What is cholesterol? And does it harm to health. Yes, Many of you might have this question in your head. Let’s have short ride over it. Cholesterol is a fatty waxy substance made up by liver. Also known as a lipid, substance found in all cells of our body and is exceptionally essential for normal functioning of our body. Proteins carry this cholesterol in your blood, and when this two comes into contact and mix they are called lipoproteins. High level of lipid can be hazardous when it comes to life. There are two kinds of lipoproteins in your body which carry cholesterol.

LDL (low density lipoproteins), also known as bad cholesterol.

HDL (high density lipoproteins), also known as good cholesterol

High level of LDL leads to form cholesterol in arteries (that carry blood from your “LIVER” to cells) which in turn leads to severe coronary (blockage in the arteries that carry blood to heart) heart disease. HDL does the opposite of bad cholesterol (LDL). HDL carry blood from cells to liver through arteries, where it may be split or thrown out of the body as a unwanted product if there is too much to use.

Cholesterol is very important to make hormones, vitamin D, and other substances that help to digest foods in the body. Some food we eat can also be the source of cholesterol in the body. High cholesterol in the body can increase the risk of critical health condition. The higher the level of BAD cholesterol greater is the chances, the higher the level of GOOD cholesterol lowers is the chances of befalling the heart disease.

Causes of cholesterol:

Unhealthy diet (food)

As we all live in a dynamic world full of fast food and less of nutritious food. The fast foods we consume might be one of the greatest reasons to cause high cholesterol. Unfortunately this fast food has a lot of fat and less of nutrient value. Your diet must always contain a sufficient amount of nutrient, fiber, mineral, iron etc, eat food s that are high in this and less in trans /saturated fats. Fats are responsible for forming cholesterol in the body.  Avoid eating such not so good heart healthy foods.


Indulging yourself to such not so healthy habit will make you fall near severe health complications. Don’t tend yourself towards tobacco or second hand smoking as both are injurious to health. Including cholesterol and heart health smoking has it impact on each part of health. Push yourself a little harder to quit smoking; I know it’s difficult to do so. But the end result of doing so will surely pull you back from some really serious health problem.

Lack of exercising:

Too much of anything can have an adverse effect on the body. Of course, doing exercise regularly is good thing; as it boosts HDL (good) cholesterol where as it lower LDL (bad) cholesterol.  Lack of exercise can among one of the reasons causing cholesterol in the body. Not enough exercise can put in big health trouble

Overweight or obesity:

Excess weight cans double your chances of having cholesterol. It is said that obese people have stock of unsaturated fat in them. Fats lead to form cholesterol in the body. So always keep on your weight.

High Diabetes:

High sugar level leads to lower the HDL (good) cholesterol and increase the LDL (bad) cholesterol in the body. High diabetes damages the inner and outer surface of the arteries (vessel that carries blood from heart to the body and vice versa).

High blood pressure:

The pressure that blood puts on walls damages your arteries and increase the speed to buildup the fats in the arteries.

Metabolic chaos:

Person suffering from diabetes, pancreatitis, and hyperthyroidism can directly link to high cholesterol in the body. In some person the risk of cholesterol increases with specific diseases.

Need of sleep:

There is direct and indirect relationship between sleep and cholesterol. Naturally if your sleep affects than your thinking capacity slow downs, your stress increase and it affect your blood circulation in body. And all this is responsible for changes that take place in lipid levels in the blood.


Stress has it impact on health in total. Mental and emotional stress that make a person starve for not so healthy foods especially high calorie food that leads to increase bad cholesterol in the body and is one of the reasons to carve high cholesterol in the body.

Cholesterol can be controlled by taking care of above mentioned points. It will help you entirely to prevent not only from high cholesterol but other health problems too. So if you’re really worried about your fluctuating cholesterol try this, and it won’t let you down. But, consult your doctor immediately if the problem is severe.

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Most of time, some people feel cold sweat, dread and palpitation without any fine cause. Anxiety is nothing but body’s natural reaction towards a supposed threat. If you come across that your anxiety is making problems in your life that is if it floating you away from your friends, family and even yourself, then in that situation try best to obtain full control over it. This can become possible by opting some serious changes in your lifestyle. Breathing exercises, counseling, professional therapy and meditation all plays a dominant role in bringing a required changes in your attitude towards life. In fact, they all are proven extremely beneficial in eradicating unnecessary anxiety in the long run. A little bit of anxiety is considered to be fine in day-to-day life. But remember anxiety gets a free sovereignty, if you are in lots of tension. Anxiety is a sensation of fret and uneasiness about something doubtful. Every individual go through anxiety problem but sometimes it interrupts with daily execution by making everyday life extremely complicated. If you undergo pathological anxiety then there are some good options which will definitely help you to get over it. Particularly, the food which you consume is known to have immense impact on how you feel. Here are some potent diet tips are mentioned to beat anxiety naturally.

  1. Limit your sugar intake:-

Too much sugar level in the body is believed to be biggest culprit because sugar induces the stress hormones in the body to impale. This in turn makes you anxious and irritated. Several researches have proved that sugar is one kind of addictive. In order to obtain control over anxiety you must keep an eye on your sugar intake.

  1. Diminish your caffeine consumption:-

Intake of caffeine is linked with inducing the body to eject adrenaline. This is liable for the struggle or flight reaction of the body. Elevated adrenaline level further gives rise to number of symptoms like augmented heart rate, palpitation and so on. If you are allergic to caffeine then even a cup can also trigger anxiety symptoms.

  1. Watch over you alcohol consumption:-

Likewise caffeine, alcohol too is responsible for increase in the adrenaline level in the body. This in turn gives an open invitation to signs of increased heart rate. Even reduction in sugar and dehydration contributes to worsening the symptoms in future. As a result give preference to spiritzers instead of alcohol.

  1. Exclude junk food:-

Usually fast food is filled with oil, Trans fat, cholesterol and spices. In simple words, such food is unhealthy for health. As a result, if would better if you exclude fast completely and preferred home made meals. Incorporating healthy diet, particularly whole grain food improves your overall health and promotes immunity.

