Molluscum contagiosum is a form of skin disorder, which causes due to viral infections. It is contagious disease can be spread from one person to another by sharing stuff called towel, dress, footwear, etc. It is generally caused by local chronic infection and appears in a form of small bump holding water in it. It generally appears over the uppermost layer of the skin called epidermis. It appears in a form of pink round shape, smooth and pearly, ranging from 2 to 5 mm in diameter exactly pronounce by the name poxvirus. Molluscum contagiosum can spread through direct contact or by getting into contact with hygienic stuff or area. The bumps are commonly found painless and look very bizarre; it appears and get disappears by its own, but in severe cases one needs to go under treatment process. The bump may last for minimum 2 months and maximum 4 years. In most of the time, it gets disappears without treatment. Sometimes, an excessive heat inside the body becomes the reason for skin disorder. The virus turns more complicated, when a person holds week immune system. Since, the virus of Molluscum contagiosum found mild; one need not to fret about.

Occurrence facts of Molluscum contagiosum

Children are more likely to face this skin complication; since they prefer to play outdoor games and that’s with unhygienic way. An infected person can spread this virus while getting into direct contact with the person. It could also get transmittable sexually; hence, puberty too found at risk of Molluscum contagiosum. However, the virus of Molluscum contagiosum subsists over the outer surface of the skin, which directly gets spread through the physical contact. Sharing, dress, towel, helmets, foot wear, gloves, wrestling mats, etc. found secondary occurring source of molluscum contagiosum. Scratching the viral bumps and touching another body part by the same hand are likely to spread the virus. Since, the bumps found loaded with water, holding shiny and waxy looks, could get break by scratching and may get spread while getting into physical contact. It is a form of contagious dilemma, but could get mend or heal easily. In most of the cases Molluscum contagiosum found secondary skin illnesses; its constant appearance may comprise pain, soreness, swelling, itching, etc. Sometimes, eliminating the bump by scratching or by using the therapy such as cryotherapy or curettage may cause pain, irritation or build lasting scars over the skin. Its occurrence found very gradual and symptoms found to be secret.

People under risk

Well, anyone can get contact with this skin disorder, but the people who usually live in tropical climatic area, children who often play an outdoor games, people with unhealthy immune system occurs due to severe disease like HIV/AIDS and cancer; an individual suffering from atopic dermatitis (eczema comprising itching and scar marks), etc. are found more under the risk of Molluscum contagiosum.

Symptoms and diagnose process of Molluscum contagiosum

The bumps gradually start initiation in the form of shiny waxy and watery looks. The duration lasts for 2 to 12 months. It forms in a bunch over the skin with a painless effect. It almost occupies the whole body area, leaving the palms and the sole of the feet. Commonly occurs, over the face, stomach, arms, legs, inner thigh, genitals and several other parts of the skin.

Biopsy or skin abrading may aids confirming Molluscum contagiosum. Certain examination aids know the skin disorders and help for the exact treatment. Diagnosis process helps preventing the skin from precancerous causes.

Treatment procedure for Molluscum contagiosum

Treatment procedure works, when a person holds severe form of Molluscum contagiosum. If, in case you hold a normal immune system the treatment is not required. Most of the time the bumps get fades without any treatment. A prolonged appearance of Molluscum contagiosum found to be a case of treatment. People with serious concern of atopic dermatitis facing Molluscum contagiosum may need to go under treatment procedure.

Cryotherapy– a form of liquid nitrogen is used to freeze the appeared bumps.

Curettage– a kind of instrument is used to penetrate and scratch the skin of the bump to take it out.

Laser therapy– it’s a kind of therapy, which is used to raze each infectious bumps.

Topical therapy– it comprises a type of cream, which holds a hard chemicals that aids flaking the upper surface of the skin. This therapy might found painful and could cause a permanent scarring over the skin. The therapy may take several weeks to disappear the bumps. It might possible that you get treated the bump and the new bumps keeps on appearing besides. In such severe cases the doctor may advice you to intake various medication. This drug must be consumed according to the prescribed manner. Take the appropriate dosage guidance from the doctor. The virus mostly found affecting unhealthy immune holder, which becomes quite complicated for treating.

Some prevention guidance

Once treated it might possible for its reoccurrence. The treatment procedure reduces the risk of spreading. One must hold the hygienic habit; try to stay away from contaminated area. Keep your children neat and clean always. Avoid sharing the wearing stuff of yours to others. Try avoiding the physical contact with the sufferer of Molluscum contagiosum. Try to keep your body clean; take a bath after coming from outside. Avoid sharing towels, hair brush, soaps to others. Once it occurred do not make finger contact with the bumps every now and then; since, it tends to get spread throughout the body. Overall, Molluscum contagiosum is a contagious bacterial infection; try not to share your belongings with others. Following certain precautionary measure may help reduce the risk of its spreading.

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Apcalis is an FDA approved drugs prescribed only for men to beat the impotence issue. It is an anti impotence drug aid soothing the penile erection. It is one of the prominent pills found available in solid and jelly form. Apcalis is easily available in the market; one can afford to purchase due to its economical price. People can consume this drug without any hesitation; since, it rarely holds any side-effects. Apcalis works efficiently in dealing the snag of penile erection. Due to its prolonged effect it pronounced by the pet name called “weekend pills”. One can go for apcalis jelly or apcalis solid pills; however, the effect timing of both varies. Apcalis jelly pills gets active immediately, then the apcalis solid form. An Apcalis Jelly pill hardly takes 20 minutes and its solid form takes 30 to 40 minutes to come in response. One can practice both the pills, but under the guidance of the physician. The drug holds an essential component called sildenafil citrate, which acts splendidly to calm down the issue of impotence.

