The condition of enlarged heart takes place due to weakening of heart muscle and is also known by another name called cardiomegaly. To supply enough amounts of blood and oxygen to all parts of body is prime function of heart muscle. Heart muscle carries excessive amount of load since it does the work of supplying around 2000 gallons of blood every day. In some cases due to some reasons if it gets damage or weak, it needs to take lots of effort to provide blood flow to entire body. In such a condition, if it fails to carry out its all task properly, then the possibilities of heart muscles become enlarged increases. Difficulty in breathing, dizziness, cough, chest pain and irregular heartbeat are some commonly observe symptoms of enlarged heart.


Usually the heart becomes enlarged temporary when body is under extreme stressed condition. Besides that you may even observe enlarge heart soon after performing heavy exercising. But in all the condition after some period heart gets back to normal condition. The medical condition of enlarged heart is common during pregnancy and it returns to normal after baby delivery. Do not ignore enlarged heart condition as it is chronic heart disorder and issue of concern. Some common health disorders that contribute to enlarged heart are listed below:

  • Hypertension:-

One of the leading reason behind enlarged heart is uncontrolled hypertension. Due to high blood pressure heart finds difficult to supply blood throughout the body, which further contributes to thickening and stiffening of heart muscle.

  • Heart attack:-

This heart disorders also referred as myocardial infarction. Basically heart attack occurs because of blockage the part of heart fails to obtain sufficient amount of blood supply. Development of blood clots in coronary arteries is responsible for occurring of this condition. Due to lack of blood supply, a section of heart gets damaged and this damage result in death of heart muscle and further contributes to cardiomegaly.

  • Arrhythmia:-

This medical condition is one form of irregular heartbeats. There are different types of arrhythmias, first one is tachycardia: where heartbeats are fast, second one is bradycardias: where heartbeats are slow and last one is irregular in which heartbeats are uneven. The capability of heart to supply blood changes according to the rate at which it beats. Pressure on heart coming from arrhythmia heart disorder leads to enlarged heart.

  • Cardiomyopathy:-

Muscle of heart becomes weak in this health disorder and results in enlargement. In short, damage in function and structure of heart even contributes to heart failure.

  • Coronary heart disease:-

This disease is major culprit behind occurrence of many deaths in United States. Coronary arteries are essential for providing blood to heart. But, when arteries become narrow, the possibilities of formation of cholesterol increases in them. In fact, due to narrowing of arteries, blood supply to heart gets decrease considerably. Therefore because of over pressure finally leads to enlarged heart.

  • Anemia:-

It is one blood disorders where there is lack of healthy red blood cells in the body. These cells play a crucial role in providing adequate amount of oxygen throughout the body. Keep in mind, insufficient amount of red blood cells in the body means decrease supply of oxygen in body. Heart requires enough amount of oxygen to ensure smooth functioning. If this chronic health disorder is not treated on time, the chances of size of heart increased significantly.

  • Hyperthyroidism and Hypothyroidism:-

Thyroid gland present in throat plays a key role in secreting thyroid hormones. In condition of Hyperthyroidism, this gland secretes in large quantity. On the other hand, in hypothyroidism the gland fails to produce enough amount of the hormone. Thyroid is essential for the body to ensure proper functioning of metabolism and muscle as well including heart muscles. In fact, any disorder in this hormone leads to the cardiomegaly condition.

  • Cocaine or alcohol abuse:-

Intake of cocaine, alcohol and crack are biggest enemies of cardiomegaly disease. These harmful substances badly affect cardiovascular system of the body and take you at risk chronic illnesses like high blood pressure and arrhythmia. Further, both severe heart disorders raise size of heart.

  • Hemochromatosis:-

In this particular disorder body absorbs huge amount of iron, which result in buildup of iron in several parts including important organ like heart. According to expert, this health disorder can be of either acquired or genetic. The formation of iron in the heart indicates impaired functioning as well as enlargement.

  • Heart valve disease:-

Generally heart holds 4 valves and is located at exit of each of four chambers. These valves are necessary to make sure that blood is flowing only in one direction. This is essential to ward of problems like overflow which contributes to backward leakage. If you notice any damage in any of 4 valves means you are at a risk of heart valve disease. Once the blood flow gets affected then possibilities of heart to become enlarge raises. Other medical conditions like heart attack, rheumatic fever and heart infection are responsible for developing this heart disorder.

  • Congenital heart defects:-

Congenital heart defects are those which found in heart from birth time. The types of congenital heart defects are endless which badly affects ventricles, septum and valves. The defect in the anatomy of heart takes lots of efforts to o cope with blood supply and consequently leads to enlargement.

  • Other risk factors:-

Other risk factors like kidney disease, HIV infection, nutritional deficiencies, lung diseases and viral infection are common causes associated with risk of developing enlarged heart. Besides these, even intake of certain medication and supplements are also result in developing this condition.

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