  1. Take maximum antioxidant rich diet:-

Diet enriched with antioxidant is prime necessity in order to lead a healthy life. Antioxidant has the ability to suppress the oxidation of other molecules. Plus, it plays a key role in slowing down the damage of cells. Foodstuff packed with antioxidants consists of prunes, broccoli, oranges, white tea, grapes and green tea. Apart from that, including foods loaded with vitamin C, vitamin E and Beta carotene may also prove beneficial to keep anxiety at bay.

  1. Go for B-complex group of vitamins:-

Vitamin B group helps a lot in reducing the anxiety level. B- Complex group plays a significant role in reducing anxiety by functioning on the brain’s neurotransmitters. Food items like dry fruit, whole grain and peas contain an excellent source of vitamin B1. Rice, eggs and milk hold rich sources of Vitamin B2. Wheat flour, meat, eggs and fish are packed with vitamin B3. Broccoli, chicken, tomato, eggs and turkey hold an excellent source of pantothenic acid. Peanuts, eggs, pork, milk and soy are loaded with vitamin B6. Chickpeas, brown rice, asparagus and spinach are enriched with folic acid. Cod, milk, cheese, eggs and salmon contains high amount of vitamin B12. Include all these food items in your daily regimen and in moderate amount to overcome anxiety to a great extent.

  1. Have diet rich in protein:-

Proteins are believed to be building blocks of the body and they also help you to live longer. Protein rich breakfast assists you to keep you fuller for longer period and also keeps you healthy. Say no to sugary cereals. Food items like Greek yogurt, eggs, turkey and spinach are great example of protein enriched foods.

  1. Drink ample of water:-

Dehydration is responsible for causing irritation and it affects health severely. As a result, try best to drink at least 2 liters of water on a daily basis. Anxiety is a severe condition; hence do not take it lightly. Sometimes it takes you in depressed condition also. If your anxiety is in a severe condition then immediately visit to a psychiatrist.

  1. Have Chamomile tea:-

Chamomile tea is known to have immense soothing and calming effect. There are numerous wonderful benefits associated with chamomile tea. Hence, to take advantage of it have at least one cup of chamomile tea. The best part is it has mild sweet taste. Hence it can prove best choice to regular caffeine drinks also.

 10.  Include food rich in amino acid:-

Including foods rich in amino acid may also prove useful to reduce anxiety to a great extent. These food items also promote sound sleep. Foods that hold high amount of tryptophan consist of turkey, soy products, eggs, seeds, milk, peanuts, and nuts.

In addition to above mentioned diet tips, take a healthy, balanced diet, exercise daily and try maximum to indulge in stress relieving techniques to obtain control over anxiety.

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Erectile dysfunction is one such condition which causes the male reproductive system softer during lovemaking process. This fatal condition brings immense stress and dissatisfaction on both the gender engaging in the sexual act. In simple words, this condition keeps couples away from enjoying deep pleasure form lovemaking sessions. Lack of satisfaction from sexual act further affects couples relationship very badly. However these types of problems are simply confronted by the ED stricken men who are totally unaware about Penegra and other these type of anti-ED pills.

This medication tries best to remove root cause hence functions at base level which is called as Phosphodiesterase – 5. It turns an enzyme which is frequently major reason behind occurrence of impotence issues. It is believed that this chemical takes down the level of cGMP chemical in the body to stimulate the blood flow to become limited. Inadequate supply of blood vessels to impotent men parts induces nonfunctioning of regarding erectile mechanism. Therefore, it becomes indispensable to deal with PDE in order to improve your sex capabilities. Penegra consist of Sildenafil Citrate which acts a potent suppressing agent against PDE5. This kind of agent has the ability to limit the effectiveness of PDE-5 and induces cGMP. This in turn improves the circulation of blood and allows the impotent men to acquire penile erection again.

Penegra is one of the potent solvents as it escapes men from this dangerous condition. All impotent men across the world get satisfied with Penegra. They observe their performance improved after few minutes of taking Penegra pill. The consequences of the Penegra stay in body around 5 hours. Just make sure that you are taking this pill at least one hour prior indulging in foreplay. Penegra is designed to treat ED. It is not made to heal other sexual problems of men like premature ejaculation. It entails, this drug can only be utilized by men going through ED. Women, children and breastfeeding mother are requested to keep distance from this pill because this pill may cause harm to their health. Men who have gone through cardiac issues should obviate Penegra. Similarly, impotent men who had any kind of surgery in the past should keep distance from Penegra. Also, men having health issues like blood pressure, diabetes, sickle cell anemia, kidney disorder, liver disease are suggested to avoid taking Penegra pill. Penegra needs fully fledged mental and physical stimulation. Without that, if fails to give you extreme satisfaction and expected results. In short, the medication is totally non-aphrodisiac.

Penegra usually comes in three different strengths that are 25mg, 50mg and 100mg. The normal and mostly suggested dosage is 50mg. usually, doctors recommends dosage considering factors like men’s age, level of ED and body’s capability to tolerate with the dose. Besides, doctors also consider men’s medical history and few other things. Relying on these things only accurate dosage is determined. In case, if dose of Penegra is missed no need to worry because there is no such hard and fast rule that it should be consumed on a daily basis.  Pengra is advised to be taken only you feel like having sex. Just, avert overdose of Penegra because there are numerous severe repercussions linked with it. Therefore, take dosage exactly prescribed by your physician. Take Penegra only with water and not with other solution. Water is enough effectual to dissolve the tablet in the blood in short period. This is accurate way to gulp the medicine. Penegra works brilliantly if consumed on an empty stomach. It is better to fist enjoy the love making session and later have something. If hungry, give preference to light food items. Light meal is proven beneficial as it do not interrupt the function working. However, heavy fatty and oily food must be completely averted.

