; hence, patience would be the best option to wait for it’s ripen; since, it falls down voluntarily after getting ripe. Furthermore, the seeds of jack fruits are used making vegetables in many of the Asian countries and also consume boiled. The flesh of jack fruits is sticky and rubbery. Jack fruit is a fiber rich fruit.

It is loaded with nutrients. It is fond rich in minerals called calcium, iron, potassium, magnesium, manganese, sodium, zinc, and phosphorous. It is a good source of vitamin A (beta-carotene, lutein and zeaxanthin), B (thiamine, niacin, riboflavin, pantothenic acid, and folate), C, and E. It highly contains sugar, fiber, fat, protein, and energy. The wood of jack fruits is durable and long lasting; hence, it is used to manufacture furniture’s, musical instruments, and many other wooden products.  Whole parts of the jack fruits including seeds, leaves, flesh and wood are found highly benefited. Let’s learn some more benefits of jack fruits in detail.

  • Promote digestion function

Since, jack fruit is found rich in potassium, dietary fiber, and vitamin C; it facilitates the constipation problem.  Fiber plays a great role in digestion system, and vitamin C helps wash out the contaminated stuff from the abdomen; since, it holds citric acid, which assists to eliminate the toxins from the stomach and the blood. Hence, consuming sufficient amounts of jack fruit may find helpful, to promote healthy digestive system. It solves many of the stomach disorders, but its excessive intake may lead, to lose motion and stomach ache problem.

  • Stabilizes the blood pressure level

As we know that potassium works superb, to control the blood pressure level. People, who carry high blood pressure level, must add potassium rich fruits in their diet, to stabilize it, naturally. Potassium manages the level of sodium and fluid in the form of electrolytes, in the body. Thus, it is found helpful for the sufferer, of blood pressure.

  • May prevent from asthma

However, it has not been scientifically proven, but an old and wise says that consuming the boiled water of jackfruit roots may help reduce and to control the asthma phase. Boil some roots, filter and drink after getting cool. One can also use it for gargling.

  • Develop strength of the bones

People consuming jack fruits get vigorous and strong bones; since, it is widely rich in potassium, magnesium, iron, calcium, and zinc, which is an essential component to keep the bones, active and flexible. Consuming such mineral rich components fruit aids develop healthy bone, naturally. It is a best method to stay away from the risk of arthritis, osteoporosis and many other bone disorders.

  • Promote healthy eyesight

The presence of vitamin A (containing beta-carotene, lutein zeaxanthin) in jack fruits is found supportive, to build healthy eyesight.  Consuming vitamin A rich fruits trim down many of the eye disorders. People consuming vitamin A rich food get less risk of night blindness, blurry vision, sore eyes, etc. Not only jack fruits rest all the food, which contains vitamin A are helpful, for the eyes.

  • Protect from cancer’s formation

A Jack fruit does carry the capacity to defeat the formation of cancerous cells. It contains vitamin C, and hold phytonutrient called lignans, saponins, and isoflavones, which act as anti-cancer and anti-aging components. This phytonutrient may assist to wash out the cancer radicals (abnormal cell) from the body, and prevent from cancer growth.

  • Treat anemia

Existence of the essential components in jack fruits called niacin, folate, pnatothenic acid, vitamin A, C, E, K, B6, magnesium, copper, etc. assist to treat the anemia problem; since, these properties help form the blood, naturally. However, an insufficiency of blood leads to anemia problem. Further, iron in jack fruits facilitates the flow of blood, which is again found beneficial indirectly, to treat anemia. However, one can’t get rid of it, but can get some formation of the blood.

  • Promote a healthy immune system

Consuming jack fruits may work great, to promote healthy and energetic immune system; since, it holds all the essential components of vitamins, nutrients, proteins, and minerals, which is a significant element to maintain active immune system.

  • Energy booster

One can take jack fruit as a great energy booster; since, it is naturally rich in a sugar called glucose, sucrose, and fructose, which freshens the mind, naturally. Further, jack fruit alsofound rich in carbohydrates and calories, which can help gain weight. However, its consumption has to be reasonable. Do not over intake it.