Impotence is also known as erectile dysfunction; both are the face of the same coin. Apcalis introduced to beat male impotence impediment to cut down the barriers and to facilitate the sexual practice. Most of the men across the world found suffering from impotence disorders, which commonly occurs in old age people. But now-a-days middle age people such 50, 60s too found suffering from this complication. Family history might found reason behind this, but an unhealthy lifestyle, alleged to be one the biggest threat for the male sexual life. Well, impotence is considered most embarrassing disorder in men, which makes them fail to share it with their love one or with the doctors. Apcalis is found a best ED soothing pill, which aids the man feel manliness. An apcalis is found PDE5 inhibitor; the drugs easily get dissolved in the blood and alleviate the erection of the penis.

Impotence is believed to be a sexual disorder found in men due to sexual stimulation. This actually restricts the blood circulation of the penis turning the nerves narrow and the muscle stiff in form. The condition arises due to shortage or insufficient supply of blood towards the penis. This leads to penile erection, which is called erectile dysfunction or male impotence.

Perfect counseling of dosage intake

One needs to seek the help of the doctor for appropriate dosage intake. It has been suggested to take one pill in a day under the guidance of a doctor. Do not proceed more than that, if the pill fails to give a perfect response; seek the help of the doctor rather than doubling the dosage. The dosages are found available in various mgs, but its exact mgs intake must be counseled by the doctor. One need to consume the pill 1 or 40 minutes before practicing the sexual intercourse; since, the drugs take 20 to 30 minutes, to get into response. The jelly pill takes 20 minutes and solid form takes 35-40 minutes, to get react. People can go either jelly or solid form of apcalis at a time. Don’t be your own councilors in case of such drugs; try seeking the help of the doctor in each and every step. The effect of apcalis drug found running from 24 to 36 hours; thus it is called “weekend pills”. Its intake facilitates the flow of blood towards the penis making the penile muscle calm and the nerves wide in form. One can get improved their reproductive system with the help of this pill. An appropriate intake of the pills is an outcome of immaculate result. Consuming the drugs, according to the prescribed manner reduces the risk of side-effects. Do not crush or break the pills; try taking it completely.

Generally, doctor suggests taking 20 mgs, which might get increase further, if the dosage fails to give a proper response. Do remember you need to keep 24 hours gap between the dosages. However, in case of apcalis taking a pill after a gap of one week would be more perfect. Apcalis is the pill whose effect lasts for many hours; hence, its non-stop intake might be harmful for the health. A solid form of apcalis pills must be taken by the normal water and the jelly pills can be consumed without water. As you placed it in the mouth; it gets dissolved easily.

Precautionary method of consuming apcalis

Precaution aids preventing various hostile effects. One must take this pill, when feel an urge of sex; do not practice it unnecessarily. The drug is prescribed only for men, so a female must not think to use it. Further, a person who is going through apcalis medication process must avoid taking grapes contained stuff; since, it gets overreact with the stuff. A person suffering from some severe diseases or going through prolonged medication treatments must disclose the doctor prior of consuming apcalis. A person holding a disorder of kidney, liver, cardiac or high blood pressure must reveal this to the doctor before starting the process of apcalis medication. One needs to disclose his whole health history to the physician for precautionary method. If, you are allergic to citrate, then avoid taking this pill.

Negative impact of apcalis

The side-effect is an outcome of the drugs, which are seen severe and sometimes normal. The severe cases generally include the condition of over or improper dosage intake. Body, head, stomach, and muscles ache; giddiness, queasiness, nausea, etc. leads to some normal side-effect; whereas, chest ache, nasal jam, speedy heartbeats, breathlessness, high blood pressure, etc. found some extreme side-effects, which needs an immediate assistance of the doctor.

Safety storage of the medicines

One can store the solid form of drug in the room temperature and the jelly in the refrigerator. Try to keep it away from small kids and harmful sun rays. Do not store the expired drugs; try to dispose the outdated pills of apcalis at safe place.     

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Most of men across the globe are suffering from most unfortunate and painful condition called kidney stone. No doubt, even women also suffer from this chronic medical condition but men’s are at higher risk. This common disorder of urinary tract also referred as nephrolithiasis. Stones are generally forms inside the kidney or urinary tract. Kidney stones are nothing but hard, crystalline mineral which deposit in shape of tiny stone like structure. According to studies, around 10 percent of Americans are affected with this extremely painful condition. Generally most of men over 40 go through this chronic problem. Kidneys are in bean-shaped and are placed below the ribs. To eliminate excess water and wastes from blood and producing urine is primary function of this organ. Some of stones are dissolved easily in the urine stream. On the other hand, some stone which are huge in size becomes obstacle to ureter and hence result in severe pain. Stones or crystals take place because of certain chemicals in kidney.


Among several causes urinary tract infection (UTI) is most common. Use of certain medication also leads to renal stone in men. Besides that, certain lifestyle habits like consumption of less water, sedentary lifestyle for long years, intake of excess calcium oxalate present in milk, chocolate, tea and other many more foods lead development of this renal problem. Lastly, some individuals go through this medical condition because of genetic factor as well.

The leading reason behind formation of kidney stone in males is vast muscle mass in men comparing to women. Breakdown of tissues contribute to predisposition of stone development and enlarged metabolic waste. Other major risk factor is complex urinary tract comparing to those in women. The prostate gland present in men rises with age and contributes to a condition called benign prostate hypertrophy. In addition, it also finds hard to empty the bladder. Further obstructed bladder outflow, toxins and chemicals are expelling out of body instead continue building up in bladder, and lead to forming stones and crystals. The structure of penile urethra resulted because of gonorrhea infection, penile trauma; catheterization further reduces bladder outflow and lead to development of crystals.


Extreme pain while urinating, cramps occurring in either one or both sides of back, Immense pain in genitals and abdomen area, blood in urine, nausea, fever, vomiting and chills are some commonly observed symptom associated with kidney stone in men. There are other signs of renal stones as well. Among which, reoccurrence of UTI is common warning sign. Besides that frequent urinate, urine of red, cloudy color along with foul smell are also other possible symptoms.


