Sexual Dysfunction or Tribulations in Men

It was anticipated, that years ago men believed that growing older and sexual problems are inter-related concept. At least 10 among 100 men have sex related problems. It is alleged that sexual inability is a common part of growing older.  A sexual dysfunction, inability, or problem refers to the difficulty that happens in the course of physical interaction between the couples. It can be the feeling of getting anxious of having physical interaction with the partner or may be loss of interest in sex or else depression and stress. Much physical and medical stipulation can affect desire for, or smooth functioning of sex. Sex desire and function can get affected by numerous health problems like diabetes, coronary disease, hormonal imbalance, chronic disease (liver / kidney failure), alcoholism, smoking or drugs abuse. Many people pause to discuss this topic with others.

 There must be many reasons behind sexual dysfunction or types namely;

  1. Not interest in sex or lack desire to do so
  2. Over/under excitement to have a physical interaction
  3. Suffering from pain during physical course
  4. Interruption of orgasm(point of intensity of emotional excitement)
  5. Insufficient lubrication

At the course of sexual cycle the person may go through the most common sexual crisis like;

  • Erectile problem: an injury of the erectile response. Men are not capable enough to maintain the erection that may be stiff enough to interact (physical). Erectile means capable of being raised to an upward position.
  • Ejaculation problem (premature): Quick ejaculation means an abrupt discharge of fluid. Before the wish/desire or after immediate penetration ejaculation constantly go on prior or upon.
  • Delayed ejaculation:   Man organism chaos
  • Nostalgic ejaculation: Ejaculation in which semen flows up to the urethra towards the bladder instead of to the outside of the body.

Causes of erectile dysfunction:

  • Heart disease
  • High diabetes
  • High cholesterol
  • Coronal disease
  • Arteries disease
  • Obesity
  • High blood pressure
  • Addicted to alcoholism
  • Abuse of tobacco
  • Metabolic syndrome
  • Treatment of prostate cancer
  • Enlargement of prostate

Psychological problem:

  • Depression
  • Stress
  • Anxiety or other mental problem
  • Uneasy/unhappy with the partner
  • Poor communication or rather interaction.

Causes of ejaculation:

  • Extraordinary hormone levels
  • Thyroid problem (specific)
  • Inherited peculiarity
  • Damages of nerve due to certain reason
  • Insufficient brain chemical (neurotransmitters)
  • Abnormal working of ejaculatory system

Psychological problems:

  • Too keen about having sex.
  • Propensity to come across sex in a very early phase.

There is no harm if you discuss this with someone whom you trust whether it may be you friend, doctor, colleague or else your partner. It’s very important to choose the correct way to enlighten your discomfort. It’s better to share this problem or else it could have some severe adverse effects in your happy life. Try to interact with your beloved as much as possible by communicating. Be happy and try to live stress free life, live your office stress in the office and get fully energized and charged when you go home. Take some medical help to overcome such issue or else do meditations like yoga.

This regretful dysfunction can be treated as soon as the need arise. There are many ways instead of single to treat sexual dysfunction it can be nearly controlled. Probably possible remedial treatment serves. Viagra pills are recommended in most of the cases, hormones replacement therapy,clomipramine (a tricyclic antidepressant drugs) for premature ejaculation and prostaglandin for erectile crisis.In addition, many psychological as well as physical and sex therapy are recommended in treatment of this dysfunction, but what you achieve from these treatment will last forever and  you can never erase that  out of your memory. Ejaculation complexity can be resolved by proper treatment. It can be cure in hardly two to three months of course. Acupuncture and homeopathic treatment can also highly recommended considering the force and strength aspects of the disturbance. Man ejaculate prematurely because of many reasons. The reasons may differ from man to man in some it may be due to guilt or fear of doing sex, or it may of drugs that they intake for several physical complications, or may be of emotional tendency of the nerve system or may be of natural impulsiveness. It may depend on each man behavior. Try to maintain or develop a comfort zone between you and your partner in both the sense (physical as well as mental). Don’t force your partner to do things that he/she is not willing to do or not comfortable in doing so it’s very important.  Do not hesitate to share this problem with your doctor; if you’ll not share this with anyone than how will you prevent yourself from it. Do not take pills or drugs that are not known to you but someone have recommended you please consult your doctor before doing so. These tips will definitely help you to improve your capability.

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