There are some mild ill effects are associated with use of Penegra. Generally they never stay longer than a few hours. Headache, stuffy nose, diarrhea, urinary tract infection, changes in vision, stomach upset, flushing, and indigestion are some of mild side effects of Penegra. On onset of these harmless side effects, do not stop intake of Penegra. Since, these common ill effects go away without medical attention. Medical help is necessary if mentioned minor side effects last longer than expected period.

Penegra is rarely seen inducing serious impact on anyone’s health. When Penegra shows severe side effect, men should not take those symptoms lightly. Since, they can prove hazardous to their health. In fact, in that situation one should contact health care professional immediately to avert future complications. Rapid heartbeat, chest pain, longer penis erection, hearing loss, hear attack, unexpected increase in blood pressure are some of life threatening side effects of Penegra.

Keep in mind that the medication may prove hazardous if taken together with nitrate. As a result, it is mandatory to ensure that you are not consuming nitrate in any form with Penegra. Stop smoking and consuming alcohol after taking the medication. These unhealthy habits only contribute to impotency problem at the end. Even exclude grapefruit and grape juice from your daily regimen once you begin with Penegra anti-ED treatment. Consumption of this fruit and juice is responsible for declining the potency of the medication. This in turn, delays the expected results. Taking Penegra strictly under Doctor’s supervision is prime necessity because taking on own give rise to so many complications. Avoid strictly engaging in any kind of physical and mental work after taking Penegra. This is so because giddiness is one of serious outcomes of it, which results in accident directly.

Store the Penegra in room temperature between 15-30 degree Celsius as it is most accurate temperature for this pill. Store Penegra in airtight box and keep away from extreme temperature. Since acute temperature contribute to spoil the medication sooner. Keeping expired pill at home is extremely risky; hence discard them correctly as soon as possible.

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Erectile dysfunction is one such problem in men’s life where they think that they cannot escape from this condition. This fatal condition is directly link with love life and affects relationship of a person very badly. The worst thing is this erotic disorder gives downturn to your sex life. In this unpleasant condition couple altogether find difficult to come across a solution. These days there are number of anti-ED medications are available in pills as well as jelly form, so no need to give up this condition. Taking Zenegra is a potent solution because it works wonder for your sex life without giving rise to any new problem.

Erectile dysfunction occurs because of many causes. People suffering through diabetes and heart disorder also get affected with ED. Besides, people having high or low blood pressure also become prone to ED. If a person has done any surgery or has a venous leak in penile region can also become susceptible to ED. Improper functioning of central nervous system is also one of the root cause of ED.  In addition to these reasons, physical causes like mental stress, mood swings and depression also responsible for causing ED.

 To get rid of ED take Zenegra with water. It is very powerful tablet; hence assist significantly to beat all ED related worries. This anti-ED pill is a generic version of brand called Viagra. This tablet has same abilities of the pill Viagra which makes it extremely proficient in its effect on the people affected with ED. This pill keeps negative effects of the PDE5 enzyme at bay and makes a man stimulated in sexual intercourse by making his sexual organ stiff properly. This in turn helps the men to enjoy good time with his partner and experience utmost pleasure.

 Zenegra assist impotent men in acquiring erection by sparking blood flow towards penile region. Men confront erectile problems because of PDE5 enzyme. This enzyme targets their body and takes control over their most indispensable organ that is penis. It makes partition around penis to obstruct blood flow. Without sufficient blood flow, acquiring erection becomes hard. Zenegra is one such potent pill which plays a significant role in disclosing PDE5 enzyme. Due to its suppression blood flow becomes normal again. The medicine also frees nitric oxide for proper functioning of penis blood muscles. The medicine also frees cGmp enzyme for forcing blood in direction of penis. For this entire process to happen men need to be stimulated because this pill is not an aphrodisiac. In simple words it can only work on aroused body.

Zenegra is just meant for impotent men; hence it should be kept away from reach of children, women and breastfeeding mothers. Men under the strike of certain health issues should obviate Zenegra. Health disorders that do not permit the consumption of the medication consist of blood pressure problem, stomach ulcer, sickle cell anemia, cardiac problems, diabetes etc. The only aim of the medicine is to heal ED and brings back smile to their faces. Keep in mind that, the medication does not assist you to enhance or lessen sexual desire.

No doubt, Zenegra is thought to be taken in order to treat impotency. But do not consume it without taking approval from a health care professional. Taking appropriate dosage help a lot in eradicating the problem. Zenegra’s highly prescribed dosage is 50mg. Zenegra pills available in other differs strength as well that is 25mg and 100mg. Physician make alterations in dosage relying on medication respond and severity of sexual disorder. This medication is needed to be taken with proper planning. Zenegra is not design to be consumed on a daily basis. The medication should be taken only when sexual desire gets over. Risk because of medication overdose is speedily enhancing these days. Therefore, it is vital to understand that one should take only prescribed dose. Zenegra overdose gives an open invitation to many health risks in the body.

Consuming tablet wholly is mandatory for achieving complete results. If the pill is crushed or chewed, it looses ability to treat impotency and men finish up in getting nothing. Following all consumption rules with full sincerity is prime necessity. Zenegra is recommended to be consume only once in a day and that too half an hour before lovemaking episodes. You can prefer next dose only after completion of 24 hours of the intake of first dose. It would prove more beneficial if Zenegra is taken on an empty stomach because it offers extreme satisfaction and expected results too early. Taking this tablet after having oily and fatty foods delays medication’s working and consequently offers result also too late.

Zenegra exhibits some minor as well as severe side effects. But, gratefully the minor side effects that linked with use of Zenegra are short lasting. If the occurs avoid stop taking Zenegra without doctor’s consent. The minor side effects of Zenegra fade away on own without doctor’s help. Faintness, facial flushing, headache, stomach, nausea, running nose, blur vision and sensitivity to light are some of the majorly noticed harmless side effects. Seek for medication help the stay time of these minor side effects elongates otherwise there is no specific need. Once you become habitual to this medication then consequently the onset of these common ill effects will reduced considerably.

