Shortness of breath Causes and effective treatment tips

Explain what is shortness of breath?

It is a commonly seen sight for a person suffering from shortness of breath after performing some intense physical exertion. Your chest gets tight and you may find difficulty in getting enough oxygen into your lungs. In some cases breathing may become even more difficult and laborious, one may even experience some sort of pain in the chest.

List some of the common causes of shortness of breath?

A person suffering from shortness of breath is a commonly notice condition in many people in a person who has just ran 100m, and even in the person who are just performed some disproportionate physical exertion and it is referred as dyspnea. It can be defined as a medical condition which is generally unexpected or severe; it requires an immediate medical attention. There are several serious health conditions such as heart attack, asthma attack, heart failure, pneumonia, etc. that may lead to cause shortness of breath.
Other not very serious causes of dyspnea may include pregnancy, stress, respiratory infection, obesity, poor fitness levels, etc. Shortness of breath is not a diseases but a condition, which is easily treatable by knowing it underlined causes with the help of your healthcare provider. Discuss this condition with your doctor ti find dome useful and helpful treatment options.

Effective treatment options to treat shortness of breath;

•    It is important to seek of immediate medical attention in case if you notice any severe complication due to this condition. Especially if you are noticing symptoms such as chills, high fever, irregular heartbeat, difficulty in breathing, etc. Since it can be life-threatening id immediate medical help is not provided. Discuss this condition with your doctor he will be best able to help you treat this disorder fast.

•    It is always adviasable for you to quit smoking and limit the intake of alcohol. Smoking can cause severe damage to your lungs, and can lead you to suffer from serious shortness of breath and various other diseases linked with it. Similarly excessive consumption of alcohol, can also lead to dyspnea.

•    Try to take deep breath whenever you experience serious symptoms of this disorder. Or you can also use oxygen mast after heave exertion; breathing oxygen from an oxygen mask may reduce the severity of dyspnea by providing more oxygen to your body.

•    Take all the prescribed medication, and follow the recommended treatment without making any changes to it.

•    Use must strictly use them if you are suffering from shortness of breath due to asthma, dust allergy, or due to any other disorder. It can reduce inflammation in lungs and will clam dyspnea.

•    Seek for a helpful treatment that will lead to a much healthy and a fit life style.

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