People face various twists and turns in the life, but pregnancy is the stage where women happily accept the difficulties since; it brings a great alteration in the journey of the life. Pregnancy is the main part of each woman’s life, and every woman waits for this happy moment. At this particular stage of life, women need to take lots of care; to maintain a healthy pregnancy. You will get much guidance from your friends, family, relatives and husband, but it’s on you whether you follow that guidance or not. A various questions arise at this level as like what to do? What to eat? How to manage?  Here is some of the guidance listed below to maintain healthy pregnancy.


Many of the pregnant women have got affected by emotional stress. Anxiety gives a very bad impact to the developing baby in the womb. Irritation, stress, emotions and family disputes may cause miscarriage of the baby. It may also result in low weight of the baby during birth. However, some studies had indicated that the CRH (corticotrophin-releasing hormone) a type of mast cell; which avert the creation of membranes, to grow the fetus and damages the placenta that feeds the fetus, to develop. This perhaps creates various respiratory disorders in the baby, which comes to know after the birth of the baby. According to the doctor’s suggestion, a pregnant woman should avoid stress to prevent her baby development.

    Environmental affects

Stay away from pesticides, chemical products, and high radiation of the sun; this may be harmful for you and your baby. The harmful environment also includes like air pollution, noise pollution, dust pollution, etc. Try to stay from such pollution since it may give you many dangerous diseases, which indirectly affect your developing baby.

  Effects of  smoking  during pregnancy

Give up, the habit of smoking in pregnancy since it affects the growth of the baby. The study has proven that the smoking during the pregnancy; increases the risk of various defects in the baby. Miscarriages, premature delivery, slow growth, etc. could take place through smoking during pregnancy. Hence, to safe your baby, and to maintain healthy pregnancy avoid the habit of smoking.

  Give up the habit of alcohol during pregnancy

Alcohol is another example for unhealthy pregnancy. Drinking alcohol during pregnancy perhaps, spoil the growing organs of the baby. It quickly gets arrive at the developing baby, by crossing the placenta through blood flow. Blurry vision; problem in the heart, breath and mind, could rise in the baby. To save the lives of your baby give up the habit of alcohol. Alcohol doesn’t mean more than the life of your baby.

   Give up the habit of caffeine during pregnancy

Consuming the product that contains caffeine may be harmful to your baby. Avoid using the coffee, at the stage of pregnancy since it increases the risk of miscarriage. However, in pregnancy rest is really necessary. Coffee affects the sleeping habit, headaches and irritation. Don’t be so habitual in consuming the coffee daily, 1 cup is sufficient to make your mind, but during pregnancy avoid drinking.


Performing normal exercise, during pregnancy may develop a healthy baby’s growth. It also promotes the flow of blood circulation, in the body. It reduces stress level; develop healthy bones and improve immune system. Don’t practice the heavy exercise since it may increase the chances of miscarriage. A short walk and yoga would be beneficial for normal delivery.

    Keep consulting the doctor

Keep consulting the doctor and give regular check up. This would assist you to maintain a healthy pregnancy. If you are facing any of the problems like swelling in the leg, weakness and constant giddiness, do consult the doctor for the best advice.

    Sleep well  in pregnancy

Reduce the level of fatigue and give complete relax to the body. At the stage of pregnancy, a plenty of sleep is really required. This assists to maintain a healthy immune system; proper nervous system and calm mind. Mostly it reduces the stress and irritation, which is actually not good for the baby.

Avoid traveling unnecessarily

Avoid traveling unnecessarily during pregnancy since it might imbalance the movement, and postures of the developing baby. Prefer to move out if it is urgently required, otherwise be at home and give safety to your baby.

    Work stress

Now a day mostly, it has been acknowledged that ladies prefer to go offices, even in the condition of pregnancy. According to the doctor’s point of view, going offices initially for 4-6 months is fine, but taking precaution does matters. It may happen that you may undergo with any of the undesired incidents. The stress of the work pressure may affect your pregnancy. Lacking of diet may be possible.

    Avoid sexual relations

According to the doctor’s perception undergoing sexual relationship during pregnancy surely increases the chances of miscarriage. It may also be dangerous for the life of the women and the baby both.

    Drink plenty of water

Drinking plenty of fluid and water during pregnancy develops the baby healthier, and decreases the chances of unhealthy pregnancy. The fluid or water rapidly reaches, to the fetus through blood and provide energy. Drinking 4 liters of water daily; would be more beneficial for the pregnant women.

    Uphold the habit of a healthy diet

Uphold the habit of a healthy diet during pregnancy. Your diet must include minerals, vitamins, nutrients and proteins. It would assist to give normal birth to the baby; improves the growth and health of the baby, and minimizes the chances of defects in the baby. Proper diet reduces the complication of pregnancy like fatigue, nausea, etc. sweet potatoes, eggs, milk, salmon, whole grains, walnuts, green leafy vegetables, lean meats, yogurt, etc. are some of the best foodstuff that should be consumed to maintain a healthy pregnancy.

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