Zenegra rarely demonstrates chronic side effects. Taking dose more than recommended and ignoring warning are some of practical reasons behind attack of chronic side effects. Chest pain, chronic faintness, heart attack, strokes, cardiac problems, high blood pressure and so on. Instant medical attention is recommended mandatory again such severe symptoms.

Once treatment of Zenegra begins keep distance from grapefruit, grape juice, nitrate based medicine, smoking and alcohol strictly. Since intake of all these contributes to worsening the condition.  Store the Zenegra in room temperature between 15-30 degree Celsius room temperature and in cool and dark area.

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Erectile dysfunction is actually a medical issue that strikes innumerable men worldwide. Generally men from every age group become vulnerable to this erotic disorder. But it is highly observed in males from 40-45 years of age. For men to come out of this fatal problem becomes difficult because their state of mind get badly affected while suffering through ED. Men lost their calmness, peace and composure due to this sexual dysfunction condition. Besides that their personal relationship gets spoiled badly. But, to beat all sexual dysfunction related worries Generic Viagra is amazing solution. Men can overcome all their ED related fears with the help of this anti-ED medication. This medication stops your struggle in holding erection for a longer duration without creating any difficulty. Generic Viagra is from a set of drug called as PDE5 inhibitors. The great benefit is it is sold at very low price. Sildenafil Citrate is one of the outstanding key elements of the ED medication. This potent medicine offers quick erection to men, so they can enjoy healthy fulfilling lovemaking life.

Basically Generic Viagra is nothing but a PDE5 inhibitor. Once erection is developed, Brain provides signal to the penis. Further, this expels a chemical known as nitric oxide. It induces an enzyme called cGMP. cGMP is highly wanted enzyme as it dilates blood vessels in the penis, also loosens up them, stimulating blood to flow in immense amount towards penile region. At last the blood enables penis erect and stays stiffer till love making episode completes.

PDE5 enzyme plays a dominant role in cracking cGMP and obtains its place. PDE5 enzyme is biggest enemy of erection problems in men because it obstructs blood flow. Blood is vital for acquiring erection. Generic Viagra conquers PDE5 enzyme, raising blood flow towards male reproductive organ. Penile area packed with blood facilitates men to acquire erection. Generic Viagra also ejects cGMP in the body. Since, achieving erection without cGMP becomes impossible.

Men from any age group going through erotic disorder can utilize Generic Viagra to defeat ED successfully. There is no doubt a woman, kids and breastfeeding mother may suffer from numerous health complications, if they consume this medication. This is because, try maximum to keep the medication away from their reach. Men suffering from other health disorders like liver problem, low blood pressure, stroke, heart attack, kidney problem, sickle cell anemia, angina, diabetes and heart attack are advised not to take the medication or take with physician’s consent only. Remember Generic Viagra only extricates impotence issue. Sexual stimulation is obligatory as without that getting over ED is impossible. The medication never provides expected results without sexual desire. 50mg is the highly prescribed dosage of Generic Viagra. This anti-ED medication is comes in three different doses that is 25mg, 50mg and 100mg. Generally 100 mg is recommended for patient of chronic ED. Dosage of 25mg is suggested for men affected with less serious ED. The chances are high that medication may not work in the first time. As a result, physician often recommend taking the medication at least 7-8 times before changing the treatment. The medication may work faster if it is taken on an empty stomach. Consuming the medication after eating food can delay its functioning.

As like other ED medications Generic Viagra too exhibit some minor side effects. Hence, on occurrence of them, do not stop taking the medication on own. As, the side effects associated with use of Generic Viagra often goes away on own without doctor’ help. Especially, people who are consuming this medication for the first time often become susceptible to common ill effects. Once people become habitual, the onset of common ill effects reduces considerably. The list of those minor side effects includes reddening of the face, back pain, running nose, headache, blur vision, nausea, vomiting and so on. If these mentioned side effects remains for longer period then it is issue of concern. Hence, in that case do not delay and immediately seek for medical help.

No doubt, Generic Viagra too demonstrates some chronic side effects which contribute to damage health severely. Wrong dosage consumption and ignoring to doctors advice are basic practical reasons behind going through severe health complication. The chronic side effects that takes place because of Generic Viagra includes shortness of breath, rashes, chest pain, dry mouth, heart attack, fatigue, prolonged erection and so on. On occurrence of these mentioned serious side effects immediately contact your health care provider. In these cases, delaying the treatment may prove hazardous to health.

Nitrate consumption along with this anti-ED pill is unsafe for health. Therefore, often confirm with your physician that you are not consuming nitrate in any form. It can give rise to severe health issues. Stop smoking and alcohol consumption once you start with Generic Viagra treatment for ensuring safe ED treatment. Impotent men are requested to avert consumption of Generic Viagra if they are allergic to any element present in Generic Viagra. Even intake of grapefruit and grape juice should also be obviated because they are responsible for cutting down the effectiveness of the medication.

Accurate storage assists to ensure long lasting use of the medication. Room temperature between 15-30 degree Celsius room temperature is correct for storing the ED medication. Extreme temperature leads to cut down medications lifespan. It is mandatory to keep the medication in an air tight box. Since, it is safe in air tight container from an external atmospheric condition. Generic Viagra have greater possibilities of reducing effectiveness in surrounding like heat, moisture and light. Hence, try maximum to store it in clean, dark and cool place. Discard outdated pills properly.

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Sudden weight gain is a common issue confronted by most of women all over the world.  Increase in weight during pregnancy is believed to be common and is said to be progressive weight gain. A weight gain takes place with menstruation is called as periodic weight gain. There are numerous reasons linked with sudden weight gain in women and they vary from person to person. Below listed are common causes that give rise to sudden weight gain in women:

  • Eating excessively:-

Sudden increase in your body weight is generally due to overconsumption of calories than those necessary, or utilized by your body. Further, these unused calories contribute to fat storage. Intake of too much calories, when you are doing low-level activities contributes to stuffing of unused calories. Eating too much and particularly intake of unhealthy food is one of the primary reasons behind sudden weight gain in women. Eating excessively and that too without necessary physical activities contribute to increased weight.