There are numerous types of kidney stone which include uric acid stones, cystine stones, calcium stones and struvite stones. Among several of these, calcium stone is believed to be most common. Usually these stones take place in form of calcium oxalate. People affected with calcium oxalate are specially advised not to include those foods which hold oxalates. The list of foods includes green leafy vegetable, dairy products, nuts and some of fruits. Besides these, people with calcium oxalates are recommend not to include those foods which hold purines. Since purines are highly found in body and certain foods. When these gets break down, the body builds uric acid. Further this huge level of uric acid raises risk of uric acid kidney stones. As a result, people susceptible to this type of kidney disease are suggested not to include those foods which are rich in purine like fish, meat and poultry.


Treatment varies depending on size and type of kidney stone. Sufficient hydration and regular exercise plays a dominant role in dissolving smaller stones to a great extent. Dehydration occurs due to less fluid consumption enhances risk of kidney stone. Besides that, even strenuous exercise with abundant sweating followed by lack of fluid replacement lead to kidney stone. Hence, give maximum preference to increase your fluid intake and daily exercise to pass of stones naturally. But, treatment is needed in order to treat larger stones which do not pass off naturally. Extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy is one most common treatment opted to get rid of kidney stones effectively. In this type of treatment, kidney stones are place with the help of X-rays or ultrasound and later shock waves is passing on to beat stones into tiny particles. As once they are break down into tiny parts helps to pass of stones greatly and naturally. In some cases, a surgical removal stone method may also be adopted; this method is also called as percutaneous nephrolithotomy.

One best option to cope with renal stone is to adopt a healthy lifestyle which prevents development of kidney stones. Increase maximum intake of water particularly after practicing rigorous exercising. In addition to this, if you are susceptible to calcium oxalate stone, stay away from those foods which holds calcium in rich concentration like chocolate and milk. If you are affected with uric acid stone then do not include those foods which contain protein in abundance like meat. Keep in mind, milk and meat has innumerable nutritional benefits, so do not completely exclude these foods from your daily diet. Complete absence of these foods may also result in some side effects. So, consume these foodstuffs in moderate amount instead of skipping entirely from daily regimen. It would be better if you take advice from your health care provider before making any changes in your diet or exercise regime to overcome kidney stone. Your physician is the only right person to guide you about medication, exercise and diet regime.

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Diabetes or diabetes mellitus is one such medical condition, where body becomes incapable to control the level of blood sugar. This severe disease gives open invitation to number of symptoms in both men and women. In this disease, body cells fail to soak up and use glucose from bloodstream. The body cells need a hormone called insulin to soak up glucose from bloodstream and insulin is developed by beta cells. Lack of insulin and inability of body cells, to respond insulin lead to the condition called high blood sugar or hyperglycemia.


The disease of diabetes develops number of symptoms and most of its symptoms are found similar as like other health disorders. As a result sometimes patient find difficult to diagnose this chronic illness. But it is essential to recognize and treat it as early as possible, as untreated diabetes contributes to some severe health complications. Knowledge about the signs of this serious disease is extremely important to keep it at bay. However commonly observe symptoms of diabetes are mentioned below, which may help you to identify this disease at earliest.

  • Rapid weight loss and extreme fatigue:-

Chances of unexpected weight loss increase because body cell becomes unsuccessful to soak up and use glucose from bloodstream significantly. The cells of body require glucose badly in order to produce energy. Hence, lack of ability of body to soak up glucose contributes to extreme fatigue.

  • Constant hunger:-

Increase in appetite is common symptom among patient with diabetes. In some cases diabetic patient may develop high level of insulin to lower the level of blood sugar. High level of insulin boosts appetite, so patient suffering from diabetes start eating more. Further this constant hunger triggers off chances of weight gain. Studies indicate that some patient affected with diabetes may also lose weight instead of eating more than normal.

  • Nerve damage:-

Possibilities of nerves, particularly of peripheral nervous system damage raises because of prolonged elevated level of glucose. This condition is also referred as diabetic neuropathy. The symptom of nerve damage gives rise to number of problems like tingling and numbness in feet, hands, legs, toes, fingers and so on.

  • Vision problems:-

Diabetic patient most often goes through blurred vision or vision related problems due to high blood sugar level. Constantly high level of sugar build-up in lens of eye result in damaged blood vessel of retina. This medical condition is also termed as diabetic retinopathy and if it is not treated on time contributes to blindness.

  • Frequent urination and thirst:-

Frequent urination and thirst are also commonly observed symptom of diabetes. Both genders go through excessive urination or ‘polyuria’ and frequent thirst or ‘polydipsia’. Excessive urination result due to high level of glucose which badly affects filtering ability of the kidneys. Kidney begins to absorb more water from blood; therefore patient affected with diabetes goes through problem of frequent urination. Excessive urination result in loss of excess fluid and the condition of dehydration, which further give rise to increase thirst.

  • Erectile dysfunction:-

The disease of diabetes is responsible of damaging the nerves of blood vessels of penis. This in turn contributes to most unpleasant problem called erectile dysfunction (ED) or male impotence.

  • Consistent occurrence of infection and slow curing of wounds:-

Constant elevated level of blood sugar delays healing of wounds. Besides this, some men go through recurrent infections. Several studies have disclosed that these two are most common warning signs of elevated level of blood sugar.

Apart from aforesaid symptom, people with diabetes may experience other less severe symptoms as well. The list of which includes headache, dark patches on armpit, neck and groin (acanthosis nigricans), red and tender gums, dry mouth and many more.


Diabetes takes place because of inadequate production of insulin and due to inability of body cells to respond insulin. Type 1 and type 2 are most popular type of diabetes.

Type 1diabetes is known by insulin dependent diabetes or juvenile diabetes. It is known to be serious disease where pancreas construct very little or no insulin. Type 1 diabetes can also be described as lack of insulin. The exact cause behind occurrence of type 1 diabetes is still unknown.