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Digestion is the process in which foods are breakdown into smaller components that can be more easily absorbed and assimilated by the body.  Digestion is a kind of catabolism. It is divided into two processes depending on the how food is broken down. One is mechanical and the other one is chemical digestion. The condition mechanical digestion refers to the physical breakdown of large pieces of food into smaller pieces which can later accessed by digestive enzymes. In case of chemical digestion, enzymes break down food into the small molecules that the body can use. Digestion is an essential process for an organism.

Proper digestion is vital for absorption of nutrients through the food as it leads to the good health. Digestion may lead to many other health disorders due to poor absorption of nutrients.  There are number of things which disturb the digestive process and result into severe complications such as diarrhea, bloating, heartburn, nausea, constipation, excessive belching, excessive flatulence (gas), and abdominal pain and so on. Try to minimize these unpleasant symptoms and improve your digestive health by making a few minor changes in your diet and lifestyle. There are many external factors that are associated with the risk of developing poor digestion such as smoking, excessive drinking, age, lack of exercise and depression. Apart from these, stress, antibiotics, improper diet, poor eating habits, drugs, and environmental toxins are also some of the common causes in men as well as women responsible for poor digestion.

Hypothyroidism and yeast infection are some of the specific causes which found only in men, while hormone imbalance is common in women due to poor absorption of nutrient.  However, you can consume highest quantity of foods, but it is possible only when your digestive system is good. So, below mention tips will definitely you to strengthen your digestive system.


1) Chew your food well and slowly:-

It is consider one of the essential steps for proper digestion.  It is often believe that good digestion starts with mouth and is possible only when you chew your food well. Avoid eating while watching TV, reading magazine or newspaper, or checking face book, as you tend to eat lot. Take meals on the time only and concentrate on each bite that you put into your mouth. Eating too fast also causes overeating, which may again put pressure on the digestive system and may lead to poor digestion.

2) Increase fiber rich foods in diet:-

Intake of fiber is quit e beneficial in digestion process as it increases the size and softness of your stool and makes it easier to pass, thus prevent constipation. Foods that contains high amount of fiber includes oatmeal, bran  cereal, legumes, black beans, pinto beans, peanuts, walnuts, pecans, berries, prunes, dried apricots, raisins, pears, apples and so on. Besides that, fiber determines blood sugar level by slowing down digestion and allows glucose to enter your blood stream at a slower rate.

3) Avoid intake of fatty foods:-

Your digestive system find difficult to process fatty foods. Intake of fatty foods slows down the entire digestive process. Prefer leaner meats such as chicken and turkey as a source of protein instead of eating beef or pork, choose low fat or non-fat version of milk, cheese and yogurt. Apart from these, avoid intake of fried, processed and frozen foods as they are high in fat.

4) Control or reduce gas:-

Keep away from foods that contribute to gas production such as varieties of beans as well as vegetable like cabbage, cauliflower and broccoli. Besides that, avoid carbonated drinks like soda as it contains lot of air and increases the amount of gas.

 5) Take probiotics:-

Probiotics is one type of good bacteria which is found naturally in human body. It is like microorganisms that assist to keep the intestines healthy and the bowels moving. Simply by adding more probiotics foods into your diet, you can prevent excess gas, diarrhea and other digestive problems. Foods that includes rich source of probiotics are yogurt, soft cheeses, miso soup, kefir, sourdough bread and sauerkraut. Take probiotics supplement if the requirement is not fulfilling through diet. They are available in the form of capsule, powder and liquid form at any pharmaceuticals and health food stores. However, you should first take your doctor consultation before taking these supplements as it can harm people with certain preexisting health conditions.

6) Drink plenty of water:-

Drink at least 8 glasses of water daily as t it helps your body to break down bulk and eliminating toxins that can interfere with natural digestion. It also induces your stool softer and easier to pass. The best option to increase the water production in your body is that add maximum fruits and veggies that have high water content such as watermelon, cucumber and oranges. Your will come to know that your body is adequately hydrated only when your urine remains clear throughout the day. Another option is that, carry a water bottle around with you throughout the day and also drink maximum water after exercise, as you lose lot of fluid through sweat.