  • Hypothyroidism:-

It is another major reason behind sudden weight gain in women. Shortage of thyroid hormone in body gives rise to development of diluted metabolism of food. Therefore chances of loss of appetite increases, accompanied by modest weight gain. Protein accumulation in your body results in fat collection and fluid retention contributing to weight gain. Weight gain is most common symptom linked with hypothyroidism. Besides, swelling of face, fatigue, poor memory, lethargy, weakness, diminished sweating, puffy eyes, are also common symptoms of hypothyroidism. Keep in mind that women from any age group can become victim of hypothyroidism.

  • Stress:-

Stress is also main culprit of sudden increase in body weight of ladies. It is known to have major impact on eating habits of woman. It is believed that extreme stress give rise to issue of excessive eating and thus results in weight gain. Too much stress, depression, anxiety and other emotional factors develops risk of weight gain. There are many stages in a woman’s life associated to emotional issues. Stress and depression are responsible for decelerating metabolism. People going through depression and stressful situation usually give preference to consumption of foods rich in carbohydrates. Since it offers soothing and calming effect and activates an increase in serotonin.

  • Menopause:-

During phase of menopause, the hormonal changes in body give rise to issue of increased appetite. This in turn leads to increase in weight of ladies. Because of changing body composition women find difficult to lose any extra weight.

  • Shortage of fiber:-

Several studies have disclosed that fiber is indispensable to losing and maintaining healthy body weight. Fiber is one such essential nutrient which not only boosts bowel health but also keeps you fuller for longer period. This assist you to eat less, so consequently chances of weight gain reduced completely.

  • Poor sleep:-

Women affected with sleep disorder often experienced risk of weight gain. Due to lack of sleep body fails to work to its best capability. The body’s responds to poor sleep by storing fat.

  • Deficiency of fatty acids:-

Not all fats, but there are some healthy fats which plays a key role in maintaining ideal body weight. For instance, fatty acids present in flaxseed oil helps a lot in maintaining metabolism and inhibit unhealthy food desires.

  • Cushing’s syndrome:-

Lots of the hormone cortisol in body is also one possible cause associated with sudden weight gain in women. In this medical condition, fat build ups over face, abdomen and upper back and rest of the body stays slim. Apart from weight gain, other common symptoms associated with this disorder include high blood pressure, weakness, irregular menstruation, glucose intolerance, thin skin and so on. Several studies have revealed a close interlinked between hormones and weight gain in women.

  • Certain medications:-

Certain medications are another possible cause of sudden weight gain confronted by women. Many medications and drugs carry innumerable side effects related to health and weight gain is most common among them. Medications like steroids, birth control pills, antidepressants, corticosteroids and other hormonal medications lead to increased appetite and fluid retention, which further result in weight gain consequently.

  • Lifestyle:-

Sudden increase in weight frequently also takes place due to lifestyle related issues. Again, consuming unhealthy foodstuff is primary cause. Further, taking meal at inappropriate timings, eating late nights and sleeping soon after having meal are some lifestyle related habits gives an open invitation to the problem. Giving preference to fried or packaged foods instead of healthy meal, intake of fizzy drinks and skipping or cutting meals, all leads to weight gain problem. No doubt, certain medication condition in women gives rise to sudden weigh gain in women. But reviewing eating and exercising habit is prime necessity. In addition, poor sleep is also risk factors of excessive weight gain. Making some changes in lifestyle will definitely prove beneficial for you in this condition. In simple words, following meal timings and incorporating a balanced diet consisting of whole grains, fruits and vegetables and averting consumption of food items rich in fats is obligatory to maintaining healthy body weight in the long run.

  • Certain diseases:-

There are innumerable diseases and illness which induces weight gain. An ovarian cyst is one such medical condition wherein chances of weight gain enhanced by around 30 pounds over a short period of time. Besides that, even problems related with kidneys, liver and heart are also linked with weight gain. Also, women with breast cancer frequently undergo fluctuations in weight.

Sudden increase in body weight definitely does not occur without reason. As soon as you notice sudden increase in weight, you need to properly diagnose by an expert doctor. If you find difficulty in getting time for exercising from your busy schedule then prefer long walk or jog in order to acquire control over weight. Opting healthy lifestyle, avoiding fast food and exercising daily is best solution to keep those extra pounds away.

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Only people addicted to smoking knows how difficult is to stop smoking or even reducing smoking. But people who have left this extreme unhealthy habit will give you guarantee that quitting smoking is not difficult task. With appropriate medical guidance, great will power and changes in lifestyle, you can definitely accomplish your goal of quitting smoking within a few weeks or months duration. In order to inspire your aim it would be more beneficial for you having knowledge about the advantages that you will enjoy after putting limit or quitting smoking.


The first and leading advantage of cutting down smoking is that you can become capable to quit smoking completely one day. You can begin with smoking half the cigarettes which you previously used to. For instance, if you previously used to smoke 5-6 cigarettes, decrease it to 3-4 and then after few days lessen it as much as possible for you that is one or two. In simple words, you will kick it gradually. This gradual process assists you to deal with withdrawal symptoms effectively and assist you to proceed with your goal of quitting smoking. During this overall process, besides withdrawal symptoms, you will notice many optimistic changes in your body because your body begins reviving the damages and risks occur due to smoking. Hence, some of the outstanding health benefits of quitting smoking are listed below: –