Type 2 diabetes is medically referred as non-insulin dependent diabetes. It is one such condition where body cells fail to make use of insulin significantly. Poor blood circulation, retinopathy, nerve damage, and kidney damage are some of the serious effects associated with risk of type 2 diabetes.

Gestational diabetes is lesser known type of diabetes, which most of women develop at the time of pregnancy. Genetics, obesity, lack of physical activity, age, improper diet, frequent infection, polycystic ovarian syndrome are some factors responsible for developing this condition.


Treatment of diabetes can become successful if you adopt healthy lifestyle, good balanced diet and with proper medication. Insulin is the best solution to deal with type 1 diabetes. Medications like alpha-glucosidase inhibitors, sulfonylureas, D-phenylalanine, derivatives, biguanides, thiazolidinedione and suggested by many health experts to overcome type 2 diabetes. Besides that, insulin treatment is also recommended.

The diet of diabetic patient must be filled with all essential nutrients like minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants. Patient affected with diabetes should incorporate fiber rich fruits and vegetable. But make sure that whatever foods you are taking is in moderate amount. Along with diet give some time from your hectic schedule for exercising, take the exact medication which is recommended by your health care provider. Do not take the over dosage of medication as it may badly affect your health. While following diabetes diet makes sure you are not consuming salty, sugar rich, fatty and cholesterol rich meats. Patient suffering from diabetes should stay away from processes, canned food and high fats and oil food. These foods may aggravate the condition of diabetes, so put limit on intake of these foods or exclude completely, if possible. Unrecognized or untreated diabetes may contribute to severe complication, so recognize the warning signs at earliest and seek for medical help immediately to cure this disease.

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Long and healthy hair plays a crucial in enhancing beauty of every woman. There is no doubt; every woman craves for long, healthy and shiny hair. A well balanced diet is must to have beautiful and long hair. Hair growth generally depends on basic factors like diet, age, living habits, weather and overall health. Excessive stress is biggest enemy of poor hair growth in women. To get long and thicker hair you need to take lots of hair care. Without proper hair care your dream of long hair may not accomplish. Remember one important fact that not all types of hair can grow long. So, it would be better if women with fine, thin and damaged hair, keep hair at medium length only. Those who are looking for healthy hair follow below mentioned hair care tips and enjoy healthy, long hair.


  • In order to get long, shiny and thicker you must stick to protein rich diet as this diet promotes hair growth significantly. Keep in mind that the diet which contains abundant source of saturated fat slows down hair growth. For achieving your dream of long hair you must include foods like yogurt, almonds, milk, cashews and eggs in your daily diet. Since, they holds huge amount of protein and low fat. In short, a well balanced diet is must because lack of vitamin and mineral may also affect scalp and hair growth. Therefore, try maximum to incorporate healthy balanced diet than only protein rich diet. Spinach, beef, yogurt and fish are great example of all mineral, vitamins and proteins and are proven extremely beneficial in hair growth.
  • Adequate amount of nutrition is vital for hair growth. Hence, give priority for hair massage. Do not forget to massage hair for at least twice in week. Massaging hair with essential oil give nutrition and strength for hair to grow long. In addition, blood flow to scalp also increases, which in turn helps in getting long hair.
  • Clean hair is basic necessity of having healthy long hair. Though hair look better after washing but avoid washing daily as it leaves hair dry and brittle. Therefore avoid washing more than thrice in a week. Make use of cold or normal water while washing hair and do not use hot water as it makes your hair dry and frizzy. Make sure you are not making excess use of shampoo while rinsing.
  • Conditioning hair is most essential step for getting long hair.  Most beneficial thing of conditioning that it prevents dryness and even protects from pollution and dirt to a great extent. Therefore if you are skipping conditioner means you are doing biggest mistake. Women with deep, too much brittle hair are recommended deep conditioning once in a week. Do not use that hair pack which does not suits your hair. Once you apply hair pack on your hair then tie hair properly with hot towel. This method helps significantly in clearing pores and assures best absorption of nutrients.
  • While combing hair it is must to use broad toothed combs because opting inappropriate comb increases chances of split ends and breakage. Therefore comb hair properly and do not pull them carelessly because it contributes to brittle and breakage hair.
  • Trimming hair is also necessary in order to remove the split ends. Because of split ends the growth of hair is just impossible. Therefore give priority to trimming hair as much as necessary and enjoy long and thicker hair.
  • Exercise plays a dominant role in improving blood circulation throughout body including scalp as well. Once your scalp and hair follicles obtains sufficient amount of blood and nutrients, the way of hair growth becomes easy.
  • Make maximum use of vitamin E oil as from long years it is has proven extremely good for hair. Either you can individually use it or can mix with coconut oil.
  • Shampoos, conditioners and other styling products are packed with chemicals and have adverse effects on your hair in long period. Theirs formation and prolonged exposure is just bad for overall health. So, try maximum to adopt more natural and herbal hair care products. Make sure you are using mild shampoos and conditioners. Stay away from chemicals hair treatment.
  • Along with several other tips daily sufficient intake of water is also essential to obtain long, shiny, thicker and healthy hair. In fact, it is one such important factor that inadequate water consumption badly affects hair growth and overall body as well. As a result drink plenty of water and keep yourself hydrated. Dehydration is responsible behind occurrence of dull, dry and brittle hair. In addition, due to dehydration the problem of hair breakage raises and therefore consequently hair loss takes place. Hence, to stay away from dehydration drinks 8 glasses of water on daily basis and enjoy not only beautiful hair but glowing skin as well. You can even increase fluid intake in form of fruit or vegetable juices. But, give maximum preference to homemade juices and completely exclude other fizzy drinks from your daily regimen.
  • Instated of costly hair care products give preference to using natural remedies as they give desire result instantly without emptying your wallet.
  • Mix properly to one egg, 3 tbsp of castor oil and 1 tbsp of vinegar. After few minutes massage scalp properly with that mixtures and leave the mixture for around 40-45 minutes on scalp and after that rinse hair with cold water.
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Pregnancy is the most awaiting stage in every woman’s life. In this condition, one needs to be extremely careful about their eating habit to the behaving habit. In the stage of pregnancy, the daily routine system of the mother comprising eating, sleeping, etc. gets changed. Well, this is the normal condition faced by every pregnant woman. In short, the baby’s healthy growth is in the hand of mother, so mother needs to be cautious about each and every thing. Well, it is generally seen that woman in pregnancy stage feels very irritating and disturbed, this perhaps affect the child growth or could lead to some types of defects in child. Women are strictly advised to stay away from stress and depression; since, this directly affects the fetus growth or could lead to miscarriages. These are the suggestion or guidance, which a woman must follow during labor stage, besides this there are certain habits, which must be avoided by the woman during labor stage.

