Hair fall in women often carries great emotional distress due to aesthetic and cosmetic concerns. There are several reasons like lack of nutrients in diet, hormonal imbalance, traumatic condition and person’s genetics is linked with hair loss in women. Lack of endocrine hormone is leading reason behind occurrence of hair fall in women.


  • Stressful events:-

Usually the strand of hair gets finishes its process in three phases. The growing stage refereed as anagen, while resting stage is termed as catagen and last one shading off is known by theologians. Stressful situation is one of the leading reasons behind occurrence of hair loss in women. The list of such stressful conditions includes major surgery, excessive stress, a severe infection, childbirth and so on.

  • Some drastic hair styles:-

Tight hair style like cornrows, hair extensions, braids, ponytails often enhances risk of hair fall in women. Over a long century, one kind of localized trauma is formed on hair follicles, which eventually contributes to hair fall. In medical language, this kind of hair loss is termed as traction alopecia.

  • Dihydroxytestosterone:-

As like men’s, women’s also produces testosterone, male sex hormone in small amount. One enzyme named as type ǁ 5-alpha reductase is responsible for converting testosterone into dihydrotestosterone (DHT). Huge level of DHT consequently attaches to hair follicles present in scalp and lead them to shrink. Due to this, for hair to survive becomes also difficult. According to studies, even low level of DHT also result hair loss in women. Androgentic alopecia is called as for occurrence of such type of hair loss.

  • Certain medications:-

There are numerous medications that contribute to development of hair loss in women. Among several of them drugs like excess dose of vitamins, diet pill, contraceptive pill, oral contraceptive rich in progesterone, cocaine, thyroid drugs, medicines that lowers lipid’s level, medicines use for controlling hypertension like Inderal, Anti-coagulants such as heparin and warfarin, seizure drugs like dilantin, Mood altering medications such as Lithium and Prozac, Anti-inflammatory medicines like prednisone and diuretics are most commonly observe medications affects female hair loss.

  • Genetic predisposition:-

Heredity plays a dominant role in development of this condition. Some women acquire the genes that lead to hair loss from their family. As a result study of family history may prove beneficial for you to come to know the exact cause that result in this condition. Keep in mind in case if any nearest family member is suffering from baldness or patchy hair loss, and then you are also more likely to suffer from this condition.

  • Auto-immune disorders:-

One auto-immune disease referred as systemic lupus erythematosus induces inflammation of several organs of body. Skin eruptions on face, hands and neck, fever and hair loss are some main symptoms linked with this condition. This disease mostly take place among women belong to 20-50 years of age. Heredity is known to be one leading risk factor behind development of condition called systemic lupus erythematosus.


The problem of hair loss is rising at a great speed in women across the world. However, there is numerous treatment options are available to cope with such unpleasant problem. Therefore follow below listed tips carefully and overcome hair loss problem efficiently.

  • Take hair care:-

The first and most important tip is take proper hair care to keep hair loss at bay. Put limit on use of hair straighteners, hair irons, and excess use of hair curlers, harmful hair products and hair dyes. If possible say no to certain harmful hair care products as hair care products damages your hair and takes you at risk of hair loss. Remember, taking good hair care is prime necessity of women suffering from hair loss.

  • Calcium rich diet:-

Calcium rich diet is not just necessary for strengthening bones and teeth but is it is equally necessary for getting long and shiny hair. The root of hair become stronger if you body is acquiring adequate amount of calcium from daily diet. Therefore try maximum to increase calcium intake and enjoy long, shiny hair.

  • Use soft Shampoo:-

Hair loss is also depends on the kind of shampoo that you are using. Therefore, one should stay away from shampoos that are extremely strong and harsh. It would better if you use lighter and softer shampoos. Constant use of hair dryer and prolonged use of caps contributes to development of hair loss. Avoid excess use of these completely and keep hair loss at bay.

  • Avoid stress:-

There is a close link between stress and hormonal imbalance which stimulates hair fall. Try to indulge in relaxation techniques like aromatherapy, meditation and yoga as these are popular stress relief techniques. Utilizing special essential oils in massage therapy ensures hair growth. If possible make use of oils like lavender, grapefruit, jojoba, rosemary for alleviating stress. Massaging the scalp with these oils works wonderfully and promotes hair growth.

  • Incorporate healthy diet:-

If your diet is not meeting your goal of achieving healthy and thick hair, then make changes in your dietary habits. Take a diet rich in iron, zinc, calcium, vitamin A, B and E as this diet encourages hair growth significantly. Take nutritional supplements after taking consent of expert health care provider. Though nutritional supplements assists to fulfill nutritional deficiencies, but sometime may prove harmful if taken in large quantity. Hence, to avoid overdose take it under proper medical guidance.

  • Alopecia Areta:-

A woman suffering medical condition called Alopecia Areata should follow remedies like topical immunotherapy, Anthralin, or glucocorticoids to get rid of this condition. Your physician may conduct the appropriate treatment depending on the age and severity of problem of individual suffering from this condition.

  • Braiding:-

Most of women have the habit of stretching hair tightly, which is one common cause lead to hair loss. But it can be easily avoided, If you avoid it may prove more beneficial.

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