7) Do exercise regularly:-

Even a little 10 to 15 minutes of exercise in a day can promote digestion. Regular exercise is essential as it assist in moving out waste and gas quickly. Exercise plays a crucial role in digestion as it increases blood flow to your organs and induces the muscles in the intestines; assist them to process waste more quickly. Cardio exercises such as walking, swimming and jogging can also useful to get the entire body move. Besides that, try maximum use of stairs instead of the elevator.

8) Lose excess weight:-

Excess weight puts lots of pressure on the abdominal area which contributes to poor digestion as well as avoids overeating of foods. Excessive consumption of foods creates lots of burden on the entire digestive system. By following a healthy diet and exercise one can control the obesity.

9) Other remedies:-

  • Try to quit bad habits such as consumption alcohol and cigarette
  • Drink ginger and chamomile tea as it is extremely helpful for constipation and abdominal pain
  • Add maximum herbs such as rosemary, fennel, lavender and mint in everyday’s recipes to enhance digestion and to reduce excessive gas and bloating
  • Cut down the food that contains high quantity of sodium and artificial sweeteners.
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Amoxicillin is one of the most usable medicines, to treat various bacterial attacks. Its intake kills the germs and diminishes the symptoms. Amoxicillin is suggested mostly for small children.  The medicine was introduced in 1972. It aids to treat pneumonia, urinary, ear, bladder, salmonella, and skin infections; it also treats dental problem. It is mostly used, to treat skin disorders called acne. It found effective to treat the cases of severe acne problem. Sometimes, it is jointly used with another antibiotic known as clarithromycin to treat abdomen ulcer, occurs due to helicobacter pylori infection. These merge medicines are sometimes used to trim down the abdomen acid named as prevacid (lansoprazole). However, an amoxicillin works great to treat several infections, but it does carry some side effects. It is a penicillin antibiotic, it battle with infections and eliminates the bacteria.

Precautions of amoxicillin

Medicines do carry some side-effects, but it varies according to an individual’s bearing capacity. Amoxicillin is advantageous, but also carries some disadvantages.

  • Avoid consuming amoxicillin; if, you are allergic to it or any other penicillin antibiotic such as dicloxacilin, oxacillin, ampicillin, etc. since it may enhance the problem of negative effect.
  • Before consuming amoxicillin reveal your health disorders such as liver problem, kidney disorder, asthma, blood clotting, any bleeding issue, or any other type of allergies.
  • Stop consuming amoxicillin if you are facing diarrhea, or stomach aches problem.
  • If, you are already under any treatment then do consult the doctor before using amoxicillin; since, using two medicines together may bring some side-effects, to the health.
  • A woman, who is consuming birth control pills, should not consume amoxicillin without consulting the doctor; since, it may reduce the effect of the birth control pills, and could lead to pregnancy stage. People should follow some precaution to continue amoxicillin consumption in mandatory case. However, its avoidance would be more helpful to get prevented, from pregnancy.
  • People under treatment of infection should consume amoxicillin according to the prescribed manner; since, its ignorance may enhance the symptoms and could lead to any other infection, which becomes difficult to treat. Amoxicillin doesn’t treat a viral infection called cold flu, etc.
  • Carrying same symptoms, but disease varies. People should not use the amoxicillin for the same symptoms without asking the doctor; since, the symptoms may be the same, but the disease may be different. Hence, consuming any of the medicine without consulting the doctor may be harmful, for the health.
  • However, it has been noticed that consuming amoxicillin may affect the fetus, but asking the doctor would be good to take better opinion.
  •  A breast feeding women should avoid consuming amoxicillin; since, it may harm the child by passing through the breast.
  • If, you are under family planning then do consult the doctor about amoxicillin consumption during this stage.
  • If, you are under sexual treatment then revel this point to the doctor before amoxicillin, intake.
  • One needs to take the suggestion of the doctor before consuming amoxicillin in any of the certain conditions; since, this helps brings down the chances of various side-effects.