Stress and depression

In today’s generation stress and depression has become one of the leading stage, which causes various complication during pregnancy. A constant worries, melancholy, irritation, etc. found to be biggest threat for the fetus growth. The studies found that woman, who holds certain futile habits deliver most of the baby defective. In such condition, women fail to develop a healthy baby, which further turns baby in various health complications. Labor is the step where woman needs proper guidance and accompany of the love one or the partner. This will be the best way to reduce some of the stress or depression level; since, it has been found that in such stage partners become bother less about their loved one, which indirectly leads to disturbed or irritated mind of the mother.

Screaming or banging

Most of the women found impatience in this phase, which address the habit like screaming and shouting that again found unsafe for fetus growth and sense. Screaming in women arises, when the situation goes out of control and makes women impatience to handle the situation. When you scream, the pressure falls over the stomach and indirectly on the fetus. This habit may lead to imperfectness in baby’s growth. Sometimes, it may also lead to miscarriages or certain defects in the baby. However, this is the second leading habits found effecting in today’s age group of female because they are seen to be patience less. Labor is stated as long lasting exhausted, mental and physical confront for woman, which really needs anticipation of the partners in each and every step. This might aids reduce the depression, frustration, irritation, etc. of the woman in pregnancy, which could also helps to get healthy baby.


This is the stage, were woman already goes under certain complicated phase, along with; if, you make them face several other intricate they likely to fail their temper and starts behaving erratic. Hypertension is the condition, which is the third most affecting condition found in today’s woman. The condition found enhancing and impatience during pregnancy stage. Short temper could be the biggest threat for the child development. As most of the woman found short tempered which makes them intolerant and tend them practice certain futile habits like screaming, shouting, banging, etc. Bother or worry is the first step, which arises on the first day of pregnancy. This slowly get turn into anxiousness and then into persistent mental stress. These are the situations in which women become more traumatic and frustrated by predicting the future Indeed.

Avoid drinking alcohol or puffing cigarettes

Persistent stress, fighting, irritation, nervousness, worries, depression, etc. makes woman practice smoking or alcohol. Well, both the habits have become common in today’s generation. An addiction of such harmful habits found threat for females, present and future plan. Woman addicted to such habits faces enormous complication, to get pregnant and doubt to get healthy pregnancy in the future. Most of the woman in pregnancy tends to follow such harmful habits due to frustration, stress and depression, which actually lead to defects and threats in baby growth. Preferring certain life taking stuff and expecting to get healthy pregnancy and healthy baby is impossible. As we all know how harmful and dangerous is smoking and alcohol, then why people tend to follow certain futile lifestyle.

Woman needs to be cautious about their future plan. Drinking alcohol or smoking cigarettes in the stage of pregnancy leads to miscarriages, defects in the baby, soon delivery, late delivery, underweight baby, etc. Well, besides this getting pregnant becomes difficult for the woman, who smokes or drinks excessively.

Well, a woman who really wanted to get healthy and defect less baby, then try avoiding certain harmful habits and accept following certain good habits, which helps keep you and your child charming all the time. Stress, depression, frustration is a part of the life one cant actually get rid of it always, but yes managing yourself in such situation is a big deal. Try making yourself hang out in the garden or practicing yoga and exercise, which aids you keep your mind calm and peaceful. Pregnancy is the stage in the life, which sometimes fails you to make understand your feeling, to your partners. This is what exactly makes you stressful, frustrate, etc. In such situation, try managing your temper by watching comedy videos, or by hanging out with the friends or family. Avoid fighting with your partners or any member of the family, try to keep yourself happy. In short, if you fail to make any one understand, try making yourself understand, this would be good for you and your child growth.

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The condition of enlarged heart takes place due to weakening of heart muscle and is also known by another name called cardiomegaly. To supply enough amounts of blood and oxygen to all parts of body is prime function of heart muscle. Heart muscle carries excessive amount of load since it does the work of supplying around 2000 gallons of blood every day. In some cases due to some reasons if it gets damage or weak, it needs to take lots of effort to provide blood flow to entire body. In such a condition, if it fails to carry out its all task properly, then the possibilities of heart muscles become enlarged increases. Difficulty in breathing, dizziness, cough, chest pain and irregular heartbeat are some commonly observe symptoms of enlarged heart.


Usually the heart becomes enlarged temporary when body is under extreme stressed condition. Besides that you may even observe enlarge heart soon after performing heavy exercising. But in all the condition after some period heart gets back to normal condition. The medical condition of enlarged heart is common during pregnancy and it returns to normal after baby delivery. Do not ignore enlarged heart condition as it is chronic heart disorder and issue of concern. Some common health disorders that contribute to enlarged heart are listed below:

  • Hypertension:-

One of the leading reason behind enlarged heart is uncontrolled hypertension. Due to high blood pressure heart finds difficult to supply blood throughout the body, which further contributes to thickening and stiffening of heart muscle.

