Potassium is one such mineral which is indispensable for smooth functioning of the body. It plays innumerable functions in your body but the most crucial one is keeping healthy heart. In order to stay fit, the human body needs various minerals that are obligatory for performing different roles. For instance, Sodium is critically needed for neurotransmission that is conduction of nerve impulses between nerve cells or neurons. Identical to that, other minerals like calcium, phosphorous, iodine, magnesium, chlorine, phosphorous and sulfur are also needed for the body in variable amount. According to studies, each mineral required for the body and the minerals are distinguished as major and trace mineral. Potassium is one of the leading mineral which your body needs in extensive amount for numerous functions. Among several functions, controlling muscle movement, maintaining the body’s fluid balance, and keeping the development and narrowing of the cardiac muscles under control are leading roles of potassium.


People find difficulty to know what foods to eat to increase potassium level; therefore here the list of potassium rich foods is mentioned. Foods that are packed with potassium includes foodstuff like oranges, green leafy vegetables, bananas, lentils, dry fruits, strawberries, yogurt, milk, tomatoes, mushrooms, meat, dates, carrots and prunes. Make sure that you have included these food items in your daily diet. But include in reasonable amount because excess of anything is bad and shortage of potassium is also worst for health.


 Potassium is one such potent mineral which benefits heart in number of ways. In fact, it is known to have positive impact on the functioning of cardiac muscles. Consumption of this powerful mineral assists to achieve healthy heart in a long run.

  • Controls blood pressure:-

Studies indicate that people who are incorporating the sufficient amount of potassium in their daily regimen are less susceptible to undergo from high blood pressure. It has been proved that daily sufficient intake of this mineral aid in keeping both systolic and diastolic pressure under control.

  • Brings down cholesterol level:-

According to studies, all foodstuffs that hold an abundant source of potassium are proven extremely beneficial in cutting down cholesterol level in the blood. In simple words, reducing cholesterol is chief function of potassium. As a result, intakes of dietary supplements that are loaded with potassium are suggested for patient experiencing higher than normal blood cholesterol level. One thing’s sure that potassium is extensively present in fresh fruits and vegetables. If one includes these foodstuffs in their regimen on a daily basis, then it definitely lowers the calorie consumption. In addition, an excellent source of dietary fibers found in fresh fruits and veggies assists to combats cholesterol.

  • Helps to overcome irregular heartbeat:-

Potassium is useful for people confronting issue of irregular heartbeats. Apart from that, people affected with other diseases of heart like atrial fibrillation, atrial flutter, ventricular tachycardia and arrhythmia can also enjoy the advantages from consumption of potassium enriched foods. This is the major reason because potassium is vital for the appropriate contraction and relaxation of the heart muscles.

  • Prevents stroke:-

Studies have revealed that after condition of menopause, women who are getting sufficient potassium from their daily diet are less likely to suffer from stroke disease.

Apart from aforesaid benefits of potassium, this mineral is also obligatory to keep heart attack at bay. For people who have a history of heart attack, including potassium enriched foods in a daily diet is mandatory. In addition, people with heart attack history should begin the consumption of potassium supplements after taking advice from a doctor. The possibilities are high that taking potassium supplement without doctor’s prescription may result in side effects. As a result, to stay away from side effects people should consume them with prior expert’s permission only.


Hyperkalemia means too much accumulation of potassium in the body. Healthy people can prefer excessive potassium because their kidneys have the ability to remove the excess. According to studies, hyperkalemia takes place when the kidneys function improperly and fails to remove the potassium from the blood. Chronic burns, hemolytic anemia, intestinal bleeding and tumors are responsible for causing hyperkalemia. This happens because of metabolic acidosis. In this situation, potassium is transmitted from the inside of the cells to the fluid beyond of cells. Frequently this medical condition does not develop any symptoms. But, fainting, nausea and slow, weak or irregular pulse are believed to be common symptoms of hyperkalemia.

No doubt, potassium plays a key role in maintaining a normal heart rhythm, but hyperkalemia may prove dangerous and may result in irregular heart rhythms. Studies have shown that hyperkalemia is responsible for heart blockage, bradycardia (sluggish heart rate), ventricular fibrillation or ventricular tachycardia. Ventricular fibrillation and ventricular tachycardia, both are extremely dangerous and give rise to cardiac arrest. Dizziness, angina (chest pain), shortness of breath, palpitations and unusually rapid heart rate are common symptoms of ventricular fibrillation and ventricular tachycardia condition. If you go through any of these common signs, immediately contact health care professional.

Studies have shown that intravenous calcium is provided to people who are suffering from severe hyperkalemia with the aim of to neutralize the consequences of potassium. Even, glucose or insulin is also offered to assist cut down the potassium level. If hyperkalemia is occurred because of improper functioning of kidneys, see your doctor immediately. Alteration in medications and diet are mandatory to overcome the disease at earliest.

Though there are numerous health benefits of potassium, but it is not suggested for people having kidney problems. For individual daily 4700 mg potassium is recommended. So, obtain this recommended amount by including different fruits and veggies in your daily diet, because they help you to get more than enough amount of potassium.

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