  • Quitting smoking helps significantly to improve the body’s blood flow, which in turn improves sensitivity. Men can achieve solid erections after quitting smoking. Women notice that their orgasm get improve, hence they become stimulated more easily. In short, for enjoying healthy sexual life quitting smoking is obligatory.
  • Smoking creates lots of obstacles in getting pregnant. Leaving this unhealthy habit improves the lining of the womb and makes male’s sperm more effective. Quitting smoking enhances the chances of conceiving through IVF and cuts down the risk of having a miscarriage. Most beneficial advantage that, it promotes the possibilities of giving birth to a healthy child.
  • Quitting smoking has been found to delay facial ageing and visibility of wrinkles as well. The skin of non-smoker obtains more nutrients, including oxygen; hence they notice clear and elastic skin.
  • For good dental health, quitting smoking is mandatory. Even staying away from tobacco prevents teeth becoming strained. For better oral hygiene and to get rid of other dental issues like bad breath, stained teeth and mouth sores, it is indispensable to stop smoking.
  • Staying away from the smoking habit gives you feeling of smell and taste a boost. Since the body is retrieving from being blunted by the numerous of deadly chemicals present in cigarettes.
  • Within 2-12 weeks of quitting smoking, the blood circulation improves significantly. Further, this enables all physical tasks including walking and running effortless. Stopping smoking also ensures strong immune system. This in turn helps a lot to combat colds and flu. In addition, the raised in oxygen in the body is responsible for making ex-smoker less tired and reduces chances of having headaches among them.
  • Several researches have disclosed that people’s stress level gets lower after they kick the habit of smoking. Nicotine obsession enables smokers to become anxious from the ‘withdrawal’ between cigarettes. The pleasant sense of encountering that hunger is just temporary and is not remedy for stress. Plus, increased level of oxygen in the body indicates that ex-smoker can enjoy good concentration power and healthy mental well being as well. 
  • A chain smoker is prone to go through from numerous lung diseases like bronchitis and lung infection. The toxins, especially nicotine present in the cigarette is responsible for making immune system poor. Plus, making people vulnerable to respiratory infection also. Hence, putting limit or kicking this bad habit may help you to keep these infections at bay and making immune system powerful.
  • Kicking this unhealthy habit successfully assist you to overcome heart diseases. There is a direct link between serious heart attack and smoking. Due to smoking the chances are high that blood pressure can increase very badly. Further, this condition gives an open invitation to risk of stroke and serious heart attack.
  • Studies have shown that people who are addicted to smoking are at higher risk of developing numerous forms of cancer like lung cancer, oral cancer, bladder cancer and esophagus cancer. Hence, cutting down smoking will definitely help you to avoid aforesaid life threatening cancers to a great extent.
  • Studies indicate that people die soon because diseases caused by smoking like heart disease, severe bronchitis and lung cancer. Generally studies indicate that men who stop smoking at 30 live 10 years more life. But people who quit this unhealthy habit at 60 just live 3 years more life. Hence, say no to this unhealthy habit as early as possible and live healthy, longer life. Due to which, consequently chances of disease- free older life will also enhance considerably.
  • Once people quit their habit of smoking, they generally notice cough problems very rarely and can breathe effortlessly. This happens because their lung capability improves up to 10-20% within few months once they stop smoking. Remember, if your age is between 20 and 30s, then during that age you will not experience the consequences of smoking on your lung. But lung capability naturally declines with age. To live life happily in old age utmost lung capacity is prime necessity.
  • In addition to above mentioned benefits, cutting down smoking can assist in numerous other ways. The chances of going through thyroid diseases, peripheral vascular disease, grave’s disease, asthma, osteoporosis, pneumonia, gangrene and leukemia will also lowered considerably. In short, nothing is better that quitting smoking as soon as possible to live disease free and healthy life. 
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Sexual Dysfunction or Tribulations in Men

It was anticipated, that years ago men believed that growing older and sexual problems are inter-related concept. At least 10 among 100 men have sex related problems. It is alleged that sexual inability is a common part of growing older.  A sexual dysfunction, inability, or problem refers to the difficulty that happens in the course of physical interaction between the couples. It can be the feeling of getting anxious of having physical interaction with the partner or may be loss of interest in sex or else depression and stress. Much physical and medical stipulation can affect desire for, or smooth functioning of sex. Sex desire and function can get affected by numerous health problems like diabetes, coronary disease, hormonal imbalance, chronic disease (liver / kidney failure), alcoholism, smoking or drugs abuse. Many people pause to discuss this topic with others.

 There must be many reasons behind sexual dysfunction or types namely;

  1. Not interest in sex or lack desire to do so
  2. Over/under excitement to have a physical interaction
  3. Suffering from pain during physical course
  4. Interruption of orgasm(point of intensity of emotional excitement)
  5. Insufficient lubrication

At the course of sexual cycle the person may go through the most common sexual crisis like;

  • Erectile problem: an injury of the erectile response. Men are not capable enough to maintain the erection that may be stiff enough to interact (physical). Erectile means capable of being raised to an upward position.
  • Ejaculation problem (premature): Quick ejaculation means an abrupt discharge of fluid. Before the wish/desire or after immediate penetration ejaculation constantly go on prior or upon.
  • Delayed ejaculation:   Man organism chaos
  • Nostalgic ejaculation: Ejaculation in which semen flows up to the urethra towards the bladder instead of to the outside of the body.

Causes of erectile dysfunction:

  • Heart disease
  • High diabetes
  • High cholesterol
  • Coronal disease
  • Arteries disease
  • Obesity
  • High blood pressure
  • Addicted to alcoholism
  • Abuse of tobacco
  • Metabolic syndrome
  • Treatment of prostate cancer
  • Enlargement of prostate

Psychological problem:

  • Depression
  • Stress
  • Anxiety or other mental problem
  • Uneasy/unhappy with the partner
  • Poor communication or rather interaction.

Causes of ejaculation:

  • Extraordinary hormone levels
  • Thyroid problem (specific)
  • Inherited peculiarity
  • Damages of nerve due to certain reason
  • Insufficient brain chemical (neurotransmitters)
  • Abnormal working of ejaculatory system

Psychological problems:

  • Too keen about having sex.
  • Propensity to come across sex in a very early phase.

There is no harm if you discuss this with someone whom you trust whether it may be you friend, doctor, colleague or else your partner. It’s very important to choose the correct way to enlighten your discomfort. It’s better to share this problem or else it could have some severe adverse effects in your happy life. Try to interact with your beloved as much as possible by communicating. Be happy and try to live stress free life, live your office stress in the office and get fully energized and charged when you go home. Take some medical help to overcome such issue or else do meditations like yoga.