  • Heart attack:-

This heart disorders also referred as myocardial infarction. Basically heart attack occurs because of blockage the part of heart fails to obtain sufficient amount of blood supply. Development of blood clots in coronary arteries is responsible for occurring of this condition. Due to lack of blood supply, a section of heart gets damaged and this damage result in death of heart muscle and further contributes to cardiomegaly.

  • Arrhythmia:-

This medical condition is one form of irregular heartbeats. There are different types of arrhythmias, first one is tachycardia: where heartbeats are fast, second one is bradycardias: where heartbeats are slow and last one is irregular in which heartbeats are uneven. The capability of heart to supply blood changes according to the rate at which it beats. Pressure on heart coming from arrhythmia heart disorder leads to enlarged heart.

  • Cardiomyopathy:-

Muscle of heart becomes weak in this health disorder and results in enlargement. In short, damage in function and structure of heart even contributes to heart failure.

  • Coronary heart disease:-

This disease is major culprit behind occurrence of many deaths in United States. Coronary arteries are essential for providing blood to heart. But, when arteries become narrow, the possibilities of formation of cholesterol increases in them. In fact, due to narrowing of arteries, blood supply to heart gets decrease considerably. Therefore because of over pressure finally leads to enlarged heart.

  • Anemia:-

It is one blood disorders where there is lack of healthy red blood cells in the body. These cells play a crucial role in providing adequate amount of oxygen throughout the body. Keep in mind, insufficient amount of red blood cells in the body means decrease supply of oxygen in body. Heart requires enough amount of oxygen to ensure smooth functioning. If this chronic health disorder is not treated on time, the chances of size of heart increased significantly.

  • Hyperthyroidism and Hypothyroidism:-

Thyroid gland present in throat plays a key role in secreting thyroid hormones. In condition of Hyperthyroidism, this gland secretes in large quantity. On the other hand, in hypothyroidism the gland fails to produce enough amount of the hormone. Thyroid is essential for the body to ensure proper functioning of metabolism and muscle as well including heart muscles. In fact, any disorder in this hormone leads to the cardiomegaly condition.

  • Cocaine or alcohol abuse:-

Intake of cocaine, alcohol and crack are biggest enemies of cardiomegaly disease. These harmful substances badly affect cardiovascular system of the body and take you at risk chronic illnesses like high blood pressure and arrhythmia. Further, both severe heart disorders raise size of heart.

  • Hemochromatosis:-

In this particular disorder body absorbs huge amount of iron, which result in buildup of iron in several parts including important organ like heart. According to expert, this health disorder can be of either acquired or genetic. The formation of iron in the heart indicates impaired functioning as well as enlargement.

  • Heart valve disease:-

Generally heart holds 4 valves and is located at exit of each of four chambers. These valves are necessary to make sure that blood is flowing only in one direction. This is essential to ward of problems like overflow which contributes to backward leakage. If you notice any damage in any of 4 valves means you are at a risk of heart valve disease. Once the blood flow gets affected then possibilities of heart to become enlarge raises. Other medical conditions like heart attack, rheumatic fever and heart infection are responsible for developing this heart disorder.

  • Congenital heart defects:-

Congenital heart defects are those which found in heart from birth time. The types of congenital heart defects are endless which badly affects ventricles, septum and valves. The defect in the anatomy of heart takes lots of efforts to o cope with blood supply and consequently leads to enlargement.

  • Other risk factors:-

Other risk factors like kidney disease, HIV infection, nutritional deficiencies, lung diseases and viral infection are common causes associated with risk of developing enlarged heart. Besides these, even intake of certain medication and supplements are also result in developing this condition.

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Constant high blood pressure is known to have hazardous effects on your health in the long period. Person suffering from high blood pressure is prone to many health disorders like kidney failure, heart attack, stroke, peripheral arterial disease, eye problems and many more. As a result, it is essential to acquire control over blood pressure as early as possible. Inactive lifestyle, improper diet, older age, too much intake of salt, obesity, addiction of smoking, alcohol, excessive stress are some of possible risk factors responsible for causing this severe medical condition. Besides these, family history and heredity plays a dominant role in hypertension. Obtain control over hypertension is possible by following healthy lifestyle.

• Loose extra pounds:-
Risk of blood pressure raises once your body weight increases. Studies indicate that, just by losing 10 pounds one can easily reduce blood pressure. In short, once you keep weight in check, then naturally your risk of blood pressure also gets lowered. Besides loosing excess weight one also need to keep focus on waistline. Excess weight around your waistline is not a good sign as it indicates that you are at a high risk of high blood pressure. Therefore loose excessive weight and get rid of obesity and its related severe health hazards.

• Include maximum potassium rich foods in diet:-
Increasing potassium rich fruits and vegetables is one good option for people irritated with this chronic illness. Potassium rich diet helps substantially to cope with hypertension. Studies indicate that 2000-4000mg is sufficient for a day. Tomatoes, peas, kidney beans, cantaloupe, honeydew melon, prunes, raisins, oranges juice, banana and sweat potatoes are such foods which holds this essential mineral in large quantity. Include these foods in your daily regimen and beat hypertension effectively.

• Reduce your sodium intake:-
Cutting down intake of sodium is a key to overcome high blood pressure. Consuming food with excess salt enhances risk of hypertension. People with high blood pressure should exclude foods like fast food, tinned, canned and other processed food completely as they are packed with excess amount of salt and preservatives. Obviate these foods strictly and see the label before buying any processed food. Simply focus on less salty homemade food and keep hypertension at bay.

• Eat more of dark chocolate:-
Delicious dark chocolate works wonderfully in lowering high blood pressure. Even a small piece of dark chocolate is enough to lower blood pressure significantly. Dark chocolate is considered beneficial in treating hypertension because it is known to have relaxing and calming effect. Apart from that, it helps greatly in elaborating the blood vessels and lowers risk of blood pressure. But, before eating chocolate always keep in mind that that chocolate you are eating should not be highly packed with sugar and less cocoa ingredient.