Intake of amoxicillin

An intake of any medicines is generally suggested by the doctors. Do not over intake or under intake the medicine; since, it may give bad result.

  • One can intake amoxicillin with or without food, but according to the prescribed dosage.
  • If, you are consuming liquid contain amoxicillin then shake the bottle well before use and intake, accordingly. Do not pour the bottle directly into the mouth, use spoon or medicine cup to consume; since, it assists to measure a perfect quantity required.
  • If, it is for the baby consumption then you may mix it with the water and feed. Finish the mixture at once. Do not store the mixture for next time use.
  • Once the dose is missed take as you remember, or else leave the dose if it is almost time for the next supplement. In certain cases do not overdose it.
  • Irritation, some skin disorders, less frequency of urine, seizure, etc. are some of the symptoms indicating over dose consumption. Consult the doctor soon during this situation.
  • Usually, an antibiotic medicine cause diarrhea problem; thus, to get rid of it do not intake anti-diarrhea, rather consult the doctor for the best suggestion.

Some negative effect of amoxicillin

Medicines do carry some side-effects, but it varies according to its intake.

  • However, facing difficulty in breathing; face, throat, lips and mouth swelling are some of the allergic reaction, of amoxicillin intake.
  • White patches, wax inside the mouth and lips.
  • Gland inflammation, skin itching, fever.
  • Joint pain, inactive and weak body.
  •  Extreme sweltering, flaking, skin redness.
  • Pale eyes and skin, dark urine, irritation.
  • Scratchy,   lack of sensation, weak muscles.
  • Rare bleeding through nose, mouth, vagina or rectum.
  • Red spot over the skin. These are the list of some side-effects of amoxicillin intake.
  • Abdomen aches, nausea, giddiness, vomiting.
  • Itching or irritation in the vagina or unusual discharge.
  •  Head pain, and changes in the tongue are some rare side-effects of amoxicillin consumption. However, this is the list of some known side-effects that can possibly occur. In certain cases, do not wait for tomorrow, rash to the doctor as soon as possible.

Some more negative effects are there, which may lead to serious problems. However, consuming amoxicillin according to the prescribed manner may reduce the side-effects occurrences.

Storage of amoxicillin

Store the wrapped tablet of amoxicillin at a room temperature, away from sunlight, heat and moisture. You can store the liquid bottle of amoxicillin in the freezer, but don’t let it freeze. Throw out the liquid mixture of amoxicillin after 14 days; since, the mixture becomes affectless, and may cause some side-effects. Keep the medicine away from children and soggy place. Wrap and keep the medicine in a tight box, so that the air couldn’t get entered into it.

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A healthy diet and good nutrition during pregnancy is essential for your baby to grow and develop. The best diet is considered balanced one that provides plenty of proteins, healthy fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. During first few months of pregnancy it becomes difficult to follow healthy diet due to nausea and vomiting, but try to consume maximum well-balanced diet and take prenatal vitamins. A normal healthy woman requires 2100 calorie in a day, while during pregnancy she requires 2500 calories in a day.

Besides increasing calories, she should focus on kind of foods she eats, so that a pregnant woman and her unborn bay will get right kind of nutrition. Staying healthy is a necessity during pregnancy. The type of foods mother consume makes a lot of impact on her health as well as the health of her unborn baby. Along with healthy balance diet she should include fresh vegetables, fruits and lots of fluids. She will have to cuts down on aerated and caffeine drinks.

Following a proper diet chart for nine months and after that is very important. What constitutes a healthy balanced diet during pregnancy to keep you and your unborn baby healthy is mentioned below

Balanced diet for healthy pregnancy

Hearing the news of pregnancy is considered one of the precious moments in every woman’s life. This is because more attention should be given on healthy diet. Because whatever a woman eats or adopts lifestyle has a direct impact on her unborn baby. Pregnant woman should abstain from the habit of alcohol consumption and cigarette smoking as it can harm the developing fetus. As well as one should avoid or considerably minimize consumption of beverages like soft drinks, tea and coffee.

