Vitamin C carries an immense benefit for the health; since it works as a great detoxifier. It has been scientifically proven that each human being should intake a moderate amount of vitamin C daily, to get prevented from many health disorders. Since the body cannot preserve the level of vitamin C in the tissues; hence, one needs to intake it daily, to maintain the formation of collagen. Collagen is nothing, but a protein, which assists to maintain ligaments, tendons, blood vessels, healthy skin and organs. Vitamin C is required to mend and to develop the tissues, of the body. It helps to soak up the iron level from the diet we consume, and support to improve the immune system, so that body can hardly get chances of infection. Further, fruits and vegetables are found rich in vitamin C. People should add such stuffs in their daily diet, to stabilize the presence of vitamin C, in the body. Fruits like grapes, kiwi, orange, pineapple, mango, strawberries, tomato, broccoli, spinach, red and green pepper, etc. are termed as citrus fruits and vegetables that hold a great amount of vitamin C. The level of vitamin C decreases, due to its cooking and long-term preservation. According, to the studies an adult should intake 100 mg of vitamin C daily, and a breast feeding women should intake 120 mg of vitamin C daily? However, insufficiency of vitamin C is found very rarely; since almost all food contains good amount of vitamin C. It has been noticed that a person who hold the habit of smoking are found less absorption of vitamin C and face higher deficiency of it.

Some of the deficiency of vitamin C indicates.

• Swelling and bleeding of gums.

• Rough, itching, irritating skin.

• Difficulty in healing the wounds and nose bleeding.

• Rough, dry, dull, damaged and split hairs.

• Keep the body dehydrated and destabilize the temperature, of the body.

• Stroke, cancer, osteoporosis, arthritis, heart attacks, high blood pressure, kidney stone, improper digestive system, urinary infections, etc. can be occurred due, to insufficiency of vitamin C intake.

However, some of the benefits of consuming vitamin C for the health are listed below.

• Improves the blood vessels

Consuming sufficient level of Vitamin C daily improves blood vessels and found a supportive, to keep away from certain ailments called chest pain, heart attacks, high cholesterol, atherosclerosis, blockages of heart, etc. Vitamin C makes the blood quite thin, and prevent from blood vessel blockage.

• Reduces weight
The presence of Vitamin C in fruits and vegetables is found supportive, to reduce the weight and to burn the fats. Since vitamin C intake reduces the fats and cholesterol level; that results reduction in weight. People can add vitamin C in their daily diet, to get stabilized weight. It’s a great option for the obese and overweight people.

• Protect from cancers
A Vitamin C antioxidant component, save the cells from getting spoiled, and reduces the risk of cancers. A person consuming sufficient amounts of vitamin C daily are found less likely, to face cancers of mouth, throat, colon, lung, stomach, etc. Vitamin C is also found helpful, to redevelop the level of vitamin E that is another antioxidant property, which assists to fight from free radicals, and prevent the normal cell, from getting damaged.

• Keep good immune system
Vitamin C intake guards the body from diseases and promotes healthy teeth, bones, and organs of the body. It assists to mend the injury soon and prevent from many other, viral, bacterial attacks. It also assists, to develop collagen (protein) in the tissue. It minimizes the chances of plaque, strokes, kidney stones, etc. further; the deficiency of vitamin C may lead to asthma problems. A sufficient consumption of vitamin C reduces the histamine formation, in the body that causes swelling. Hence, its daily consumption helps, to promote healthy and strong immune system.

• Stress relief
People should add vitamin C food daily in their diet; since it works as a great mood and energy booster. Its desired intake daily reduces the stress, and stabilizes the blood pressure level. A reduction in blood pressure means less chance of heart attacks, strokes, and many other cardiovascular related problems. Vitamin C helps minimize the hormone and cortisol level, to make the body relax and stress free. It assists to stabilize the body temperature and helps in the formation of dopamine in the nervous system. It also deals great, to improve the metabolic system.

• Prevent from eye disorders
An insufficient consumption of vitamins C may lead to cataracts and many other eye disorders. Vitamin C should be consumed by every human being; since it solves the problem of dryness, itchiness, and sore eyes. Its proper intake improves the vision of the eyes and prevent from blindness. Vitamin C improves the flow of blood towards the eyes and solves the problem of cataracts. Vitamin C is a great source, to maintain healthy eyesight. People consuming sufficient level of vitamin C are less likely, to face any eye disorders.

• Good for diabetes patient
Vitamin C is good for diabetes patient; since it minimizes the sugar level of the blood and stabilizes the insulin formation. A diabetes suffers can add vitamin C in their daily diet, to balance their sugar level naturally.

• Good for skin
Healthy skin is one of the great benefits of vitamin C. it works like a superior skin care products; since its presence prevent the skin from ultraviolet rays, and many other skin disorders. It assists to develop elasticity, and texture of the skin. The presence of adequate vitamin C level in the body helps, to heal the injuries faster and promote healthy and shiny skin.

• Good for hair
Vitamin C helps to regulate the flow of blood towards the organ and the scalp of the hair which results healthy, strong, and long hair. An adequate consumption of vitamin C reduces the problem of hair fall and dandruff.



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