• Put limit on caffeine:-
Drinking caffeinated beverages takes you at a high risk of hypertension. These beverages are responsible for sudden spike in blood pressure. This is because to get rid of hypertension you need to put limit on your caffeine intake. Rather than consuming caffeinated beverages give preference to consuming herbal tea and other healthy drinks.

• Avoid stress:-
Stress and anxiety are major obstacles behind occurrence of hypertension. Give some time to think what makes you to feel stressed like heavy workload, severe illness, family responsibilities, and disputes with partner, colleague, friend and many more. Once you come to know the root cause of you stressful situation, you can definitely overcome it successfully. In addition, in order to overcome stressful condition there are various effective options are available. You need to indulge in yoga, meditation, deep breathing exercises to ward off excessive stress. By adopting relaxation technique definitely you may notice improvement. If this technique does not work and not seem any improvement seek for medical help quickly before occurring any severe problem.

• Increase consumption of soy:-
Instead of eating refined carbs increase consumption of soy or milk protein like low fat dairy. These foods play an important role in bringing down systolic blood pressure, if you are affected with hypertension or prehypertension.

• Quit smoking and avoid tobacco, alcohol:-
As like caffeine, cigarette and tobacco both is culprit of high blood pressure. The harmful ingredient called nicotine present in it causes high blood pressure. According to studies, nicotine raises risk of blood pressure by 10 mm Hg or more after you smoke. Considering to health even secondhand smoke is also quiet dangerous. Inhaling smoke from others also has chances of developing hypertension and other heart related diseases. In short, complete abstinence from alcohol, tobacco and smoking is necessary to stay away from hypertension and other severe health disorders as well.

• Focus on deep breathing:-
Though breathing is an inevitable action most of us ignore breathing pattern. Improper and insufficient breathing usually result in high blood pressure. Therefore, health experts often recommend patient going through hypertension to practice slow and deep breathing. Deep breathing plays a crucial role in carrying more oxygen in blood and helps to stave of hypertension.

• Exercise:-
Several studies have shown that lack of physical activity enhances your risk of high blood pressure by around 30 percent. Daily exercise is must in order to lead a healthy life and to stay away from various health disorders. Daily exercise helps significantly to keep blood pressure in check, improves heart health and keeps you fit. Performing aerobic exercises is good option for People suffering from high blood pressure. Health expert says that daily 30 minutes of aerobic exercises may help people to overcome this chronic medical condition.

Besides above mentioned remedies, you need to take adequate sleep, include maximum fresh fruits, green vegetables, whole grains and fiber rich foods to keep this serious health disorder at bay. In addition, regularly monitor high blood pressure, limit on alcohol consumption and give preference to foods containing low-fat and cholesterol. These are some effective ways recommended by health experts to beat hypertension naturally without making use of medication.

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Obesity in teenagers is rising by the day across the world. USA is at an increased risk of developing obesity comparing to other countries. The obesity means an excess buildup of body fat and which includes 20% more weight than actual body weight. In fact, it is known to be one common eating disorder related with adolescence. To combat obesity and to tackle it effectively becomes too much difficult. An inactive lifestyle is the major culprit behind occurrence of this condition. In today’s fast paced lifestyle most of people follow inactive lifestyle as they find difficult to manage time for exercising. Obesity has become serious issue of concern among many families of America. Since past few decades, the level of this most unpleasant problem has risen incredibly among them. To overcome this problem is just impossible. In fact, instead of tackling, it is contributing many severe health complications.

Obesity is such severe medical condition that affects baldy to every individual’s quality of life. Because of obesity, person need to confront number of severe health issues and the life span of individual also gets reduce. This is something that naturally occurs with increase in ages of every human being but teens goes through this experience at an early age. Generally people of teenage groups are necessary to indulge in physical activities in order to lead a healthy life. But, being overweight is such condition that destroys quality of life entirely. The body mass index plays a key role in determining whether person is obese or not according to his/her height. An individual with 25 to 30 kg/m2 is said to be overweight. Any increase in figure of 25-30 kg/m2 is considered to be condition of obesity. According to research, around 15 percent of teenagers are overweight in US and near to reach the condition of obesity. In last 20 years, this condition has risen incredibly.


The prime cause that leads to obesity is the kind of food that is consumed. It is commonly observed that teenagers are loved to eat junk food. Without junk food they feel that their diet is just incomplete. Basically people of this group are not much aware about harmful effects of consuming junk food. Junk food holds many unhealthy ingredients and very few healthy one. Junk food contains an excellent source of fats, cholesterol and oil. Rich sources of these harmful components unknowingly harm teen’s body and gives open invitation to obesity. No doubt, the large influence of fast food over teenage people mind has become major culprit of obesity.

Another biggest risk factor responsible for causing obesity is sedentary lifestyle. In today’s modern world of machine, people of teenage groups spend lots of time only on watching television and computer. Due to this, they just ignore to perform physical activities and their importance. They just prefer to play video games with their different gadgets. Consequently the chances of playing outdoor games have reduced considerably. This condition ends up resulting in an inactive lifestyle. In short, consumption of junk food and lack of physical activity have become major obstacles behind drastic increase in level of obesity in country.


There are so many effects of obesity are observed among obese individual. Among several, high blood pressure, increase level of cholesterol, type 2 diabetes, stroke and cardiovascular diseases are known to be major health hazards of obesity. These physical effects are so severe that ruins person’s life very badly and lead to shortened life expectancy. These physical health issues contribute to social disabilities and happiness, which further enhances risk of stress and other mental illness as well. Teenagers who are obese have more possibilities of being obese in their adulthood also, which in turn enhances risk of severe heart related diseases and other health ailments in future. As a result teenagers should make all the possible efforts to obtain control over obesity and to keep obesity related diseases at bay.


