Long and healthy hair plays a crucial in enhancing beauty of every woman. There is no doubt; every woman craves for long, healthy and shiny hair. A well balanced diet is must to have beautiful and long hair. Hair growth generally depends on basic factors like diet, age, living habits, weather and overall health. Excessive stress is biggest enemy of poor hair growth in women. To get long and thicker hair you need to take lots of hair care. Without proper hair care your dream of long hair may not accomplish. Remember one important fact that not all types of hair can grow long. So, it would be better if women with fine, thin and damaged hair, keep hair at medium length only. Those who are looking for healthy hair follow below mentioned hair care tips and enjoy healthy, long hair.


  • In order to get long, shiny and thicker you must stick to protein rich diet as this diet promotes hair growth significantly. Keep in mind that the diet which contains abundant source of saturated fat slows down hair growth. For achieving your dream of long hair you must include foods like yogurt, almonds, milk, cashews and eggs in your daily diet. Since, they holds huge amount of protein and low fat. In short, a well balanced diet is must because lack of vitamin and mineral may also affect scalp and hair growth. Therefore, try maximum to incorporate healthy balanced diet than only protein rich diet. Spinach, beef, yogurt and fish are great example of all mineral, vitamins and proteins and are proven extremely beneficial in hair growth.
  • Adequate amount of nutrition is vital for hair growth. Hence, give priority for hair massage. Do not forget to massage hair for at least twice in week. Massaging hair with essential oil give nutrition and strength for hair to grow long. In addition, blood flow to scalp also increases, which in turn helps in getting long hair.
  • Clean hair is basic necessity of having healthy long hair. Though hair look better after washing but avoid washing daily as it leaves hair dry and brittle. Therefore avoid washing more than thrice in a week. Make use of cold or normal water while washing hair and do not use hot water as it makes your hair dry and frizzy. Make sure you are not making excess use of shampoo while rinsing.
  • Conditioning hair is most essential step for getting long hair.  Most beneficial thing of conditioning that it prevents dryness and even protects from pollution and dirt to a great extent. Therefore if you are skipping conditioner means you are doing biggest mistake. Women with deep, too much brittle hair are recommended deep conditioning once in a week. Do not use that hair pack which does not suits your hair. Once you apply hair pack on your hair then tie hair properly with hot towel. This method helps significantly in clearing pores and assures best absorption of nutrients.
  • While combing hair it is must to use broad toothed combs because opting inappropriate comb increases chances of split ends and breakage. Therefore comb hair properly and do not pull them carelessly because it contributes to brittle and breakage hair.
  • Trimming hair is also necessary in order to remove the split ends. Because of split ends the growth of hair is just impossible. Therefore give priority to trimming hair as much as necessary and enjoy long and thicker hair.
  • Exercise plays a dominant role in improving blood circulation throughout body including scalp as well. Once your scalp and hair follicles obtains sufficient amount of blood and nutrients, the way of hair growth becomes easy.
  • Make maximum use of vitamin E oil as from long years it is has proven extremely good for hair. Either you can individually use it or can mix with coconut oil.
  • Shampoos, conditioners and other styling products are packed with chemicals and have adverse effects on your hair in long period. Theirs formation and prolonged exposure is just bad for overall health. So, try maximum to adopt more natural and herbal hair care products. Make sure you are using mild shampoos and conditioners. Stay away from chemicals hair treatment.
  • Along with several other tips daily sufficient intake of water is also essential to obtain long, shiny, thicker and healthy hair. In fact, it is one such important factor that inadequate water consumption badly affects hair growth and overall body as well. As a result drink plenty of water and keep yourself hydrated. Dehydration is responsible behind occurrence of dull, dry and brittle hair. In addition, due to dehydration the problem of hair breakage raises and therefore consequently hair loss takes place. Hence, to stay away from dehydration drinks 8 glasses of water on daily basis and enjoy not only beautiful hair but glowing skin as well. You can even increase fluid intake in form of fruit or vegetable juices. But, give maximum preference to homemade juices and completely exclude other fizzy drinks from your daily regimen.
  • Instated of costly hair care products give preference to using natural remedies as they give desire result instantly without emptying your wallet.
  • Mix properly to one egg, 3 tbsp of castor oil and 1 tbsp of vinegar. After few minutes massage scalp properly with that mixtures and leave the mixture for around 40-45 minutes on scalp and after that rinse hair with cold water.
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