A Woman found carrying a weak health comparing, to the men. They need a regular health brush up to keep themselves healthy and active. There are various complicated stages in a woman’s life, which they need, to go through it. Certain complication leads to stress, irritation and disturbance in women mind. Women stood a most bearing human being; since, they tend to tolerate menstrual pain, pregnancy pain and many other difficulties. Women are found more active; since, they manage both outside and inside work. In certain hectic and busy schedule most of the women fail to take care, of their health. Ignorance of small difficulties exists in many women; they tend to ignore small problems as like headache, hand pain, back pain, stomach ache, etc. A persistent ignorance of certain difficulties may lead to severe problem. Hence, it’s an advised for the women to consult the doctor for even a minor problem. Well, if I talk about small problem; it doesn’t mean a small sneeze or something, but in fact a persistent health complication, which you always face in an alternative week or month.

As far as the research is concerned, women are found more at risk of cancers and several health disorders. Hence, doctor advice that women must not ignore a minor complication; they must go for the check up to know the exact fact, of the difficulties. One must maintain a regular check up, to keep the difficulties at bay. Sometimes, a hectic schedule fails the women to take complete rest this leads to headache, body pain, fever, etc. After, getting a sufficient sleep such condition may gent mend? In short, most of the health complications arise due to lack of sleep; such health disorder doesn’t require any treatment. Most of the problem in women arises due to continue work, tiredness, lack of rest, etc.  An enough sleep is really stood mandatory for the women to get active, healthy and flexible body. In short, I would say a sufficient sleep is the medicine of many health disorders. Besides this, if a woman faces certain chronic pain or complication over the particular area such as vagina, breast, stomach, etc. then they must consult the doctor instead of ignoring it; since, certain complication indicates some severe health disorder, which may further become a barrier, for the life. Here, are the lists of certain conditions, which commonly faces by every woman. In stage of certain conditions, one need to take extreme care and should seek the help, of the doctor. Well, I think you are the better doctor; since, you know better about the condition of your health than the doctor. Let’s see certain indications, which should not be ignored by the women.

Menstrual cycle

The menstrual cycle is the most common stage of every woman’s life. This comprises bleeding for at least one week. Sometimes, an excessive bleeding may need a doctor’s help; since, it may indicate some incorrect internal health issue. A menstrual cycle comprises a stomach pain, fever, body pain, etc. these are not a biggest concern; since, everyone faces this complication. The hormonal changes, endometriosis, etc. are quite adjustment complication faces during the monthly menstrual cycle. Well, the occurrence of bleeding after menopause and during sex may comprise a pelvic pain, which indicates a doctor’s help. Excessive Vaginal discharge, stinking smell and changes in the color of the discharge are some symptoms of severe vaginal disorders.  Sometimes, the heavy bleeding occurs due to thick uterine lining. Ectopic pregnancy, fibroid tumor and ovarian cysts stood an additional factor responsible for excessive bleeding. So, one need to go for the check up in certain complicated situation.

Lump over the chest  

A formation of lump over the chest found another complicated issue, which a woman must not ignore. Since this lumps leads to tumor formation and results breast cancer. In case of minor breast pain, seek the help of the doctor to know the fact.  The Lump may be painful or painless, but in case if you will found any hard solid stuff over the breast, then do not wait for its natural cure, just consult the doctor to get treated.

Chronic fatigue

Sometimes, chronic fatigue indicates the disorder of diarrhea, diabetes, thyroid, unhealthy immune system, etc. so, I think people who get exhausted soon must go to the doctor to know the reason.

Secretion of blood in the stool

A rectal cancer has become common in women found 3rd most affected cancer. If, a woman notices unusual bleeding or secretion of bleeding in the stool, must immediately report to the doctor; since this may partially indicate certain cancer formation.

Stomach disorders

In case you face certain stomach disorders called bloating, pain, constipation, improper digestion, etc. may consult the doctor soon; since, such complication indicates the problem of appendicitis, tumor, ulcer, etc.

Persistent headache

A persistent headache has become a common issue found in women; since, they work whole time and fail to get complete rest. A lack of sleep is the leading factor, to cause persistent headache problems. This condition may enhance the risk of stroke or brain tumor. So, in case if you are suffering from chronic head pain issue, then do consult the doctor before its getting serious.

Instant weight loss

Instant weight loss may be another reason, which indicates certain dangerous health disorders. A sudden weight loss may cause due to tuberculosis, cancer, HIV, etc. A woman, who got an issue of sudden weight loss, must consult the doctor to get treated well.

Sexual pain

Most of the women face pain while getting into sexual relation. Sometimes, they fail to share this to the partner. No matter, but such ignorance, may bring this problem in most complicated stage. It may lead to cervical cancer or vaginal complication. Your toleration might take you at the risk; so, better you get shared this with your family doctor to get rid of it.

Pregnancy pain

Pregnancy pain is another serious issue, which signs fetus loss or any other complication. I think women must take extreme care during pregnancy and in case of any difficulties one must consult the doctor immediately.

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