This regretful dysfunction can be treated as soon as the need arise. There are many ways instead of single to treat sexual dysfunction it can be nearly controlled. Probably possible remedial treatment serves. Viagra pills are recommended in most of the cases, hormones replacement therapy,clomipramine (a tricyclic antidepressant drugs) for premature ejaculation and prostaglandin for erectile crisis.In addition, many psychological as well as physical and sex therapy are recommended in treatment of this dysfunction, but what you achieve from these treatment will last forever and  you can never erase that  out of your memory. Ejaculation complexity can be resolved by proper treatment. It can be cure in hardly two to three months of course. Acupuncture and homeopathic treatment can also highly recommended considering the force and strength aspects of the disturbance. Man ejaculate prematurely because of many reasons. The reasons may differ from man to man in some it may be due to guilt or fear of doing sex, or it may of drugs that they intake for several physical complications, or may be of emotional tendency of the nerve system or may be of natural impulsiveness. It may depend on each man behavior. Try to maintain or develop a comfort zone between you and your partner in both the sense (physical as well as mental). Don’t force your partner to do things that he/she is not willing to do or not comfortable in doing so it’s very important.  Do not hesitate to share this problem with your doctor; if you’ll not share this with anyone than how will you prevent yourself from it. Do not take pills or drugs that are not known to you but someone have recommended you please consult your doctor before doing so. These tips will definitely help you to improve your capability.

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Millions of men across the world are affected by most disastrous condition called ED, also referred as male impotence. To treat this erotic disorder, there are numerous drugs in both common and labeled typesare available in market. Forzest is utilized by several men all around the globe for healing erection issues. Forzest, an anti-ED pill is FDA approved hence, safety to adopt as well. Forzest is highly reliable pill, this extensive utilization to treat impotence in men. It assists significantly for impotent men to achieve the firm state of male reproductive organ, when they are eager to indulge in lovemaking session. One cannot achieve a firmness of male reproductive organ just by consuming this medicine. This medication is generic reproduction on brand called Cialis. It assists men to stay on hard for longer duration during sexual intercourse. No doubt, this drug supports a man affected with malfunctioning of male reproductive system in achieving a rigid erection.

In normal condition there is no need to worry because in that case a man is excited with the force of love-making; hence consequently the male reproductive organ becomes full with the blood. Once ED occurs, male reproductive organ fails to get sufficient blood. Tadalafil is the key element of Forzest and excessive presence of this component has made it a dominant ED treatment. Tadalafil, does a leading role in loosing up the blood vessels in the male reproductive organ. This in turn makes blow effortless into the male reproductive organ. In simple words, supports male reproductive organ to stay firm during sexual act. The stiffness lessens after love making episodes, just as it is thought in normal circumstances. Never do the mistake of considering this medication as a hormone or aphrodisiac. It starts working only when a man is enough excited for indulging in foreplay. Hence, take this medicine exactly one hour prior to engaging in foreplay. In case if you consume a high fat meal after taking Forzest, then the chances are high that it make take longer period to become active. As a result, strictly avert consuming Forzest after having heavy fatty meals.

Forzest is also cited as PDE5 inhibitor because defeating phosphodiesterase is chief function of this pill. PDE5 is nothing but an enzyme which creates obstacles by stopping the flow of blood. In short, PDE5 enzyme is major culprit in the way of getting stiff erection. As you might aware that achieving sturdy erection is just impossible without sufficient flow of blood to the penile region.

Forzest pill plays a leading role in inhibiting this enzyme and expelling nitric oxide at the same time. Arteries in the penile area get elaborated and veins become thin. An elaborated artery allows the blood to come in. Forzest also discharges cGmp enzyme. This enzyme enables the blood to go towards male reproductive organ. The best advantage is that the medication offers desired results within 30 minutes of the consumption only.

Forzest is just meant for impotent men. So, adult men and boys who have cross their 18 years suffering for impotency can definitely make use of this pill. But impotent men should take a doctor’s advice before consuming Forzest. Consuming Forzest without doctor’s permission is unsafe for the health. Forzest is not intended for kids, women and breastfeeding mothers. So, these people should keep a distance from this anti-ED pill. The possibilities are high that Forzest may give an open invitation to other health risks, if people confronting health issues like sickle cell anemia, high blood pressure, cardiac problems, stomach ulcer, diabetes, retinitis, low blood pressure and pigmentosa and other severe issues consume Forzest. Appropriate health diagnosis of other health issues is mandatory before beginning with forzest treatment. Hence, people with such other health issues should consume Forzest with a doctor’s consent only to avert risk of complications. 20 mg is most standard dosage of Forzest and is suggested by most of health care professional. There is no such restriction to take Forzest on a daily basis. Hence, a possibility of missing dose also does not arise. Likewise to other medication, over dosage of Forzest too have some side effects. Hence, take dose exactly as precise by your healthcare provider. One pill per day is fine, thus do no repeat dose in a day. Try best to gulp whole pill with water because chewing, breaking or crushing pill lessens drug effectiveness. Remember, alteration in dosage should not be done on own. Your physician is the perfect person to make alteration in dosage, if required. It would prove beneficial if you take Forzest on an empty stomach because it provides the desired results.

Some normal side effect is also linked with use of Forzest pill. But, you don’t need to be more concerned about them because they fade away on own in short span and without medical treatment. The list of those normal side effects includes reddening of face, muscle pain, color blindness, stomach upset, back pain, blur vision, nausea, running nose and so. If you notice any of these signs for longer duration, then in that case see your doctor immediately.

Risk of onset of serious side effects enhances, if dose is taken inappropriately. Therefore trymaximum to follow all dosing instruction with all sincerity. Heart attack, prolonged erection, high blood pressure, difficulty while breathing, chest pain, hearing loss, hypertension, vision problem, and hearing loss are highly observed severe side effects of Forzest. Patient should inform a doctor at earliest on attack of these fatal health disorders.