Complex Carbs: – A pregnant woman’s diet should mainly consist of carbohydrates which can gain from including foods such as pasta, bread, corn, vegetables, beans, legumes rice, potatoes, and whole grains instead of consuming white bread, cookies, pretzels, chips, sugar and sweeteners.

Healthy fats: – High fat foods should be limited, while eliminating all fats is dangerous. Essential fatty acids are vital such as omega-3 fatty acids. Besides these fats, fats found in oils, butter, nuts and dairy products are also good for health.

Proteins: – A diet consists of protein includes foods such as meal, eggs, beans, fish and dairy products. One fact should also be consider that  though fish are rich in proteins, but certain types of fish such as shark, swordfish, tuna, tile fish, mackerel and lobsters should be avoided as they holds unacceptable level of mercury. Try to consume salmon and sardines fish as they contain lowest amount of mercury. But, still consume it in limited amount only to avoid mercury poisoning.

Calcium: – Calcium is necessary for strong bones and teeth. The fetus requires a huge supply of calcium during development. A pregnant women should get at least 1000-1300 mg of calcium every day. Milk and dairy products can be great option to increase the source of calcium in diet. Prenatal supplements only contain 150 to 200 mg of calcium. Hence, prenatal vitamins alone cannot fulfill the sufficient requirement of calcium to pregnant women.

Fiber:-  Pregnant woman should Eat almost 20 to 35 grams of fiber daily as it prevent constipation and hemorrhoids diseases which mostly takes place during pregnancy. Food which contains fiber in rich quantity is whole grain breads, rice, pasta, fruits, vegetables, cereals and so on.

Folic acid: – It is an essential vitamin that induces red blood cell formation and the production of important chemical signals in the nervous system of the baby. It prevents neural tube defects in your baby. Foods which contain an excellent source of folic acid are green leafy vegetables, orange juice, lentils, barley beans, rice and peas.

Iron: – It plays a crucial role in various bodily processes. It provides body with extra blood that needed for the placenta. Deficiency of iron leads to anemia. Foods which includes rich source of iron are broccoli, spinach, whole meal bread, and lentils should include in diet.

Vitamin C: – It is vital for wound healing and the production of body’s connective tissue. A pregnant woman should eat at least one fruit daily which contains rich source of vitamin C. The foods which include high content of vitamin C are strawberries, fresh oranges, grapefruit, broccoli, cabbage, tomatoes, papaya, cauliflower, green peppers and sprouts.

Vitamin D: – It is important for pregnant woman and their unborn baby. It is found naturally only in some fish liver oils. Besides that, human produce vitamin D in skin in response to sunlight.

Vitamin A: – It is vital for proper cell growth, development of eyes, skin, blood, immunity and resistance to infection. Carrots, beet greens, turnip greens, spinach, sweet potatoes, apricots and pumpkins includes rich source of vitamin A.

Fluids: – It is an important part of a healthy diet. Daily consumption of at least 8 glasses of water is necessary. Because it reduce chances of constipation and piles that can develop straining during defecation. In addition, it increased flow of urine also reduces risk of developing a urinary tract infection, which can be dangerous for pregnant women as well as her baby.

Magnesium: – It is important for regulation of blood sugar level, proper functioning of body proteins and for healthy teeth and bones as well. Foods such as sunflower, pumpkin, wheat germ, tofu, almonds and yogurt holds rich source of magnesium.

Pantothenic acid: – It is required for many of the body’s regulatory and metabolic activities. It is present in rich source in foods such as organ meats, soybeans, collard greens, mushroom and brewer’s yeast.

Potassium: – It is a part of mineral that affects fluid balance, cellular balance, blood pressure regulation, as well as proper nerve and muscle function. Pregnant women require 2000 mg of potassium in a day. Banana, oranges, meats, milk, grains, watermelon, cantaloupe and legumes contains high content of potassium mineral.

However, undertaking a diet, which include all the foods mention above in right quantity along with light exercise such as walking will definitely help to keep healthy to pregnant women as well as her baby. Above mentioned diet also helps to reduce complication such as miscarriage and even birth defects.

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