Exercising plays a significant role in keeping weight in check. As a result to cope with teenage obesity indulging in physical activity is one best solution for teenagers. Daily physical activity for at least 30 minutes is enough. Besides that, visiting gym or giving time of outdoor sport is also one effective option to overcome teenage obesity. As these active provide the desired results at much greater speed. If any individual finds difficult to manage time for these activities simple jogging or walking option on regular basis can also work wonderfully. In short, obtain control over obesity is possible only when every obese individual puts an end to sedentary lifestyle. In addition, physical activities not  only helps teenagers to maintain healthy body weight but also lowers their risk of hypertension, anxiety, stress and promote self esteem as well.

Teenagers should incorporate a healthy balanced diet to stay away from obesity. Maximum intake of vegetables and fruits will help teens significantly in the purification of system. Teenagers should provide diet low in calories, fat and sugar as it is a key to overcome obesity. They should take plenty of water to keep them hydrated. Along with water, any vegetable or fruit juice is also fine. Water plays a crucial role in eliminating toxins from the body and proved extremely beneficial in weight loss treatment. Besides these, teenage people should put limit on intake of sugar-sweetened beverages, sodium, saturated fats, sugar and fast food.  Make sure that child does not spending long hours on playing video games and watching television.

By adopting healthy lifestyle still if you not able to acquire control over obesity take medical help. Enough family support is essential to come out of this difficult situation. Therefore, adopt healthy lifestyle from beginning itself and do not fall into trap of obesity and stay away from its related health disorders as well.

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Most of teenage girls across the globe confront lots of issues related to skin. These skin problems take place because teen’s body develop, change or evolve during years of 13 to 19. Hormonal changes are a prime cause which is responsible for changes your body experiences. Hormonal changes are one such cause which gives open invitation to problem like acne. Acne is most common skin problem among every teenage girl. Proper skin care on daily basis is must to keep several skin problems at bay. If you are taking lots of care of your skin from beginning itself, then you no more need to suffer from any skin problem and you will enjoy healthy skin. Proper skin hygiene is vital to protect your skin and to combat with various skin problems even in later life as well.


  • Know your skin type:-

Before searching ways to take care of your skin, understand your skin type first. Oily, Dry and normal are some simple types of skin. Once you come to know your skin type, use cosmetics accordingly. Your skin type decides how much care you need to take and what problems you are going to suffer. It is not very hard to determine your skin type. You can find it easily after noticing few days if it is oily or dry. If you are not sure then ask your skin specialist instantly. Do not use so many artificial products at one time. Since, they may result in mix reaction to your skin particularly during teenage years.

  • Cleansing:-

This is believed to be most important skin care tip for teenage girls and other women too. Cleansing face with mild cleanser at least twice in a day is necessary. Do not use harsh scrubs as may only harm you skin and may worsen acne problem (If any). People with dry skin can only use cleanser which holds moderate amount of mistrusting properties. On the other hand, girls having oily skin needs to use oil free cleansers. Cleansing helps significantly to remove all pores and dirt from skin.

  • Protect your skin from sun damage:-

Protect your skin from excess heat of sun as premature ageing is most leading risk factors associated with it. Hence make sure that you have applied good brand and high quality of sunscreen before leaving house. But, apply sunscreen 15 to 20 minutes before stepping out of house. It will protect your skin from harmful UVA and UVB rays, which highly responsible for causing fine lines, blemishes, wrinkles and so on.

  • Choose oil free cosmetic products:-

While using cosmetic, always give first priority only for oil free cosmetics products. Since other products contribute to blocking of pores, which further result in acne. There are thousands of beauty products are available in the market to meet you skin care needs. As a result contact your dermatologist and use products after taking consultation from him/her, particularly during teenage years.

  • Moisturize your skin:-

Everyday moisturizing the skin is essential for getting healthy skin. A moisturizer enhances the water content substantially and keeps skin hydrated. Before using moisturizer check the level of moisturizer you need for your skin and according apply the same.

  • Remove makeup before going to bed:-

It is necessary to remove entire makeup before going to bed. Leaving it lead to increase risk of various skin problems like dark spots, acne, rashes and many more.

  • Drink plenty of water:-

Drinking lots of water every day is necessary in order to keep skin, glowing, shiny, smooth and supple. Drinking plenty of water indicates that you are keeping your body and skin hydrated. It helps to eliminates all toxins from your body and keeps you away from risk of blemishes, acne and other skin issues.

  • Incorporate a healthy diet:-

Adopting a healthy balanced diet for teenage girls is vital to get acne and blemishes free skin. Teenagers are more susceptible to eat more of unhealthy foods like chips, rolls, soda, fizzy drinks, pizza, French fries and burgers. During teenage years they are unaware about harmful effects of this fast food. Due to excessive consumption of these foods they are more prone to many skin problems. Hence, it is duty of parent to shift them towards healthy foods by guiding them about importance of healthy foods. As a result, includes foods like broccoli, strawberries, carrots, orange and apricots in daily regimen of teenage diet to combat acne. These food contain valuable vitamins and mineral, which proven extremely beneficial for skin.

  • Exercise:-

Daily exercise is one of important factor that aids in maintaining healthy skin. Though it is not directly linked with skin care tips, but still it is essential in order to acquire healthy skin. While exercising your body generates huge amount of sweat and expels plenty of toxins from your body in form of sweat. If these innumerable toxins remain your body, starts showing their effects on your skin. So, daily at least half an hour of exercise during teenage period is necessary to ensure healthy skin and therefore to lead a healthy life.

  • Other skin care tips:-
  • If you notice attack of acne on your skin avoids picking them frequently to overcome acne. Generally teens have the habit of breaking them. But braking acne makes worse the problem instead of resolving and contributes to scarring. Even also avoid touching them with fingers as they hold bacteria, which may harm your skin badly.
  • Teenage girls should take enough peaceful sleep and should stay away from spending long hours in front of TV or computer. Since spending too much time in those activities affects their vision. If you take enough rest, your skin will relax more and consequently the problem of occurring premature ageing, dark circles at early age will also reduce considerably.
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