   Addiction of smoking, consuming other illegal drugs and drinking too much alcohol aggravates ED condition. So a man with ED should keep distance from these unhealthy habits, once Forzest anti-ED treatment begins. Take healthy balanced diet, drink ample of water, exercise daily and beat this erotic disorder substantially. Even obviate taking grapefruit or grape juice with Forzest because it interacts with main competent of Forzest and slows down the results. Plus, never take it with any other nitrate containing medication.

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Intake of the right kind of foods is the potent preventive measure which helps to keep cancer at bay. It is well known fact that poor, unhealthy diet gives an open invitation to cancer since long time. In fact, studies have proved that around 30% percent of death from cancer takes place as a result of improper and unhealthy diet only. Therefore to prevent life threatening disease like cancer give first priority to changing dietary habits and choices of foods. Exclude fried foods and fast food from daily diet to keep cancer under control. Prefer a healthy, balanced diet filled with all the foods and supplements. Incorporating healthy food items is one of the excellent ways to obviate cancer.


  • Garlic:-

According to studies, people who consume more garlic are less likely to suffer from numerous types of cancer, particularly in digestive organs such as colon, stomach and esophagus. Health expert believe that daily consumption of a clove is enough to prevent cancer.

  • Carrots:-

Carrots hold an abundant source of beta carotene which assists substantially to cut down wide variety of cancers like breast, intestine, stomach, bladder, prostate, throat, mouth, and lung. A powerful element called falcarinol present in carrot aids in reducing cancer.

  • Sweet potatoes:-

Sweet potatoes hold lots of anticancer properties, including beta-carotene. This important nutrient protects DNA in the cell nucleus from cancer inducing chemicals beyond the nuclear membrane.

  • Seaweed:-

Seaweed and other sea veggies hold powerhouse of beta carotene, vitamin B12, chlorophyll, protein, fiber and chlorophylones. Thus, help to combat against breast cancer. Plus, many sea vegetables are well known for having rich concentration of mineral like iodine, magnesium, iron, potassium and calcium.

  • Avocados:-

Avocados hold glutathione in rich concentration, an effective antioxidant that target free radicals in the body by way of obstructing intestinal assimilation of certain fats. The best thing is they provide great source of potassium comparing to bananas. Plus, this delicious fruits consist of high amount of beta-carotene. Studies have proved that avocados are beneficial in curing viral hepatitis (a leading reason of liver cancer) and protect from chances of occurrence of liver damage as well.

  • Mushrooms:-

Polysaccharides and Lentinan, potent content present in mushrooms assist in enhancing immunity. In addition, they are an excellent source of Beta Glucan. They also hold a protein called lectin, which targets the cancerous cells and prevent their growth. They also have known to have a Thioproline.

  • Kale:-

Kale is known to have important element like nitrogen and indoles which aids in blocking the alteration of certain lesion to cancerous cells present in estrogen sensitive tissues. Plus, phytochemicals and isothiocyanates in kale hinder tumor development and obstruct cancer inducing substances from meeting their goals.

  • Cruciferous Vegetables:-

These foods are loaded with phytochemicals which encourage the body to eject influential toxin combating chemicals. They are also packed with antioxidant like zeaxanthin and lutein, which plays a significant role in diminishing the risk of prostate and other cancers.

  • Tomatoes:-

Tomatoes are an excellent source of antioxidant called lycopene, which assist to inhibit the risk significantly. Risk factors like too much drinking, smoking, excessive caffeine consumption and other pollutants are reasons behind development of free radical in the body. Free radicals are toxic in nature and lead to enhance the risk. Antioxidant found in various fruits and vegetables plays a main role in combating these free radicals.

  • Citrus fruits:-

Lemon, oranges and other citrus fruits hold large quantity of effective nutrient called monoterpenes, which eliminate carcinogens outside the body.

  • Papayas:-

Papayas are rich in vitamin C that acts as an antioxidant and cuts down assimilation of cancer inducing nitrosamines present in processed foods and soil. Papaya has rich source of folic acid content, which has been proven useful to reduce cervical dysplasia and certain cancers.

  • Grapes:-

Red grapes has huge source of bioflavonoid, an effective antioxidants that acts as a cancer preventive. Grapes are also a massive source of resveratrol, which conquer the enzyme that encourage cancer cell development and curb immune response. They also hold ellagic acid, a powerful element that obstructs enzymes that are vital for cancer cells. This in turn assists to delay the augmentation of tumors.

  • Berries:-

Various berries such as raspberries, strawberries, cranberries and blackberries are also proven useful to obtain control over this disease. These vitamin enriched foods are loaded with ellagic acid and flavonoids. Hence, offers protection against colon cancer. Berries are also enriched with antioxidants, vitamin C and anthocyanins which aids in cell revive, reducing the level of estrogen and assist to strengthen the immune system.

  • Flax:-

Flax has lignans, which is known to have an antioxidant effect. Thus, obstruct or hinders cancerous changes. Flax also has huge source of omega-3 fatty acids which assist to cope with heart and colon cancer disease to a great extent.

  • Turmeric:-

Turmeric (curcuma longa), belong to the ginger family. It is thought to have medicinal properties as well as powerful anticancer properties. Studies have shown that daily consumption of turmeric acts as a liver tonic. Since, it contains antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties in rich concentration, which in turn obstruct cancer development.

  • Ginger:-

Garlic has vast source of antioxidant that can obstruct chemicals that encourage DNA damage. Even green tea also proven useful as it also hold same nutrient.

  • Other foods:-

Other food item such as brown rice, cereals, beans and grains are also useful to keep cancer at bay. The fiber presents in these foods help to overcome destructive wastes and toxins outside the body. Flax seeds are considered to be excellent for women because daily consumption of them delays the growth of tumor in breast cancer patients. Apart from that, Isoflavones is abundantly present in soy products like soy nuts, tofu and soy milk, which prevent prostate and breast cancer by defending cells from the dangerous effects of estrogen.

Hence, include all aforesaid foods in your daily diet, but in right quantity. Besides, changes in lifestyle such as exercising daily and limiting smoking and alcohol consumption is necessary in long run in maintaining good health.

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